
Lifestyles: Positive Living and Dating Again
Dating Life (Redux)
life does move onward and we hope upward, but at times very slowly.
Since the last time I wrote, I have parted from my husband of 22.5
years, tried to sell my house, then changed my mind. I have built
a new web site, (with the aid of Stuart Bratton) and tried to meet
new interesting people as two of my best friends have left Canada
to live in Spain. I decided that now that I was single again, in
both mind, body and spirit, I would try my hand at meeting new interesting
So far, I have met single men looking at young single women, or men
far too content with themselves to be looking at anyone at all. So I
decided to look into a dating service. I had met a delightful English
lady of about 58 who was on her third husband, whom she had met through
an online dating service. Her delightful comment was, "Darling
it is easier to get a man than job in this city." I should have
got the dating services name, because the ones that I tried have not
been very successful.
First I tried a service that could not get my sex right. They kept insisting
that I was a man looking for a man. When they did get it right, I can
honestly say that I am not turned on by men wearing Wife beaters
(vest tank tops) nor by a man with a beer in his hand, nor with another
woman on his arm.
So I then hear of this dating service that questions and scrutinises
their clientele fully. Only professionals allowed, completely above
board. I spend two hours there, all the time asking what the price was
to join. When she decided that I could join, I was told it would be
$1600 CND + tax for six dates $3000 for unlimited use. Well they do
have a lot of clientele and maybe there would be someone nice there,
but not on my budget.
So back to online dating? And maybe one day I will be lucky with it?
Well I have also heard of speed dating where you have eight minutes
to meet someone then you change places on to the next. I believe that
you write down the one you would like to see again and they connect
you if that person wants to see you too. Well, a friend of mine did
this and has met some one dishy, so maybe I will give it a try.
I have thought of joining things, no not the gym or church or political
party, but something with exciting lively people who enjoy life and
conversation. Im still looking, it will present itself soon and
I will know when I find it.
I am off to England to visit my mother and family soon, and you never
know, I might meet someone on the plane. I have been bumped before and
it could happen again. Thats the thing, you do not make new friends
by design but mostly be circumstance and fate. Therefore, I will keep
my eyes open my mind clear and my aura positive, and my next best friend
will materialise.
now I am out walking with my beautiful Border collie Kokomo. We
meet people all the time, just not that someone special yet. We
go to coffee bars and socialise with the locals there, so you never
know, somewhere out there beneath the bright blue sky, there is
someone waiting for me and just maybe we will collide.
Have a very positive day.
Positive Thinking = Positive Living
© Sara Towe September 2003
Vancouver B.C ,Canada
positiveliving@telus.net |
further your knowledge in personality understanding just click on to
my web site
Have a very positive day.
Positive Thinking = Positive Living
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