Dreamscapes Fiction
*Winner of The Dreamscapes Short Story of the Year Award 2003
Helen Weston
settled with tea back at the police station Slights details were
recorded as Fred Slight residing at The Pub, South London, with
Elvis as his next of kin. Although inaccurate and highly suspicious
this information was better than none ...
read 6000 words)
The final corner was dead ahead, just a bit of positioning by sliding
the rear end round for that perfect cut, extra acceleration for the
home straight and then settling dust over the finish line. The race
was in the bag, first place on that podium and a world record gaming
score in mind. Better than Michael Schumacher, better than anything,
better sodding believe that Ferrari taking first place in the final
second, by one thousandth of a second. The alien not having quite adjusted
to sweat glands was completely soaked. Both hearts thumping, pulses
racing and beaten by a student from Sweden. Thats Internet competition
for you, something real race drivers dont have to contend with!
Still pretty excited with a second best world record Earth-calculus
millennium two, lap time and predicting that this record would in fact,
be a challenge to remove. He remembered not to let his new ego take
over. He was also having a little trouble adjusting to the human body.
With all his temperature fluctuations, he was beginning to think he
might be having some sort of menstrual cycle. And how humans can control
egos on an every day basis, truly was amazing, because his ego was forcing
him to be just the best, nothing less was good enough. He genuinely
wanted to take on the whole of the United Kingdom in the biggest race
ever, with the M25 of course being the perfect circuit.
Whilst hurtling through space at precisely the speed of light the alien
remembered to have a late lunch but completely forgot the landing procedure.
Once again his ego had forced him to race so well and far longer than
was necessary! Fortunately he remembered and turned to the control pad.
A big flickering light displayed no driver required, the alien sighed
a huge sigh of relief and noticed a small ray of sun sparkling and dancing
around the inside of the pod. The alien smiled, delighted with his smooth
atmospheric entrance. I think for once I may get the landing right he
thought to himself excitedly. The display area of the control pad was
quite small, a blue light when lit, indicated autopilot enabled, the
green light displaying manual override and the red one which was flashing
displayed the term zuckit meaning, the probability of a crash is extremely
Feeling slightly panicky and noticing a fairly large crystal rolling
about on the floor, the alien quickly placed this into his pocket and
immediately wiped his brow. Being his first visit to Earth, the alien
had decided to choose a male gender. Not out of personal choice, but
because history of this particular planet as the library had stated,
is that the male of the species appears dominant. It has also been fairly
obvious to most of the galaxy, due to the fact that most space exploration
vessels from Earth are so phallic.
With no time to adjust he started emergency landing procedure. He wasnt
too frightened, as he had crashed several times before. But he was a
little nervous because he knew just how funny humans could be, after
digesting information about human behaviour in bite size knowledge biscuits
from intergalactic libraries. Which sounds great in theory but some
biscuits are sweet and others rather bitter. The latter and being the
cautious type eaten most, a whole packet of variety of resentment, which
left a nasty aftertaste for days.
He braced himself and closed his eyes. Feeling fear wasnt much
fun, but was strangely exciting. Possessing a human body was also a
heavy experience, not merely as much fun as the intergalactic library
simulators. He was constantly thirsty, this was partly due to the side
effects of his anti-erection tablet and partly down to a nervous apprehension.
Also, the amount of water required to keep a human feeling healthy made
him feel a little plant like. He decided that if ever on Earth again
for a longer period of time he would firstly opt for smaller sweat glands
and secondly, choose a base closer to the ocean. Just for a little extra
Bang! Shit, daydreaming again! The crash was sudden, as always, but
gentle thanks to the gravity control. The alien banged the side of his
pod out of frustration and wondered if he ever would actually land the
thing one day. He had fortunately landed in the beer garden of a thriving
gay pub, which didnt cause much commotion, because Friday nights
are pretty busy. According to his readings he was in South London approximately
fifty-three metres off target. The barman, who incidentally looked a
lot like Elvis, and always, gave half price cocktails for fancy dress
on a Friday. Was sitting in the garden having his first relaxing break
of the evening, whilst admiring his glorious hanging baskets that the
pod had narrowly missed. There were a few lesbians, dressed as Greeks,
congregating over by the clematis. They briefly acknowledged the crash
but were too engrossed in a lively debate concerning Graham Norton,
Julian Clary and the Parliamentary Election Process. The man trying
to answer a text message on his new mobile phone was quite relieved
by the bizarre interruption. Being nearest to the pod he watched in
amazement as the alien climbed out.
