The International Writers Magazine: Reality Check: The Schiavo
James Campion
How The God Fascists Are Trampling On Your Inalienable Rights
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,
prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively,
or to the people. - Amendment X United States Constitution
"I was in the house when the house burned down."
- Warren Zevon
This governments
deconstruction of the Bill of Rights and Constitution since 9/11/01
has been outright oppressive and downright criminal. It has managed
to make a complete mockery of Amendment IV and Amendment I, and now
the 109th Congress has seen fit to ignore Amendment X in a grandstanding
political maneuver so patently absurd it bares serious scrutiny by the
members of this republic.
The Terri Schiavo case is the very reason I repeatedly tell friends
and colleagues to read their constitution. Read it every day. Download
it off the Internet, take it out of the library, buy a hand pocket version
of it, and get to know it well. It is all that stands between you and
government tyranny or the wanton desires of fanatics. And this, my friends
and colleagues, is the age of King George and the God Fascists. The
Enlightenment is in a shambles. Superstition and false morals have invaded
the system like parasitic vermin. Get it in writing, team up the lawyers,
and be willing to fight dirty.
This is no time for outrage or long-winded speeches. This is a time
for reflection and reaction both personal and public. It is time we
put our houses in order, ready our muskets and wait for the hordes to
come charging over the mountain, because they have long begun their
ascent, and it does not look to be abated by law or reason.
Know this: Elections and sedition are for sheep. Wolves earn freedom.
Its time for a serious uprising. The blind audacity of the federal
government to halt its tasks for the will of the people and suspend
the law of the land while the president of the United States rushes
in at the eleventh hour to sign law based on an individual case of state
rights is martial law. Period. The irony is that this is a Republican
run federal government, which claims in its stringent platform to defend
state rights and reduce the powers of the federal government.
While you chew on that one let me take a moment to point out that I
do not agree with the actions of the subjects husband. He doesnt
want to divorce this poor woman, so he demands she starve to death?
This is a murder of convenience. This is not a mercy killing. If someone
is unable to function and has a living will that stipulates they want
to pull the plug, so be it. This is not one of those cases. Also, I
would like to make clear I do not agree with the womans parents
either. By law, and this is why I am so adamant that the denial of basic
civil rights to gay marriage is so egregiously unconstitutional, a spouse
has full and complete rights. This is not negotiable, nor should it
be. But make no mistake; this is a clear case for the states court
system. This is why we have it. Checks and balances. Simple civics.
Look it up. The federal government has three basic functions, uphold
the constitution, protect the borders and deliver the mail. One out
of three is not good enough.
The funny thing is the federal governments failure to protect
the borders on 9/11 has caused it to usurp power and enact crazed laws
all over the joint, from the vague terminology of the Patriot Act to
the loosely translated use of the military. These leans on civil liberties
are not ideological - conservative nor liberal, they are unconstitutional.
They are above the law. Just like congress sticking its nose in Major
League Baseball over drug abuse when dozens of businesses in this country
piss all over the environment, create new and improved toxins for us
to inhale and ingest, openly steal money from stockholders and farm
out manufactured labor to Dickensian work camps all over the Third World.
How about the FCC imposing $500,000 fines for ambiguous indecency standards
while huge foreign conglomerates own 70% of the airwaves and the White
House infiltrates news programming with fully-produced propaganda schlock?
Am I the only one who is incensed at these sanctimonious cretins pointing
fingers and riling up the locals on certain issues, while blatantly
ignoring others? Am I the only sap who gets miffed when shitheels like
Tom Delay run roughshod over the ethics of his office while working
diligently to block an investigation, and then has the unmitigated gall
to stand before the American people and talk about morals as if he invented
Im also not amused at this nonsense about the sanctity of life.
Oh, boy, these phonies cant wait to wave that tattered flag at
you. Then you realize that 40 million Americans are currently denied
health care and their government has done nothing to even investigate
it. They did manage to pass a Medicare bill last year that handed the
pharmaceutical companies a blank check, but that was when morals took
a back seat to Calvin Coolidges axiom that "the business
of America is business". All this noise about Terri Schiavo is
just that, noise. It has no legal merit, and morally it is thorny and
sad. I detest the details as much as the next guy, but she should not
have been a political football for the federal government. This incessant
meddling and horseplay with its power and reach has gone above and beyond
for too many consecutive months to let it stand much longer. And although
I am all for the federal government intervening when an entire race
of people are denied civil rights, it is not for the government to intercede
on the behalf of one person who does not effect the general populace.
Finally, if I may be so bold, it needs to be mentioned that Shiavo was
in this condition because she was a world-class bulimic, resulting in
heart failure and irreversible brain damage. She destroyed herself by
her own free will, kind of like an alcoholic or a junky. And I ask you,
how much of a furor would the Moral God Police be whipping up if this
were a hobo junky from Harlem? I wager none.
Now, lets all hop off the high horse and get back to screwing
up Social Security reform and spending our money like drunken sailors.
Update: Now we await the result of the Terry Schiavo autopsy. Still
it keeps America from thinking about Iraq now doesn't it?
© James Campion
April 2005
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