
The International Writers Magazine:Dreamscapes on Jealousy
Gemma Ayres
was love at first sight. The moment I saw him, I knew. He was the
one for me, and we were going to spend the rest of our lives together.
He freed me from the world of take away pizza and repeats of Blind
Date and took me to a place where I was happy all the
time, and never alone. He needed me, and that made me feel special.
No one had ever needed me before. My whole life I had been a sad,
pathetic loser who no one loved. And then he came along. And everything
Its a beautiful
spring morning, and were going for a walk in the park. As were
walking down the street, I notice the lovely pink blossom on the trees,
and think how much brighter the world has become since he entered my
life - and to think, that was just six months ago! Its amazing
how much it has changed, what a different, happier person I have become.
As we are happily strolling along, I suddenly notice a haughty female
striding towards us. Immediately he turns to look at her. She stops,
and looks at him, and in that instant I freeze. I can tell there is
something between them, and I dont like it. The way shes
looking at him - only I can look at him like that! Im the only
one who knows him and understands him. Im the most important person
in his life, he loves me, he needs me, he wants to be with me only.
But in the last two minutes since they met, he hasnt been able
to keep his eyes off her and I am suddenly invisible. Standing here
on the pavement, people walking by, happy and joyful, not even noticing
me or my pain, not caring that my world is crumbling, falling apart
right before my eyes. I feel sick.
Images start flashing through my mind. Me, alone in the flat, gazing
at his picture on the mantelpiece, sniffing and crying, reminiscing
about days when it was just the two of us, and he was loyal and loved
only me. Images of us together - in the park, on the beach, in the garden
at home, just sitting cuddled up on the sofa in the evening
happy memories and dreams of our future are fast evaporating, as she
invades our lives. Suddenly I am pushed to the side - ignored, invisible,
just like I have been my whole life.
No! Im not going to let this happen. I wont let that bitch
steal him from me, I wont lose the best thing in my life, the
only one who ever cared for me and gave me undivided attention and never
ending love. I will not let this happen! Sharply I tug on his lead,
and, ignoring his barks of protest, drag him towards the park.
© Gemma Ayres December 2004
at hotmail.com
Gemma is a Creative Arts Students Portsmouth University
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