
The International Writers Magazine: Hacktreks in India
High with Jet Airways
Rita Sidhu
was exciting being in Bombay, or Mumbai as it is now known. We flew
from New Delhi on Jet Airways. Once we had gotten off the ground
and the dusty heat of the capital had dropped away, all reminders
of India being a poor, developing country dissipated in the sun.
The service was better than any I had received on every other airline
I had flown. Instead of the usually disappointing, tired meal selections,
the food was a wonderful surprise. It had been prepared in conjunction
with chefs of the top hotels.
Flying Jet was
Indian hospitality distorted and filtered through commercial enterprise.
Even though there was a first class section and the flight attendants
wore saris, it felt like the cultural baggage had been packed away in
the belly of the airplane, along with our luggage. It was like different
rules applied when you were in the air above the country. No one was
going to ask to carry your bags for a few rupees and no armless beggars
would be coming down the aisle, their eyes pleading silently with you.
Our business completed in the city a few days later, our party made
its way back to the airport via an air-conditioned cool cab, slums slipping
by. We had an opportunity to wait in the exclusive Oberoi lounge. As
I sat there in my comfortable seat, shielded from those who did not
warrant access by a glass wall, my eyes roamed. My colleague suddenly
grasped my arm in excitement and directed my attention to a large man
sitting across the room. It was Adnan Sami; a famous singer I had seen
on TV in India often enough. But as I was Canadian, the effect on me
was muted. Not so for my Indian friends who begged me to go speak to
him in my "nice Canadian accent" on their behalf. I thought
to myself, why not? The worst that could happen would be he rejects
me and I am humiliated in front of all these people who I am likely
to never see again; could be worse. The best...well, I have a boundless
He turned out to be pleasant and accommodating. Pictures were taken
and my colleagues gushed praise. Apparently he was accustomed to it.
It struck me how similar stars are treated, no matter what country they
are from.
It was time to board. Turned out he was on our plane, but in first class
of course. That was the end of our communications. Effusive compliments
would no longer do. We were about to rise back into the air-that cultural
no man's land. I was pleased the short trip to the city had led to a
satisfactory star sighting. It had allowed me to perform a favour for
my friends. It would not have been the same to go to Bollywood for the
first time without seeing at least one famous face, even if I had not
recognized it.
© Rita Sidhu Oct 2004
Vancouver, BC
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