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Uncle's Story
and the Kid
Mike Blake
When his nephew was younger, the uncle found it easy to do things
with him. It wasnt difficult to get the kids interest
up in things, get him excited, and make him laugh. It seemed that
the kid was game for just about anything with his favorite uncle.
Whatever they did turned out to be fun.
The uncle looked forward
to these times with the nephew as much as the kid did; he had watched
the kid go from being a baby in his mothers arms to being an energetic
little character with his own personality forming. Yet the best part of
it for the uncle was that the youngsters mind was still open; he
could have fun with the kid as you could only have with someone who is
three or four years old. A look, a laugh, a hug or caress, some tickling
that was often enough and said more than words ever could. It was
amusing to see how open and guileless the kid could be, and touching also.
Nothing could make the uncle feel older, nothing showed him how much he
had truly lost and been corrupted more than an afternoon spent with that
much innocence. He was always left with a somewhat sad feeling after the
kid had gone home, despite the laughs still bubbling in his throat. Some
of that sadness other than the awareness of his own age
came from the realization that this special relationship with his nephew
wouldnt last for too long; it couldnt. There might be two
or three more years of things being pretty much the same, before the kid,
off in school and making friends, would be introduced to things the uncle
didnt know about new things for kids these days.
Well, he did know how popular video games were with the kids; he
had seen the interest with other youngsters his nephews age. And
his nephew had been exposed to this kind of entertainment through an older
brother. Yet the uncle didnt encourage that kind of fun
when he was with the kid. He had the idea that his nephew would be spending
plenty of time in front of a video screen in coming years, this being
the computer age and all. Hed use this short time with him to get
the kid outside and doing physical things, as he used to do at the same
age. He hadnt grown up with video games at hand, and computer
use wasnt commonplace until after hed left high school, and
though the uncle was somewhat computer literate now, he never would associate
the machines with youth and having fun. They were something necessary
for offices in the business world, but not something to allow a kid to
spend hours in front of. Kids should be outside in the fresh air, burning
the calories, using their bodies, not sitting like zombies in front of
video screens. They should be using their imaginations and making up their
own games as they went along. It could be done, yet it was just that,
sadly, so many kids these days were out of practice; they werent
encouraged enough by adults whose own lives revolved around computer screens
and TVs. Many of these young parents had grown up plopped in front of
televisions; it had been a daily afternoon routine for them after school,
and that old habit was easily passed on to the next generation. Now, according
to statistics (and it wasnt surprising news) a whole generation
of overweight youth existed fat-assed kids everywhere living on
junk food for their stomachs and the latest video games for their minds.
The latest statistic he had heard was that two out of three teenagers
nationwide were overweight. Perhaps his nephew would be
one of them in a few years, because by that time, the uncle knew, his
time and influence with the kid would be greatly reduced.
It had already fallen off by the time the kid was eight, with him choosing
to play with his friends, doing what they really wanted to do, rather
than spend time with uncle. As the nephew got older, the uncle found it
increasingly difficult to amuse the kid; his nephew began to balk at suggestions
that a few years earlier he would accepted without question. He had learned
to do some thinking for himself. Uncle, trying to be flexible, attempted
to play some of his nephews video games, but he never could offer
the kid any competition. To be good enough, he would have had to devote
hours of his time to playing a certain game, until it became almost automatic
to him, and that, simply put, was never going to happen. The uncle disliked
sitting in front of the multicolored screen with its constantly flashing
images and the accompanying sound effects for more than half an hour.
After that, his attention wandered; he lost interest in scoring so many
points and reaching certain levels of game play, though, it seemed, the
kid could go on with it for hours. If his nephew tired of one game, he
had plenty of others in stock to replace it.
When the nephew became old enough to play Little League baseball, and
signed up to play, then there was a new connection for him and his uncle.
