not Aggravation
Sam North
Right now on your
wireless laptop and your phone you can find with one click and the all
important password your whole financial life. Here you will find your
current account, savings, credit cards, on-line investments, mortgage
and your debts. Its a service youd like to have too, right?
Fingertip control of your financial life. Its called aggregation
and over a million people already use this service and software in the
Ericsson inteactive phone prototype too late, too dumb?
But what if
you lose your password or Joe Websnatch grabs it out of the ether. Does
that mean they can start living your life? How do you begin to repair
the damage if this happens?
In the UK the Financial Services Authority thinks that this is the way
of the future but right now they also say that services like these are
not covered by the investment compensation scheme.
In other words, you could easily be screwed big time.
That is one of the
key problems of the future. People sit up nights thinking of great things
to do with your phone and Ibook and then a simple thing like Internet
security can really mess things up. Encryption then is the key to the
next level and safe agglomeration of all your finances. (It might work
better too if we could also think of better words than aggregation or
One can pretty well assume that it is the phone, not your PC that will
become the dominant force in your life. But dont think of the
phone remaining this clunky black object that your Nokia or Motorola
is at the moment. The future is all about have that invisible friend
your parents tried to tell you didnt actually exist. You remember:
Eat your greens,
No Fred wants to eat them.
Who is Fred?
My invisible friend. He likes greens, he wants them.
Fred isnt hungry, you eat them.
Fred says he will eat them later...
Cue exasperated parents.
We are developing
other avenues of communication too. What was impossible only ten years
ago is reality now. Remote communities can have the same advantages
as city people.
In Brothers, Oregon, a small one roomed little red schoolhouse in a
one horse cattle town, has installed Apple Ibooks and the Internet for
all 18 of its students (connected to a fiber-optic cable that happens
to going past the tiny town). Around structured classes, these kids
are learning that there is a whole lot more to the world than exists
in Oregon. How it begs the question, if more remote places and communities
are connected would this negate the need for the young to see the world,
rather letting it come to them? The sure bet is that these kids of cattle
ranching parents will be completely different - maybe a whole lot less
content to stay there. We have ways of creating discontent and this
may be the unforeseen consequences of worldwide access to web information.
Certainly in India, for example, exposure to the web and satellite TV
has created a wave of demand for western cosmetics, food and clothes,
a desire to live the western life that sits very uneasily alongside
Indian culture and moral values. Globalisation is a potent and dangerous
force and the reactions against in Seattle, London, and Washington are
a manifestation of that unease.
Which naturally
leads us to what is happening in Oxford, England.
Oxford University is to open the worlds first Internet Institute.
You can already shop, bank, vote, debate, argue, consult a doctor
or lawyer or get your degree over the net, says Andrew Graham,
leader of the Oii initiative, now you need people such as political
scientists, lawyers, medics, economists and computing scientists working
This of course will bring to the Internet all the efficiency of Railtrack,
the Post Office and Government bureaucracy. It you think the web is
slow now...just wait..
Whilst Oxford seeks to theorise the web into non-existence, it will
steam on, taking all of us prisoner. The way forward is therefore go
anywhere, two way access. The phone , the encrypted phone that stays
with you wherever you are, your guardian angel.
'As the pace of
life has accelerated, using a mobile is a great way to manage your life
while on the move. The time we have for ourselves is only going to dwindle
and mobile devices are going to be called on to help us more and more.
But they will have to change radically to do so. At the moment, simply
combining the two devices creates a bulky box that may be unattractive
to people who are more used to slinky dinky handsets. It is clear that
phones will have to grow up; they simply don't have the memory on board
to store address books, e-mail messages, the odd MP3 file and bank account
details that you might soon want to carry around. ' March Ward BBC On-line
Not only will your phone be your best friend in the future, but it will
be invisible too. It will seamlessly blend into your life. It will be
embedded into the clothes you wear or the accessories. You will have
the option of reading text or figures via a projected 3D image, or if
you want privacy, a head up display on your sunglasses.
Ideally the phone will talk to us.
You just went into the red by £1200. Your 3i shares dropped
34 points, your girlfriend says either order the Viagra or she will...
Your boss says call him now or quit. (my advice is to return this call
- the probability is evens hell calm down with a good explanation.
I have six alternate explanations on file to assist...
We will want the phone to tell us when that great job has just been
advertised. It will tell parents not only when their kids are playing
truant, but via GPS exactly where those kids are in the Mall. Your phone
will look after your home, your car, scan your ATM and release cash
when you need it, pay for small purchases via smart digital cash and
using GPS, you will never get lost again.
Your phone is your life, it will become your soul, your conscience and
once you have it, you will never let it go. The future is your invisible
friend and hes orange....
A phone, youll see isnt just for Christmas, its for
© Sam North
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