"Nice entrance mate, like your ship, one of Blue Peters better
designs I see!" "Its a pod actually and Im a little
off target". The alien felt the discomfort of embarrassment. "Where
were you heading mate the planetarium". The alien composed himself
with seriousness, as this seemed too damper down the feeling of stupidity.
"I have no schedules to visit the Holborn area, but according to
my calculations I am about fifty three of your metres outside of my
land perimeter". The man looked on sternly and remarked about only
having a laugh as he walked off in a large pair of flippers. The oxygen
tank on his back knocked the cigarette out of a penguins hand, as he
bent down to pick it up he smacked the penguins partner in the elbow
knocking his pint flying into the face of the barman. Whilst all the
commotion and apologising was going on, the alien slipped inside the
pub and found a comfortable seat next to Mussolini. Half naked, with
rope round his ankle, but with a polite manor, he kept advising the
alien to " burn a book a day and keep depression at bay"!
The alien thought that it was rather kind to be concerned about his
emotional well being, especially after admitting to reading a Will Self
novel. The alien then enlightened Mussolini to the fact that human fiction
is actually, very popular in the universe. With so many genres, interest
continues to spread across many galaxies.
The décor inside the pub was an intriguing mix of fifties and
seventies era that blended perfectly with the modern fixtures behind
the bar. The sweet dispensers on the wall were a particularly nice touch
and extremely addictive for the aliens instantly adopted sweet tooth.
There was even a picture of the Queen wearing large black Joe Ninety
style glasses. Which was very sweet considering Royalty are supposed
have a social distance. The alien was impressed and felt very comfortable,
the people were friendly and affectionate and made him feel very welcome.
Especially the majority of lesbians who kept winking and whistling at
him. Flattery was a very nice feeling. The barman by this time had taken
the alien under his big Elvis wing and was making up several of his
self-created and famously unpopular cocktails. Strangely they seemed
to taste better the more of them that he drank. The Blowjob
was the aliens particular favourite, it was the barmans
speciality as he explained, with all the extra fruit, it really is quite
a mouthful.
The barman and small congregation of locals decided that the alien should
have a name. After a long debate and many blowjobs the alien agreed
to having an Earth' name. After politely pointing out the fact
that humans are the only species in the entire universe that label or
tag beings. All other species have a basic recognition of others, not
a word that is associated with them. The aliens identical twin
analogy didnt go down to well. He tried to explain that with identical
twins we recognise them individually by their personality and other
characteristics rather than their name. Because no two souls are the
same there is no need to name everyone, just say hello instead of hello
Fred etc. So it was decided amidst much confusion to name the alien
Fred. But the alien looked most upset, "surely the other Fred will
be offended"? The barman and several others, tried to explain that
there were many men with this name but the alien thought it was too
unfair and very confusing. So the name Slight was decided
upon. The alien was assured that it was not a known name, and it suited
him because he had a small build. Also Tadgertits may have
been a little offensive, although it did seem very funny at the time.
After much celebration and a small naming ceremony, which comprised
of free nuts, much hugging, kissing and a beer splattered forehead.
The only remaining obstacle was Slights breasts.
A very large built lesbian known as Biff was sprawled across
the opposite side of the bar. She had been totally transfixed on Slights
chest for quite some time. Her eyes were squinting and mouth half open.
She hauled herself into an upright position with support from the bar,
looked at Slight directly and shouted; "Ive always believed
in the possibility of life in the universe but it never occurred to
me that other civilisations might have sex changes"! And with that
bold philosophical statement her eyes rolled back, her neck muscles
seemingly lost the ability to support her head, and she promptly collapsed
face down onto the bar. "Excellent point my friend" stated
the barman and turned to Slight for some illumination on the subject.
