The International Writers Magazine: Reality Check
Iraq Papers Part III
The Fancy White House Plan to Spin Victory from This Mess
James Campion
following is the third of five segments tying together the loose
ends of a fantastic load of misinformation, propaganda, media
hype and revisionist history surrounding what is now being erroneously
dubbed the worst war effort in the 229 years of this republic.
This week we dissect
the White Houses recent launching of a 35-page ultra-spin document
called the "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq" and what
it means for the future of this countrys involvement in rebuilding
Iraq and the rapid crippling of the Bush presidency.
Dressing up our Boy President and plopping him before military backdrops
with fixed audiences is getting old. Very old. But its not likely
to stop any time soon, like his war, and the tons of bullshit emanating
from it. So we thought it pertinent to level with you: This "National
Strategy for Victory in Iraq" is tantamount to the Clinton mia
culpa speech of 1998. "Im busted, so now Ill try and
do whatever I can to throw myself at the mercy of the American people
and hope for the best." So there you have it, more of the same,
only worse, because this time instead of a "Oh, hes cheating
on his wife!" we have "Oh, thousands are dead, billions are
spent, and we dont know what the fuck were doing!"
With record lows in approval ratings from the public and a less than
a 50% vote of confidence on the progress of the war, the administration
was forced to come clean with some kind of explanation for things.
Of course, this and two bucks will get you a ride on the subway, other
than that its white noise and pabulum. Its kind of like those
college term papers you whipped together in the final desperate hours
of caffeine and No-Doze abuse when you had nine months to complete it
in the first place. But they went through the trouble of thrashing it
together, so we might as well respectfully mock it.
Lets begin with what the White House has dubbed its Three-Track
Political, Security, and Economic.
means building an Iraqi government, the first portion of which is the
badly formed, but relatively successful constitution and two blood-soaked
elections. Guess what? Theres another on the way! Unfortunately
for those in charge, assassinations, protests, and the odd car bombing
aside there are three extremely divergent cultural and racial groups
that are far from being on the same page. More to the point, the chasm
of hatred is entrenched, and has been for decades. Therefore the present
government represents nothing. How this administration plans on dealing
with this, if at all, is hard to say. Our fingerprints appearing on
the new Iraqi power structure reeks of puppet leadership and may well
add to the heightened levels of anti-American sentiment in a region
already spiked in the red.
is a biggie. While being dumbfounded on the political front, The "National
Strategy for Victory in Iraq" makes a few inroads to explaining
the emergence of an Iraqi Defense Force, including police. However,
the numbers are skewed. And thats being kind. Unkind would be
to say they were made up. Bush heralded this nonsense by telling the
nation and the world that the present Iraq Army is apprised of 120 battalions,
which means 42 to 96 thousand troops. This projection flies in the face
of Pentagon estimates of some 200,000 troops last summer. And anyone
with half a brain and any memory knows the Pentagon is onerously optimistic
about these things. Thats kind. Unkind is to say they lie a lot.
Then there are the generals on the ground, at least those who havent
been sacked for suggesting more troops, who have unanimously estimated
only 30% of the presidents 120 battalions can barely be expected
to back-up our army in maneuvers like the recent Talafar operation Captain
Shoo-Inn broached in his fancy naval speech. Bush announced Iraqi troops
were prominent there. The US Army disagrees, unless a few clean-up militia
types constitutes prominent, and it does not. More than one general
is on record as only admitting to one battalion. Count it: one battalion
ready to defend its post. One out of 120 is not even an acceptable percentage
for the most dutifully sanguine among the presidents supporters.
Another key element of the security issue is a police force, which now
appears to merely be a rogue collection of Shiite militias torturing
and killing Suni citizens by the truckload. And what about the Iraqi
Air Force so vaguely discussed in the handy plan booklet? Roughly two-dozen
planes donated by America and manned by American fighter pilots does
not an Iraqi Air Force make. Again, that would be kind. An unkind assessment
would be that Iraq has no Air Force.
Lets face it folks, according to any independent projection youd
like to Google the present infrastructure of Iraq makes it virtually
impossible to accurately count on any financial solvency. Plainly, its
in big trouble and not likely to get any better. The whole "controlling
the Iraq oil fields to rebuild" idea has more or less gone bye-bye.
Without oil Iraq is a useless pile of sand with murderers a-plenty.
Not a key demographic for industry or anything else beyond booming weapons
Good news is that history tells us leaving countries for dead actually
projects better economically than stuffing them full of Pollyanna. Look
at Germany and Japan, both left in post-war ruins with no prospects
of open enterprise and growth. They are now (after half a century, mind
you) counted as the two most prominent economic powers in the world.
Far better than what weve got going here, and neither are involved
in wars and in massive debt to evil communist regimes or run by neo-con
goofballs with little to no plan on how to fix things, beyond error-laden
book reports and tap-dancing speeches.
Fifty years?
Hope your grandchildren can avoid the draft.
Thats a kind prognostication. Unkind would be, invest in pine
box futures.
© James Campion December 9th 2005
The Executives New Clothes
James Campion- Iraq Papers1
Iraq Papers - Part Two
War & Politics
James Campion
Iragi Papers Part Four here
also Deep Throat and other
stories in our Comment
Legal - the case for drugs
We Want Bolton
Den of Iniquity
GOP Gridlock
Rove - superhero
Castro must Die!
v Pirro
Solutions for Oil Gouging
Tom Delay
the Barricades
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