The uncle had played years of Little League ball (baseball had been his
favorite sport), and though he wasnt the fan he once was, he made
a point of attending as many of his nephews games as he could. He
remembered his own days of standing out there on freshly mowed fields,
with the bright white chalk lines marked, and the local crowd in the old
wooden stands. He remembered the wooden signs on the field fence, advertising
local businesses, and he recalled the names of some of the team sponsors,
many of them no longer in existence. There were new names now, for there
were more businesses in the area; things had become built-up. And the
field fence itself was chain-link now and not the wood that it was years
He remembered how nervous he was before games, but how he would calm down
once the action started. Before the game started, the players in different
uniforms in the other dugout almost seemed like strangers and not kids
he went to school with. Everything was official then, with the coaches
and umpires standing around, and the vocal adults in the stands, and that
was enough to make him nervous. It wasnt like a typical pick-up
game between just his friends and him.
The uncle knew that his nephew felt the difference, too. The nephew was
as shy and quiet as he was at that age, and the uncle could see the kids
unease especially in the first few games, when the kid seemed bewildered
by all the noise, cheering and attention he got from the adults, which
he wasnt used to. And he wasnt the only kid on the field puzzled
by the importance given to this game by the adults. The uncle knew that
kids learned some things about adults when they played organized sports;
they saw things come out in adults that they hadnt seen before,
especially in some of the men. It was as if some of the men were ready
to jump out on that field with gloves and bats, with some of the old competitive
fire showing in their eyes and excited voices. The youthful spirit long
hidden behind the big bellies, tired faces and red noses briefly appeared,
rekindled by the games action. The uncle had to admit he got a little
excited himself now when his nephew stepped to the plate at a key point
in the game, or when a ball was hit to him at whatever position he played
on the field. He yelled, too.
The Little League season was short, however. When it ended, at the start
of summer, the kid was off to camp for a couple weeks, and then there
were days at the beach, followed by a family vacation in August. The uncle
went to the beach once with his nephew, and he was glad to see that the
kid had outgrown his fear of the water. He remembered how the little boy
held tightly to his hand when the uncle had first taken him to the beach.
Now, the kid jumped right in and didnt hesitate to go underwater.
He splashed about with his young friends and rode his small plastic surf
board over the waves. What a difference a couple of years made,
he thought.
The uncle took his nephew to the movies twice that summer, to see the
special effects blockbusters this new generation was fond of. The kids
were spoiled by state of the art video games and expected nothing less
from the big screen. They couldnt get enough of the technological
wizardry, and if a story came with that, all the better. The uncle noticed
that computer animation and graphics were used in so many of the new movies
that, except for not having a control device in his hand, he could very
well have been watching a video game.
The kid seemed to enjoy the movies, in his own quiet way, but he never
showed that much enthusiasm for any of them. It always seemed that he
was never quite satisfied, that, walking out of the cinema, he was already
looking ahead to the next big on-screen thrill. When it came to anything
in the video line, the kid was already jaded, the uncle thought, with
amusement. Yet his nephews interest in the latest in video games
and movies reminded the uncle of his days collecting baseball cards and
comic books. The uncle remembered that he had been one track minded at
times, too especially when it came to sports and related things.
It seemed as if he couldnt get enough of it at that age.
In the end it was just as the uncle had foreseen it would be with him
and the kid. They still enjoyed seeing each other, and if two or three
months went by without them doing so, they both found they looked forward
to the next visit. They still laughed easily together, and tossed a ball
around the yard, or took walks in the neighborhood. They played board
games (the nephews concession to his old uncle) and
cards, and watched movies together. But the visits were fewer and shorter
and, except for moments, without that past magic. The nephew wasnt
as easy to entertain anymore (in the uncles eyes), and the old uncle
wasnt quite as entertaining as he used to be (in the eyes of his
nephew). Neither came away from their time together with the same exhausted
satisfaction that made those few early years memorable. After a while,
they both understood that a new phase had been entered, and, it occurred
to the uncle, probably not the last one as the years went on. Yet as long
as some connection remained, he could deal with that.
© M. Blake July 2007
The Winter
Mike Blake
Clapton singing Have You Ever Loved a Woman in his head, a
half pint of cheap vodka in his pocket; its all he needs to cap
this hot Memorial Day weekend in his home town
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