"Will she be alright"? Slight seemed anxious and very concerned
but the barman reassured him. "Oh yeh! Shell be fine, too
bloody big to move, now your breasts man, lets have it"! Slight
seemed even more anxious but after a brief explanation of language phrases
he settled back down.
Slight was enjoying all the attention and flattery that he had received
for his breasts but admitted to them being impractical, a bit sweaty
underneath and surprisingly painful if jolted. The reason that he acquired
them was simple. The DNA manipulator crystal used to change his biological
appearance was too accurate. Powered by light, which is pure energy
and working a little like a camera but replicating matter rather than
images. It had incorporated mans unconscious desire for breasts,
being the direct opposite of Freuds penis envy. It is a simple
subconscious desire in the male of the species, to have the power to
sustain human life. After all, Freud did have a subconscious too! The
reaction to Slights explanation was much cheering and clapping. Even
Biff raised her head and said that if Slight was a woman she would marry
him, in fact, she yelled, "fuck it! I will marry him".
After many hugs, kisses and one final blowjob the evening drew to a
close and the last of the remaining regulars left. Except of course
for Biff who had managed to crawl onto the old chesterfield by the window
and had even managed to pull off one boot. After locking up for the
night, the barman covered Biff with a couple of coats, took off her
remaining boot and gestured to Slight to follow him upstairs.
The barmans living area was incredibly untidy and contained more
Elvis paraphernalia than furniture but despite the chaotic appearance,
it did seem remarkably cosy. Two bacon sandwiches and four coffees later
the barman was invited to assist Slights breast removal. The barman
dimmed the lights and put on a compact disc of Elviss Greatest
Hits. Slight had a problem finding the DNA crystal and was starting
to panic. "Im sure I put it in my pocket, I remember putting
in my pocket". The barman who was bemused by the amount of alien
stress, reached over to a small coffee table just in front of Slight
and replied, "is this the pretty rock your after". Slight
was so relieved and felt both hearts beginning to slow down. "I
very nearly had a double coronary". The barman looked confused
"double? A major heart attack is enough for anyone". Slight
was curious to learn that humans only had one heart. After a short discussion
it was decided that Slight would check in the intergalactic libraries
for any evolutionary mishaps. Slight then asked the barman to unbutton
his shirt. The barman stood up promptly and blushed "now my hearts
racing". Slight explained that the procedure was quick and painless
much to the barmans disappointment. Slight gently rubbed the crystal
against the barmans chest and then his own. They both watched
as Slight's breasts slowly disappeared. With Elvis singing Love
Me Tender in the background it was one of the barmans most
sensual and erotic moments of his life. When Slight asked why he was
crying the barman explained that it was a beautiful song that had the
same effect on many humans. He wiped his eyes, lit a cigarette and started
to pace up and down the room. After apologising to an Elvis portrait
he turned to Slight, looked deep into his eyes and said "Actually
Slight, to be truthful, I think I am falling in love with you!"
Slight sat down and lit one of the barmans cigarettes, he immediately
started to choke. The barman quickly fetched a glass of water and rubbed
Slights back with intermittent patting until he recovered. The barman
returned to his chair, lit another cigarette and begged Slight not to
leave. "Actually" stated Slight "I happen to feel extremely
flattered and have become emotionally attached to you". Slight
went on to explain that he shouldnt get involved in any sexual
relations due to the fact that he was specie specifica.
Also much to Elviss surprise, a hybrid pregnancy was in fact,
a possibility for the both of them. He went on to explain that love
was a divine and complex energy, and to have a platonic friendship was
part of that divinity, being highly valued and respected throughout
the universe. He also went on to say that love energy was never wasted
even if it was unrequited. The barman felt a strange but wonderful sense
of inner calmness. He turned to Slight and with a curious expression
and said, "we can never have sex which I understand, but would
you please call me Elvis"?
