Lifestyles and Success
My Success
Heidi Cogdill
discusses how each individual is responsible for defining
what success means to them.
What's Your Goal?
Many years
ago I was asked how I would define success. Immediately I thought of
someone who had reached a level of fame or wealth. They must be the
example of success - right? Days later the question popped back into
my head and I began to really ponder the idea of success.
I then asked myself if I thought I was successful. I went through my
mental "to do list" and realized I had yet to complete things
I thought I would have done by now and decided I wasnt successful.
But then I realized that there were a lot of things I had accomplished
and that made me feel successful at least when it came to those small
accomplishments. So as a whole was I successful or not?
The Dictionary defines success as, "the accomplishment of what
is desired or aimed at; an achievement." Well based on that definition,
I did have successes because I had reached a few goals. But was I successful
I began to ask everyone I came in contact with whether or not they believed
they were successful. The majority of those I spoke with believed their
success came by living life to its fullest potential. Others said that
success was simply reaching their goals.
Although I was surprised to hear that most felt moderately successful
in their lives, whether other people believed they were or not. I hadnt
thought of that. Could I be successful even though others didnt
view me that way? Jeremiah, a Sales Associate said, "It all depends
on what their perception of success is.
My successes may or not fit into their idea."
The most interesting thing was all the men I talked with said their
professional life was very closely tied to the success of their personal
While the women I spoke with felt their overall success came with happy
relationships and their spiritual self.
Carrie, a secretary said, "I want to succeed in all my goals and
expectations for myself. If I dont, what is the point." Roxanne
a Dog Breeder said, "There may be little successes in life, like
a marathon, but those are what make up the whole you." Overwhelmingly
all said that complete success was impossible to achieve because that
would mean perfection.
By the time I was finished interrogating all those around me, I realized
success was defined by each individual person and that we can never
challenging ourselves to be better. Otherwise weve only succeeded
in giving up.
© Heidi Cogdill Oct 2003
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