
The International Writers Magazine: Rebel at your peril
Blame Yourself
Michelle Cochrane
day to day our perspective on whom we admire changes. Just the
other week, I was worshipping the terrible tune of Buffalo Stance
by Nina Cherry. As I bounced around my room, the cries of Please
switch that off and Shut the hell up came from
my housemates. Little did I care, it was all about me and I was
going to dance to it god damn it. As we grow up though, our perspective
begins to change. From the first time that you see your father
drunk and realise that he is just human after all
to the
day that you piss you mother off so much that she bursts into
tears and actually tells you that she is sorry, we learn something
new and exciting.
Thats why
I get so annoyed when I hear the familiar moan of
I have
nothing to do
or Im bored. You just have
to look at the news to really see what boredom is. To see that there
are thousands of people in serious trouble, yet we can turn around and
so flippantly say those words while our X-boxes or satellite television
lie in front of us. How dare we! But we do dare, and the reason? Because
we are who we are and we were brought up as we were.
My father used to make me and my sister sit down and watch the ten oclock
news every night and of course I always questioned why. Now at least
I know. Hes a well off man, yet we never saw a penny of it, always
taught to work for our own money and to get along by ourselves, in a
land of opportunities, where let's face it, we get the long straw.
So I did, I went through life, rebelling at every opportunity and finding
myself unhappily working at a bank, always knowing that I wanted to
go to university but just refusing to do so, as I wanted to make my
own choices and not have them made for me. The stupid thing about this,
is even though I thought that I had the upper hand, I never did. My
Dad knew that one day, I would turn around and say that I wanted to
go to university. He knew that I had a longing for knowledge and unless
that was fulfilled, then I would never be happy. I would in fact be
bored with the hand that not life, but I had dealt for myself.
So now I find myself here, struggling through a course that I assumed
would be easy for me. How little did I actually know. But I really do
enjoy the struggle. Sometimes I fail and sometimes I succeed. More the
former than the latter but that makes the success somehow more sweet.
I know that in a couple of years from now, I will look back and want
to thank the people that got me here because even though I am the one
who has chosen this path, I would never have gotten through the mud
without them. I am also never going to blame boredom on anyone else
© Michelle Cochrane Feb 2nd 2005 - 2nd Year Creative Arts student
at Portsmouth University
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