The following morning Slight woke up to The Jailhouse Rock,
the smell of eggs and bacon and a general party atmosphere. Biff was
cooking breakfast Jamie Oliver Style. Elvis was dancing with perfect
rhythm whilst making a very large pot of tea, and at the same time buttering
a tower of toast. His timing of spreading, pouring and stirring was
a dynamical free flow of perfectly coordinating motion and song. Slight
was impressed and felt the positive human charge lift his weariness.
Biff poured a glass of juice, plonked it on the table, ruffled Slights
hair and asked in a fairly loud voice "did you sleep well cosmic
cousin?" Despite a pain behind his eyes and ache in his head, Slight
was feeling quite euphoric. "I believe nine hours Earth calculus
to be the required necessity of rest to restore the human physical and
mental energies, however I feel adequately revitalised". Elvis
explained that there werent enough hours in the day to sleep long
enough at night. This did confuse Slight but the feeling of hunger was
overriding all of his cognitive mental abilities. He began to think
with more clarity once the breakfast feast arrived. It was the closest
orgasmic experience that Slight would experience on Earth. The hearty
breakfast consisted of, grilled tomatoes, sausages, bacon, scrambled
eggs with garlic and herbs, fried button mushrooms, chips, baked beans,
toast, every condiment imaginable and a pint of tea.
After an orgy of munching, slurping, belching and a surprising onslaught
but explanation of flatulence, Slight sat back in his chair feeling
over full but at the same time completely satisfied. All three were
rubbing their stomachs and nodding at each other and repeating the words
good god. Slight felt that this ritual was strange but seemingly
pleasing on such an occasion. The only logical reason for not having
stopped eating when he felt full was obviously Biffs superb cooking.
Slight was amazed by the expansion ability of human organs but couldnt
understand why Biff didnt cook for a living. She muttered something
about Nancy aprons and bad management as she got up and started to collect
the empty plates. Elvis gestured to Slight not to pursue the conversation
and changed the subject by asking Slight what plans he had, if any,
for the day.
Slight began to explain that his mission here on Earth was to retrieve
and return his grandfathers scarf. Having lent it to a girl called Mary
in the early sixties after accidentally spilling his drink on her dress.
She had used it as a mini wrap in order to travel home on the bus. "Is
it some kind of family heirloom?" enquired Biff who was rather
intrigued. "No its just good space travel conduct". Biff seemed
confused as Slight went on to describe his grandfathers scarf
at great length. The only advice Elvis could offer was the suggestion
to visit the second hand clothes shops in the immediate area and preferably
one that was approximately fifty-three metres from the direction of
the pub. Biff made her excuses and left quite promptly as she hated
clothes shops and didnt want to get dragged into any kind of shopping
exhibition. After offering Slight some money, which Slight refused,
Elvis produced a crumpled map of the London Underground from his wallet
and gave it to Slight. "Better leave your pod in the beer garden,
otherwise youll get a parking ticket", Slight didnt
understand how a vehicle could get fined for being on a road. "How
absurdly unfair?" Elvis sighed and stated quite firmly, that traffic
and parking regulations were the only things stopping him from driving
a Cadillac. Apart from the small cost of insurance, petrol, road tax,
m.o.ts and the tiny fact that he was over the legal limit for
the consumption of alcohol most days of the week. They both agreed there
and then that the UK was categorically vehicle phobic.
Elvis offered to walk with Slight to the nearest tube station but Slight
stated that he was educated and prepared for his adventure and in absolutely,
no need of assistance. Slight then quickly retrieved a strange looking
box from his pod and asked for a bag. The unusual colour wasnt
black but wasnt grey either, it was rather odd aesthetically and
Elvis couldnt decide what shade or colour that it was, his brain
basically couldnt register the colour. He decided that it was
probably an optical illusion and best not to complicate the matter by
asking questions about its appearance. Elvis then produced a plastic
carrier bag rather sheepishly and apologised for not having found the
time to buy a trendy rucksack. Slight looked confused but put the blackish
box inside and wrapped several pieces of strange looking silver tape
around it. "I just need to charge my chakra and I will be ready"
now Elvis looked confused and asked if he needed a power point. Slight
asked for any blue object or material. After a rummage around the pub
Elvis produced a blue handkerchief from his pocket. Slight then rubbed
it all over his throat whilst explaining that it would help with communication.
