When youıre a child and your parents tell you youıre
going to Disneyland the next day, Iım told by a fairly reliable Californian
source, itıs like the night before Christmas. That is, you canıt sleep
but you desperately want to, or how can you ever wake up and go? He
explains to me that Disneyland to a child is as exciting as something
really exciting. Itıs easy to forget the figure of the genuinely overawed
and excited child when we write about Disneyland. When Disneyland was
launched in California in 1955, the concept was to cater to the imagination
of children, and assume that parents would pay. Now Disney reflects
the claim that children have become more sophisticated, while adults
more child-like. So it is the happiest place on earthı, a magic kingdom
where adults can revisit childhood again, alongside their children.
Going to Disneyland is like being taken by the hand and told in a gentle
whisper to forget anything that might be troubling you because youıre
entering a different world now, and for one day none of that nasty reality
stuff will matter. You will be reminded how fabulous and wondrous childhood
can be, (whether you like it or not). There is certainly a dark side
to Disneyland. Any visitor can be aware of the manipulation they undergo
as soon as they enter the Park. Cast members and staff have perma-grinıs,
there is a conspiracy to make you spend as much money as possible, and
rumour has it that a secret network of tunnels connects all parts of
the Park for security, and there is always someone watching you. It
is true that the characters appear and disappear mysteriously, apparently
into solid walls. Behind the imaginative facades and wholesome atmosphere
is rampant capitalism. The rooms of Club 31, a secretive and expensive
private club, are hidden above the street in New Orleans Square, the
only place in Disney where you can get an alcoholic drink. A determination
to be cynical, however, can fail spectacularly. When I arrive at Disneyland,
I am not hungover, but my friend is, and I do feel jaded after cancelling
the cards I lost on Sunset Boulevard the night before. Altogether I
am not immediately in tune with the wholesome, happy family stuff. The
rides beguile me. The likes of Indiana Jones and the Pirates of the
Caribbean show imagination and attention to detail in their design.
The truth is that cynicism is pointless in the face of fairy tales turned
into reality. Disneyland is for children. Anyone who secretly feels
that childhood is wasted on children should go to Disneyland and see
the looks of excitement and wonder on their faces. First stop on our
tour is Space Mountain, from which Sean emerges several shades paler.
It isnıt one of the rides recommended for those under the age of twelve,
or anyone feeling slightly delicate for that matter. I am cheerful enough
to remind him of some of his excesses the night before. Buying stamps
the man taking my money jokes, ³Youıre not from around here, are you?²
Disney staff are divided loosely into those who take their work seriously,
and the cynical comedianıs. This is highlighted by the Jungle Book River
Boat Cruise. Our first jungle guide has a horrific fake English accent
and is stunningly without irony. A later guide is more cynical than
even Sean could have wished for. He explains that to get the full River
Boat experience, you should get four total strangers into a very small
car, two of whom canıt speak English and one of whom doesnıt want to
be there and drive around a neighbourhood block continuously for eight
hours while telling the same two jokes, over and over again. When he
learns it is our second tour of the day he looks pitying and blank.
³Why?² He asks. The queues can be nightmarish - imagine waiting two
hours in the sun, only to find the ride has broken down when you get
there. In one line a girl of about fourteen turned to me after Iıd been
speaking on the cell phone. ³Are you from England? I can tell.² After
some polite preamble about a trip she had been on to Britain, she warmed
to the real point she wanted to make. ³And the boys there, theyıre so
hot!² ³Um, are they?² I ask. She nods with enthusiasm. ³No offence,²
she says to Sean, ³But American men are soooo ugly. English boys are
awesome. And their accents are so cute.² I assure her that the novelty
does wear off, while Sean just looks horrified.
In another queue, a small boy of about four is rushing ahead of us,
while his parents keep calling him back. They explain how he has looked
forward to this all week. He is excited by everything he sees and canıt
wait to get on the ride. It is at this level that Disneyland should
be appreciated. We make sure that we have been on all the big rides,
although Sean point blank refuses to take me on Itıs a small worldı
(The most annoying song in the world). I insist on going to Sleeping
Beautyıs castle, where I spy Cinderella. I am determined to get her
autograph for my seven year old cousin Jenna. For a while I hold back,
letting children go first, but it becomes clear that as soon as one
child has finished their audience, another will appear, and I am afraid
that at any moment she may disappear into air, or to prepare for her
role in the parade. Sean pushes me forward, ³Be assertive.² I explain
hurriedly that it is for my cousin, and I get the full force of Cinderellaıs
twinkling smile. Sean is only sorry she wasnıt Snow White, his own personal
favourite fairy tale princess. The finale is the firework display at
night, best viewed from Main Street, over the fairy tale castle. It
is a magical spectacle which leaves the visitor with a lasting impression
of awe and sweeps away memories of annoyances in the heat of the day.
As Tinkerbelle flies from Magic Mountain to Sleeping Beautyıs castle
a musical voice tells us that if we make a wish, our dreams can come
true. It could be argued Disney has fettered childish imaginations -
why would they want to invent anything when they can go to fairyland
and see Tinkerbelle fly. I only think Disneyland may be at the most
a once a year treat for most children, and must act in the modern world
as a stimulant, much as fairytaleıs in story books have always done.
There is a lot to disapprove of about the Disney Corporation, but my
only real regret is that I didnıt get to visit when I was seven years
old. Covered in sugar dust from donutıs, gazing up at fireworks in a
starry sky, I crossed my fingers and made a secret wish.
Jayne Sharratt İ 2000
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