The International Writers Magazine: Comment
James Skinner
moons ago, I gave a lecture in Central America on the future growth
of the telecommunications industry. It was the days when fax had
overtaken telex, and the personal computer, known as the IBM PC
was beginning to overtake the typewriter.
But the real breakthrough
was in digital transmission that eventually became the norm displacing
its old rival, the analogous version.It was never more apparent than
in the proliferation of fibre optic cabling throughout the world, both
submarine and overland that permitted an extraordinary increase in both
capacity and speed of the transmission of data. The development of faster
and smaller microprocessors were the final added compliment that allowed
scientists to introduce a plethora of new services never dreamt of a
couple decades earlier. Telephones however, were still connected to
their original umbilical cord, a piece of copper wire that gave them
dial tone and thus access to the outside world.
My thesis for a Masters degree, again several years ago, consisted of
a project to build a telephone system that would eventually cover the
whole planet and reach the most remote parts of the world. I was, at
the time, convinced that apart from water, communications was more important
to the development of the poorest sectors of humanity than anything
else, including electricity. Forget about building roads, bridges or
power grids, I had designed a network of isolated public phone exchanges,
powered by solar power and interconnected by satellite communications
that would allow every human being to be within an hours walk,
or ten minutes donkey ride of a telephone. I even sent a copy to the
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Both were kind enough
to acknowledge my paper. To my surprise, I was proven right. Only a
few weeks ago, The Economists leading report placed the telephone
service at the top of the priority list way above television broadcasting,
as the most important service to benefit the poor nations of the world.
They had however, used the mobile phone as their basic tool. In my dissertation,
I had not counted on this new device and the journals editorial
consisted of the proliferation of millions of todays common little
portable talk machines.
enough, I also presented some time later, a paper on the theory
of cellular phone technology - long before todays ten year
olds were using them to chat with invisible friends or transmit
pictures of their pet turtle crawling along the lawn. I knew all
about the limitations of coverage and the interim legislation on
base station installations to cover congestion as well as antennae
restrictions. |
But the customer
profile of the mobile service user twenty years ago was different. He
was a highly paid Norwegian businessman who walked around the streets
of Oslo with a square block nicknamed the brick dangling
from his side connected by cable to a large handset glued to his head.
Involved in the marketing of international projects for a multinational,
I scoured the planet for developing world licenses in the new and upcoming
telephone services to offer my companys latest version of the
milk carton telephone but never dreamt that it would turn
into one of the most lucrative and fascinated systems of communications
ever developed by mankind. Nevertheless, I still considered myself a
man of vision. That is, until Internet came along. This time I had to
throw in the towel!
Anyone in the telecommunications or the computer industry around the
middle of the eighties never dreamt of the incredible advances that
have taken place since the introduction of a world wide web capable
of connecting people across the globe. The revolution that
has taken place is outstanding. Encyclopaedias are old hat, newspapers
are loosing clients as first hand news can be picked up instantaneously
from anywhere in the world and cell phones have blended into the technology
as an intricate part of the system. They are an Internet navigator,
portable computer, television camera and data communicator all wrapped
into a gadget no larger than a bar of Kit Kat. Amazing!
Yet there is one aspect that has been completely overlooked and that
is quality.
Todays cellular phones are not able to upkeep the standards of
transmission laid down a hundred years ago when Graham Bell with his
instrument together with Almon B. Strowger and his exchange introduced
the first ever fixed wire telephone system in the world. Criteria such
as call set up time, call completion ratio or
noise level percentage all comes to mind when I try to use
these infernal machines to try to talk to someone. During my early days
as an engineering apprentice I had all these parameters drummed into
me as essential to offer first class service to the public. The slightest
bit of crackling heard over a phone link, or the excessive
number of busy tones at the end of a dialling sequence meant
that my designing was flawed and that I would be shown to the corner
of the classroom. The basic audio cycle as it was known had to be reproduced
at the other end exactly as it had originated. Placido Domingos
voice at one end should not sound like Margaret Thatcher at the other
and vice versa.
So why has the quality of a voice connection using a mobile
phone suddenly gone out of the window? Quite simple, nobody really cares
as long as the rest of the services offered on the phones menu
work. If Jane can exchange chat with Jodie, little Johnny
play at Superhero with his Gameboy or Dad tell the boss hes working
on the budget as he is about to tee off on the fourth hole, mobile phones
serve their purpose.
Quantity not quality rules.
© James Skinner. May 10th, 2005.
James a regular at Hackwriters and you can read his other piece this
month here
an historical novel about Argentina
James Skinner on fact & fiction
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