He then proceeded to explain that the cleverest people on Earth were
not simply retainers of knowledge but excellent communicators. He also
stated that it was no accident that the Cambridge and Oxford university
scarfs both contained an element of blue in colour. He then went
on to say that if most people in the world and all politicians wore
blue scarfs daily the world would in fact decrease in wars. Elvis
was amazed at just how simple some possibilities of world peace could
be but continued despite this new illumination on world affairs to express
his concern for Slight commuting around London alone. " You humans
concern yourselves over things that dont concern you, now where
is this station? " Elvis tried to retain a blank expression but
felt worried and pointed in the direction of the tube station as requested,
they exchanged hugs and Slight promised to be back before it was dark.
The first thing that Slight noticed was the cold, it really was an intolerable
feeling. He felt a strong compulsion to go straight back to the pub,
but decided to head for the tube station to seek shelter at least from
the chilling wind. He couldnt even stop to admire the grand square
buildings even though there were so many. He was surprised how grey
everything seemed, even the roads and pavements were black or dull.
He wondered why colour was so limited in construction and design in
the UK but was too cold to think about anything properly and was having
to use all of his mental powers to prevent himself from crying. Clutching
his bag with numb hands made him realise the concept and importance
of gloves, which he had previously found hilarious in the intergalactic
libraries. The harsh reality of the weather was a painful experience
that was making him feel instantly depressed. Just a few more strides
and he would be there, telling himself this repeatedly was a great motivation,
which helped him to walk faster.
The relief of reaching the tube station was overwhelming, tears were
streaming down his face, he felt so happy that he started to laugh.
He started to run and jump on the spot to warm his limbs and feet, at
the same time trying to warm his hands and get some cash out of his
pocket. It was confusing to see that nobody was talking but Slight just
figured it was due to the temperature. Even the ticket officer was having
problems communicating, but was kind and sold him a special ticket that
was expensive but allowed him to travel on all the tubes and buses until
midnight. Such kindness and bravery during extreme circumstances is
what humans are famous for throughout the universe and Slight had a
feeling of spiritual elevation. He was happy to be acknowledged by the
guard at the turnstile and greeted him with a hug and a few kisses whilst
making some admiring remarks about his uniform. Shocked by his response
and practically thrown through the gates Slight made his way in tears
down the escalator trying desperately to figure out, just how to fuck
off exactly.
Slight pulled himself together by trying to read the map of the London
underground it was so confusing that it worked, his eyes dried up and
he began to feel positive about himself and others again. He was shocked
again however when he discovered that the trains were not big enough
for the people and neither were the platforms. Apologising and pushing
past people for a place to stand seemed to annoy everyone. The air was
so thick that deep breathing was futile but at least it was warm. Slight
noticed that the conditions caused everybody to feel so unhappy that
they couldnt make eye contact with each other. There were many
people dressed in pinstriped uniforms carrying black or brown leather
boxes but none of these people acknowledged each other. It took three
attempts to get on to a train the last attempt being successful due
to Slight being forced forward onto the train by the crush of people
behind him. Slight stood with his face in the chest of a pinstriped
uniform and was held in place by a large bag pushing tightly into his
back. When the train stopped at a station called Camden Town, Slight
got off just to find somewhere to sit as his legs and back were aching
badly. The platform was so busy that there was only a spare seat above
ground by the ticket officers and guards. He sat nervously for
a few minutes until his legs recovered and then quietly walked out into
He didnt kiss or hug anyone or make any remarks about clothing
and colour co-ordination. He just approached and asked a young woman
selling magazines where he could purchase a coat and gloves. He was
pointed in the direction of the market after buying a colourful magazine
entitled The Big Issue.
