The International Writers Magazine: Live Well - Live Longer
Long Life
Michael Levy
hundreds of years Jewish people have blessed others who have recently
buried a loved one with the saying ... `I wish you a long Life.'
Why is it that most human beings do not get the chance to blow
out the candles on their hundredth birthday cake?
state not too many people live past the age of eighty. Many trees
and plants have a far more prolonged life than humans. Indeed
there are a multitude of animals, fish and birds that have a longer
life-span than humans.
For example;
Giant Tortoise (average life-span of about 200 years)
Oregon Sturgeon (average life-span of about
150 years)
Eastern Box Turtle (average life-span of about 123
Egyptian Vulture (average life-span of about
118 years)
If animals, birds and fish can outlive humans without getting sick and
going to a doctor for pills, we must have our intelligence all mixed
up in a conceited maze of refined intellectual thinking. Could it be
we really do not need to die a premature death from disease? Do we have
no option other than to declare, there is no other choice than intermittent
illness throughout our lifetime, leading to an early grave? A few people
do live to a ripe old age because they inherited strong genes and DNA.
But leaving that aside, how does the average person live in good health,
to a fully developed old age, as nature intended?
I guess most folks believe that our 'advancements' in the world of science
and medicine have increased our life expectancy. This is true to some
extent, but it is only true in the context of keeping us alive in ill-health,
despite our continuous bad habits and erroneous lifestyles. We can alleviate
the effects of an illness, but the cause lingers on, bringing with it
an uncomfortable life that eventually leads to a premature, uncomfortable
passing. So what can be done to remedy the situation of being a pawn
in a commercial chess game of beggar thy neighbor, performed in a world-wide
Firstly, if we stop polluting the earth with poisonous gasses, pesticides
and a multitude of other pollutants we would need less drugs to sustain
our lives. Therefore it seems sensible to stop corporations from manufacturing
pollutants because of their need to feed the greed of a few humans,
who hold stocks in their companies. Also, self-pollution is an outstanding
problem and banning poisonous smoking in all public places, inside and
outdoors, is a must-do and long overdue action. The next move in
the appropriate direction to a longer healthier life would be to educate
folks on the correct foods to eat and liquids to drink. Pure water should
be the principal drink and alcohol consumption should be restricted
to three glasses of wine a week at the most.
All our dietary needs can be met with simple yet delicious whole foods,
herbs and spices that are heart healthily and loved by every cell in
our bodies. Our minds are constantly brainwashed by the advertising
media educating our taste buds to enjoy refined foods contain high levels
of sugar, salt, hydrogenated fats and other harmful "tasty stuff."
These foods are usually all dressed up with colorants and artificial
flavors. What a concoction of poison we have produced for ourselves.
And we pay good money to eat foods that bring about illness, which inconveniently
installs us in a box six foot under the ground, before our shelf-life
was due to expire.
Regular exercise can help elevate the onset of many dis-eases and here
again simplicity is the key. Walking and swimming are two of the easiest
and most enjoyable forms of exercise available to most folks. A few
weight bearing exercises are also useful to keep muscle tone and bone
But the most important ingredient by far in living a long and healthy
life is the way we think. What we need to ask ourselves is "Who
is it that resides inside my head that makes all the decisions for me."
If our minds have become too refined, just like the refined junk foods
which we eat ... that has the wholesome goodness removed ... we will
be left with junk-intellectual- thoughts.... Sophisticatedly refined,
but good-for-nothing authentic... A strong spiritual soul will never
allow that to happen.
Once we start to recognize the true soulful genius that we authentically
are ... that lives outside our ego's perceptions and opinions ... we
will start to change our way of thinking and will live to the maximum
of our allotted life-span. It could well be we live to 120 years of
age in good health, if we do not allow negative, erroneous thoughts
to upset the balance that nature has so magnificently provided for us
If we could only come to realize that we are a cog in the wheel of nature
and if we desire that wheel to keep on turning effortlessly, we must
become one with all that exists on earth. The sands of time in humanities
hourglass is quickly running out and unless we make the correct lifestyle
changes, there will not be any life left here on earth for future generations
to enjoy. So let's take a leaf out of the book of the Giant Tortoise
and slow down the run-away intellectual human brain, so that we enjoy
our swim in the ... Quantum Universe of Infinite Joy here on earths
de-light-ful playground.
© Michael Levy May 9th 2005
Michael is the author four books."His new, book "The Joys
of Live Alchemy" will be released in June 05 ... The
words "Live Alchemy" are an anagram of Michael's name.
Web Sites : http://www.pointoflife.com/

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