Political Comment
America needs the Genius Richard Nixon
James D Evans
To protect
the world, America needs to keep a reign on any major changes, but
the world is too volatile for this to work
All that maybe
required of Genius is the will to declare "I am a Genius".
The very idea of Nixon going that far, doing the full Dali thing and
openly declaring the supererogatory of his intellect, is probably a
tad invective. Still, it is commonly acknowledged by those who make
a living from pondering such matters that Richard Milhaus Nixon was
one of the most profoundly intellectual of all American Presidents,
and whats more he probably knew it.
Not necessarily the primary requisite for the job, a hindrance possibly,
but one could not deny that a certain degree of imaginative thinking
has been somewhat lacking amongst the annals of power just lately. Hey
Tricky Dicky, what would you have done in the wake of 9/11?
I am pretty sure he wouldnt have mapped out a hit list of so called
rogue nations, entitle it "The Axis of Evil" and then embark
on an invasion fest with the pomposity with which Bush and his cronies
have. Seriously, the temerity of the Bush administration is truly astounding.
Of this I would not care if policy was executed with a degree of imagination
or clandestinity, for to deny that a government should not act in it
self-interest is as naïve as Americas presumption that Europe was
obliged to stand behind it when they first presented their
case for deposition to the United Nations. Maybe Powell was not so smart
insisting they go through the legal channels. After all, Clinton went
into Somalia and the Balkans without consulting the UN and nobody batted
an eyelid. Rumsfield knew this, yet this does not honour the man.
But this is not the issue. When half the world marched for peace in
the lead up to the war it was out of exasperation over American method,
not because anybody gave a damn about the potential death of a couple
thousand Baath party soldiers (as long as the civilian casualties
are kept to the requisite minimum right?)
Iraq? It might as well have been Cuba. Which is interesting in itself
because the last time the USofA was faced with such stern condemnation
was during Vietnam. And then public opinion forced a far more pragmatic
man than Bush into making his situation far worse. Watergate, the secret
bombing, it doesnt really matter, Nixons war effort was
doomed from the start. Choose any scapegoat - Kennedy, Lyndon B, the
first genuine Democratic Revolution, the Cold war? The fact is Nixon
had to withdraw a huge amount of troops and ground support because the
electorate demanded it. It was the huge loss of American life that was
turning people off the war. Nothing unreasonable about that, but the
only way left to go then was secret bombing and the vain hope that the
South Vietnamese might somehow get their act together. The blood of
2 million Cambodians on the hands of a generation of hippies.
So what relevance then does the half-paralysed denouement of Richard
Nixons presidency have today? Forget Vietnam and Watergate for
the moment and look at President Nixons standing in the world
at the time of his near impeachment. The man had visited China, signed
treaties with Russia, was of close acquaintance with De Gaulle. Christ,
imagine that, the French and American heads of state on best buddy terms.
But more importantly he had clout when dealing with countries of polar
ideology. Unlike Bush, Nixon never feigned empathy with his foreign
adversaries, but instead afforded them self-interest. Bush either doesnt
realise, or doesnt care, that when dealing with men like Saddam
Hussein you have to engage with the issue of ego. By publicly bribing
the man you are giving him very little choice but to resist, or at least
avoid the direct issue as, ultimately, he did. Every attempt at entreaty
is implacably paralysed by some inexorable term or condition. Its
simple playground politics and it is worrying that America seeks to
engage with the world on these terms. By making such narrow demands
on other countries Bush marginalises himself and this failure to see
any way other than the American way ( read the righteous
way of "God Almighty") makes American policy, whether he likes
it or not, racist by definition.
It was Nixons absence of patronisation that allowed him to open China
and embark on a long and relatively successful post-White House career
as an emissary and diplomat. It was his good sense to go easy on the
Christian rhetoric, save it for winning votes in Texas or Florida. Or
the will to go the other way and be ruthless, despite the fact that
democracy is supposed to prevent a leader from doing so, its achilles
heel if you will. How can you bargain with a dictator when you are limited
by constitutional power and he is not? Nixon found various ways around
this, for example his theory of Tri-lateral diplomacy (Whats
that Donald? Sounds like something you do down the gym.) By linking
deals with nations to provisos with others Nixon played three-dimensional
chess with world leaders. Letting on to Chairman Mao that youve
got an appointment with Brezhnev later that month suddenly Mao
gets agitated. Hes getting pally with your enemy. Whats
his game?
Forget right and wrong, theres no such thing anyway, only majority
rule. Nixon invents The Nixon Doctrine because he knows
North Vietnam thinks hes restricted by public opinion. Of course
he is but The Nixon doctrine states categorically that no
troops will be involved - hell just bomb the hell out of Charlie
instead, something that hes already been doing in secret for some
time you understand. Of course its pretty much totally immoral
but then morality is not the concern of foreign policy. And imagine
how freaked out the American public must have been when he announced
on TV that the bombing of Viet Cong enclaves in Cambodia was "
the Nixon Doctrine in its purest from".
What would people do if Prime Minister Blair made such self-gratifying
remarks? Once the laughter had subsided they may well consider that
Tony had finally gone insane. Nixon had a total Caesar complex but it
enabled him to be taken seriously overseas when pursuing his policy
of linkage. His enemies knew what he was capable of. Indeed with demilitarisation
it could be seen that America was leading the way with compromise, and
yet his adversaries, knowing he was doing the opposite would then, at
last, learn to fear the mad man Richard Nixon.
The Genius of that
or at least in the context of the my move/your
move games that Bush and, ironically considering his political persuasion,
Kennedy have/did make their hallmark.
Even Europe follows a more dialectic approach, free from this puritanical
'End of Days' neuroses that permeates throughout the whole English speaking
world. This unnatural Protestant work ethic that seeks to regulate and
control our way of thinking, convinced of its own precocity. This
idea that everyone chases the same utopia. So if you cant get
France and Germany to tow the line, how the hell can you expect the
rest of the world to? When you say to a fundamentalist do this
or else, its for the best its a statement of persecution.
America calls it the War against Terror but really its empire
default, John Wayne style. John Gaddis pointed out that "Empires
can arise by invitation
as well as by the impositions of those
who would deny it."* By the mere fact
that America has emerged from the post cold war era the worlds strongest
power and has sought to maintain, nay, capitalise, on its position without
the means of colonisation fits the Lundestad model of the Defensive
Empire. That is to say its power is never openly enforced upon other
states as it would be within the colonial archetype. But now we see
a government that feeds off ultra-Republican think tanks that dictate
the world needs to be like this. And whats more they are quite
open about this fact. Yet in being so surely it defeats the whole object?
If people know that America has every intention of maintaining the social
and economic status-quo then isnt the rest of the world more likely
to resist it? Its a Catch 22 in the classic sense. To protect
the world, America needs to keep a reign on any major changes, but the
world is too volatile for this to work. Nixon would know this. World
order is not an equation and sometimes you have to roll with the punches,
maybe let things get a little out of control, so you can reclaim the
moral high ground in the aftermath and reap the rewards (Like riding
a wild animal?). You play the power game and wait for your moment. The
current presidency is laying their cards out on the table. There maybe
nothing wrong with those cards depending on your point of view, but
they are vulgar, pompous arrogant cards, upon them the designs of a
New World order where America chooses who cuts the pack. It seems that
Bush and Co. are interpreting Nixons maxim too literally, that "When
the President does it, that means it not illegal." The thing is
Nixon said this after the fact.
(* Taken from "The
Emerging Post Revisionist Synthesis on the Origins of the Cold War"
John Lewis Gaddis.)
© James Evans
October 2003
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