There were so many shops and it was so busy that Slight decided just
to visit the market. He found it difficult to cope with the amount of
items and products, it was a bombardment to his optical senses and although
colourful and exciting it was all a bit too much to take in. Slight
wondered why people needed so many objects and found walking along the
high street surprisingly stressful. Delighted on seeing the market Slight
jumped with joy and ran straight up to the first stall asking for some
gloves and a coat. He was pointed with a grunt to go further into the
market by a quite miserable man selling a multitude of colourful plastic
cases. Slight muttered something about wasted colour vibes and frozen
charkas and heard the words stupid twat resonating
behind him as he walked away. Another stall holder caught Slights glance
and yelled out "you wanna try Tonys, best coats in London
mate" whilst pointing repeatedly at a clothes stall. Slight offered
to buy one of his wearable calculus but the man explained that he was
just one sandwich short of a picnic and needed to go to a bakery. Slight
thanked him for his kindness and walked towards Tony.
Having so many coats to choose from, Slight stood in front of a tall
mirror while Tony handed him different coats and jackets to try. Explaining
with each garment the superior quality and durability that couldnt
be found elsewhere. Slight found it fascinating that Tony was the only
clothes wholesaler in London that had deliveries that very day. After
purchasing a suitable coat with matching gloves, Slight and Tony found
themselves immersed in a debate about karma and the universal law of
cause and effect. Tony offered a coffee from his flask for a warm up
and said that the caffeine would help Slight battle back to South London
in the cold air. But just before Slight took his first sip a large,
dull green blur knocked him over and snatched his bag off the stall.
Tony helped Slight up and shouted "bag snatched", then Slight
shot off after the thief screaming "bag snatcher" repeatedly.
The thief was dodging and pushing through the crowded market clutching
the bag, he didnt look behind or stop for anything. Slight was
close behind trying desperately to avoid people but bumping into practically
every other stall. It was total chaos until two police officers seemingly
appeared from nowhere. By this time the thief was trying to rip open
the plastic bag whilst running but had to give up out of frustration
throwing the bag over his head. It flew straight into the face of the
closest police officer and knocked him out cold.
After radioing for assistance four more police officers arrived at the
scene. The officer that was hit regained consciousness and asked Slight
"if the fucking Crown Jewels were in his bag?"
Slight felt bewildered and explained that he was only interested in
scarves or fucking scarves and hoped that this would be
of some help for apprehending the villain. Three other officers tried
unsuccessfully to open the plastic bag but were completely baffled and
confused by the tape tightening the more they tried to loosen it. Slight
offered to open his bag, but it was decided to wait until they returned
to the police station. "Are you arresting me for having my bag
snatched?" Slight couldnt help raising his voice and was
feeling quite distressed. One officer tried to calm Slight down and
told him how they werent arresting him they just needed to make
a few inquiries over a nice cup of tea. "After all" the officer
continued, "pick-pockets are two a penny but an unopenable plastic
bag is very rare sir". Slight felt confused and annoyed but had
visions of hot tea and a creeping sensation of tiredness. He followed
the officer calmly and quietly to the police car, wondering about pennies
and their relevance in law.
Once settled with tea back at the police station Slights details were
recorded as Fred Slight residing at The Pub, South London, with Elvis
as his next of kin. Although inaccurate and highly suspicious this information
was better than none and considering Slight had not committed a crime
it was only a matter of procedure. Slight felt refreshed after drinking
his tea and started rubbing his stomach whilst repeating the words good
god and nodding at everyone. Some officers responded by patting
their stomachs and nodding back and others busied themselves with notebook
scribbling and quick nail manicures to avoid having to precipitate.
The bag had circulated round every department within the police station
and returned unopened to the officers dealing with Slight. By this time
curiosity had grown and Slight was asked to open his bag amongst twelve
police officers all crammed inside one tiny interview room. Slight opened
the bag immediately with ease much to everyones astonishment.
He explained that the self sealing gravitational super tape
was personalised so only the possessor could unseal the object that
it was attached to. Many officers clapped and cheered all agreeing that
Slight was a master illusionist that could give David Copperfield a
real run for his money. Slight didnt quite understand but thanked
his audience while still insisting that there was no trickery involved
- just science.
