The International Writers Magazine: Stonehenge
Loves Druids
Colleen Luxem
Greek and
Roman mythology, Irish sagas, British folklore, Norse tales: At
one point of my life, I devoted hours to studying these stories.
It began with Greek myths in the fourth grade and grew into an
obsession for the tales of old. Most recently, my interests turned
to British and Irish lore, especially covering the tales of the
Druid culture.
Fueled by historical
fantasy like Juliet Marilliers Sevenwaters Trilogy (The Daughter
of the Forest, The Son of the Shadows, and The Child of the Prophecy),
chronicling life in Ireland in the Dark Ages, and Marion Zimmer Bradleys
rendition of Arthurian Legend, The Mists of Avalon, the archaic Druid
culture came to fascinate me. The ancient way of life based on the importance
of our balance with nature has its roots in the British Isles. The most
famous monument associated with this lifestyle is Stonehenge.
Stonehenge, a magnificent landmark, sits just outside Salisbury, England.
Built before the Romans entered Britain in the first century AD, Stonehenges
exact purpose remains unknown. Many historians view it as a type of
calendar; others see it as a "temple." Surrounding Stonehenge
on the encircling hills sit large mounds, the group burial sites of
the Druids, supporting the idea that Stonehenge held religious significance
for the Druids, though its creation date most likely occurred much earlier
than the height of Druid culture in England. Other henges exist throughout
England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, all thought to be connected somehow
with Druid culture.
As soon as I moved to London for a semester, I knew Stonehenge would
make the list as a place I visited more than once. In early March, with
friends visiting from Villanova, I jumped on the train at Waterloo station
and began my journey to Salisbury. The voyage, just under two hours,
twisted through the rolling hills of England. Once in Salisbury, we
took a double-decker bus through the countryside to reach Stonehenge.
The most amazing part of this trip are the huge hills surrounding Stonehenge;
this way, when driving there, the great, ancient monument peaks out
from over the hills to reveal its wonder. I had dreamed of seeing a
monument so mythical ever since I first read the stories of the Greek
Once inside the gated, outdoor museum, I stood dumbstruck by the sheer
size of Stonehenge; I had seen pictures, but they did not do the monument
justice. Stonehenge is immense. I wandered around the stones, listening
to my audio guide (which actually had a ton of interesting information
about the site), simply taking in the presence of such an old landmark.
My excitement rose out of control; everything about Stonehenge is perfect.
After my friends had asked multiple times if I would pose with them
for a picture, as I just continued staring, my friend Misti wisely remarked:
"This is one of the best days of Colleens life; give her
a moment." My own camera proved my love of the monument; I took
over fifty pictures of the stones alone, but, in my defense, from many
different angles.
Each different stopping point on the tour held significance. By standing
in a certain place, one can observe the exact stones the sun rises through
on the Winter and Summer Solstices and the Autumnal and Vernal Equinoxes.
While these points held significance for ancient farmers and their knowledge
of the harvest, they also mark the holidays of the Druids. I visited
Stonehenge on a Thursday the first week of March, sadly missing the
Equinox. The sky was filled with clouds all day and did not allow us
to see where the sun lay compared to the stones.
Though that Thursday overall seemed quiet and the site filled with a
mix of tourists and college students, I did get to see an uncommon occurrence.
My friend, Damian, and I rested just outside the boundary rope taking
more pictures, and I jotted down some thoughts in my journal. After
we had sat for a little while, a young man around our age eased himself
to the ground a few feet away from us. The boy sat cross-legged and
raised his hands to the sky to begin praying. His body shook with convulsions
while the other tourists just walked past him. Damian quickly videotaped
the boy for a moment while I looked on in amazement. Unlike the paintings
of Druids from the dark ages in Great Britain and Ireland where they
dress in long robes with hoods, this boy simply wore jeans, a fleece
coat, and a knit hat. Obviously, Im not completely sure that his
religion was Druidry, but the image still stuck with me seeing a person
worshipping in front of the stones. The stones held some religious meaning
for him, and that was enough for me. I loved seeing Stonehenge continued
as a religious monument for people in England.
A month later, I went back to Stonehenge, this time with friends from
high school. We took the same train from Waterloo to Salisbury and the
same bus to the stones. The familiarity of the trip surprised me; I
knew the way, I expected to see the stones over the hills. The feeling
gave me a connection with the site. This time, however, the boy praying
over the ancient monument was not there, just the typical tourists.
A month after that trip, I left England and returned to the United States.
Stonehenge definitely holds the award for most pictures taken. The visit
signified the completion of a childhood dream to see a great monument
of an old religion, and I know I will return one day to see the great
stones again.
© Colleen Luxem
April 2005
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