Curiosity then turned to the blackish looking box which Slight described
as a ticket machine or the human equivalent being an automated currency
or text template simulator which he used mainly for work. There was
again much clapping and one officer piped up "oh a magic money
maker, how marvellous". Slight was starting to feel intimidated
and insisted again, that there was no magic involved - just science.
Another officer that was having problems controlling his hysteria, tapped
the box and said, "come on then, make us a tenner! ". Slight
wiped the spit off his face, he was feeling hurt and agitated and replied
in an aggressive manor "its solar and lunar powered, stupid twat,
your fluorescent strip lighting is too pathetic". Slight was offered
another cup of tea if he remained calm and polite. He apologised immediately
and asked if he could leave quite soon as Elvis would be expecting him.
The emphasis had changed from cash to colour and several officers were
debating what shade of grey the box was. In fact, there was no interest
in the gadgets sophisticated and advanced capabilities only the
colour and material that it was made from. Slight felt quite low in
spirit and was disappointed with all of the time wasting and fun making
at his own expense. The final straw was when he was asked about his
work. After giving an exclusive definition of his role and responsibility
as an interstellar space agent the only remaining officer asked whether
it was a well-paid career with a pension scheme.
Slight felt sympathetic towards the officer and explained that the system
was an exchange of duty with no finances involved. Being similar to
the UKs traffic wardens only helping craft in trouble instead
of fining them. He went on to state, that, "space agents are like
your AA service only we get to the crafts much quicker". With that
last statement the officer crumbled into an uncontrollable fit of laughter,
he then staggered from the room and asked his colleagues, if he could
receive any counselling for lunatic trauma.
Slight collected his belongings and walked out of the room demanding
basic alien rights and a police escort to the door. He also complained
about typical human responses towards the unknown, "disregarding
objects that you cannot comprehend is an illogical solution, perhaps
if you were more open-minded your species could evolve at the same rate
as the rest of the universe". He took no notice of the cheers
and clapping from the people waiting in the reception area and upon
leaving he was advised to buy himself a trendy rucksack in order to
stay out of trouble. His reply to this request being " I think
taking the piss is the appropriate phrase". Slight
was so angry that the blast of cold air from outside felt refreshing,
his temperature was still rising as he stomped along muttering obscenities.
After a long walk and the sudden realisation that he was actually lost,
Slight hailed a cab. The driver seemed friendly but Slight just pointed
to the tube station in South London on his crumpled underground map.
He sat in silence, just staring out of the window for the entire duration
of his journey back.
Slight asked the driver to drop him off outside the pub, as he couldnt
face the walk from the tube station. "Ooh! Yes it can get very
bitter here indeed sir", Slight couldnt agree more, and left
the driver a large tip to compensate for any fines. Pleased with the
two hundred and fifty pounds, the driver told Slight with a few more
customers like himself every shift, he could eventually retire to the
Bahamas. Slight suggested the Pleiades as a better retirement option,
he then thanked the driver, jumped out of the cab and waved as he drove
As Slight approached the entrance to the pub, he felt a warm and calming
emotion sweeping over him which immediately relaxed the whole of his
body. It put a smile on his face and brought peace to his mind. It was
a surprisingly similar feeling to the emotional response when approaching
his home planet. Once inside he was greeted by all the locals with kisses,
hugs, handshakes, pats on his shoulders and was also congratulated for
his excellent taste in outdoor wear. Biff and Elvis were particularly
relieved to see him. Elvis came out from behind the bar and hugged Slight
until he had no air at all left in his lungs. After being lifted onto
a bar stool and watched closely for respiratory failure, Elvis asked
Slight what, if anything he could get for him. "I will have one
of your lovely blowjobs please Elvis". The whole pub roared with
laughter and Biff followed with "did you want a packet of cheese
and onion with that?" Slight suddenly realised that he was in fact
ravenous and went on to explain that he had only had two cups of tea
and nearly one coffee all day. Elvis instructed Biff to take over the
bar while he fixed a quick sandwich. Slight stated that a damaged sandwich
would be adequate and promptly received a round of applause as he followed
Elvis upstairs.
After three bacon sandwiches, one pint of coffee and two episodes of
Dr Who, Slight remembered his grandfathers scarf. Just before
he became seriously stressed Elvis reassured Slight that the second
hand clothes shop (approximately fifty three metres away) stayed open
until five thirty. Seeing as it was only four, they still had plenty
of time to watch another episode and squeeze down a good few chocolate
digestives. As it transpired Dr Who is in fact, currently voted to be
the most popular Earth sitcom by all interstellar space agents. Original
episodes or re-runs are highly entertaining and received, depending
on the distance and position of space agents throughout the galaxy.
Slight did however admit to having a fear of all long nosed species
due to the psychological effects from the concept of daleks. He also
stated in an almost hysterical manner that it was a good thing Freud
had lived in a previous time period, otherwise dickhead
could have had an entirely different meaning. Slight then jumped up,
grabbed his coat and gloves and told Elvis he would try to be back before
the next episode. Elvis tried to follow explaining about the conveniences
of video, but it was too late to stop such a cosmic dash.
Approximately six minutes later Slight came bursting into the pub, screaming
in terror, with a scarf flapping around his neck and a massive Afghan
hound, gallivanting enthusiastically behind him. A packet of peanuts
quickly and easily distracted the dog, but Slight by this time had locked
himself inside the female toilet. He was trembling so violently he became
worried that he might eventually start to generate high voltage electricity.
The dog was walked back to the woman in the shop after being given a
drip tray of water. Elvis apologised profusely for not remembering the
local long nosed hound, while passing several blowjobs under the toilet
door unfortunately receiving static shocks with every one. Slight soon
calmed down and came out remarking about the interesting hieroglyphics
scribbled on the cubicle walls. Biff kept the bar running smoothly until
the weekend staff arrived leaving Elvis and Slight time to recover and
relax upstairs.
It turned out that this would be the last evening Slight would stay
as he was due back for space agent duty the following Earth day. He
did however produce a Graceland ticket and some lost deeds
belonging to property in the Holborn area. He instructed Elvis to give
one set of deeds to Biff stating that the Marylebone area would be of
particular interest. After watching two movies, Flaming Star and
Roustabout, Slight retired for an early night while Elvis
booked a cheap flight over the Internet before rejoining the bar.
Slight woke quite late the following morning, he wasnt surprised
to learn that Elvis, had already left the building. He set off to the
airport at the crack of dawn, but had however left a note and his email
address so that Slight could keep in regular contact. Biff thanked him
for the deeds and insisted that Slight didnt start such a journey
with an empty stomach. They agreed on a light lunch after Slight pointed
out a few principles and complexities when travelling at light speed
including some illuminating and hilarious facts about space travel in
general. Biff was intrigued by all the science and felt inspired to
start experimenting in the field of light travel snacking.
By the time lunch was over two hours had sailed by and both Biff and
Slight were now behind schedule. Biff shot off to the cash and carry
with a large order for tinned fruit and Slight wrote a note of thanks
to Elvis, collected his belongings, then quietly nipped out to his pod.
In no time at all Slight was approaching the Earths atmosphere
and pretty smoothly too he felt, apart from narrowly missing a plane
bound for the United States. Before going on-line for a quick orbital
race, and after saluting to the American pilots, Slight felt a strong
urge to regain his natural biological state. Realising that he had left
the DNA crystal behind, he scrabbled about his pod and found a spare
one in the emergency compartment under his seat. Then a sudden thought
placed a huge grin on his still, very human face "Ive a very peculiar
feeling that, Elvis Lives ". Approximately three Earth minutes
later, Slight felt relieved after returning to a natural biological
state. But did wonder what initially caused the DNA manipulator crystal
to develop a large blue breast at the very top of Slights head?
© Helen Weston July 2003
More Fiction
in Dreamscapes
Hackwriters 2000-2003
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