International Writers Magazine: Reality Check
- The New Iran
James Campion
General Petraeus
Hands Baby Bush A Tehran Surprise
Go find the young men never to fight again
Bring up the banners from the days gone by
Sweet moderation
Heart of this nation
Desert us not, we are
Between the wars.
- Billy Bragg
I've been thinking
about Billy Bragg lately, his song about the cycle of international
chess the Big Boys play, and how after five years of this military abortion
in Iraq we are no closer to anything resembling an end; and don't think
for ten seconds there will be one - whatever Bible-swearing caretaker
is in charge - or how many speeches or hearings or investigations we're
inundated with. It is all downtime to the next fisticuffs, really. Always
was, is, and will be. Change the names and faces, and here we go again,
This week, General Petraeus, current commander of U.S.
troops in Iraq and the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker spoke for
nine long hours before congress. There was a great deal of publicity
about their recommendations to halt the planned troop reduction this
summer and loads of commentary on their assessment of The Surge's "continued
success", whatever in the wide world that could mean. But the most
important phrase uttered by either man was simply "malign influence",
which both used when describing neighboring Evil Axis member, Iran's
place in this increasing theater of the absurd our nifty State Department
boobs have designed.
Ah, Iran. Where have we heard that bauble before?
Here, for one.
Rifling through our archives, we stumbled on this gem
from a column entitled, "Manifest Destiny Made Easier Through Modern
Chemistry", dated late-December, 2004:
"The American government is
being duped by Iran, which now all but controls the fate of the coming
January election. Not even what is left of the CIA can stop it. Any
clear-thinking person without agenda or chemical dependency in the know
understands this. Soon the Shiites will be in charge. They will take
orders from Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and ask the Americans to leave,
thank you very much. And all of Saddam Hussein's nightmares will come
true. He will be tried by the western infidels while the very same Iranians
the United States paid him to keep at bay will run amok in his charred
palaces, toasting his jailing.
People paid good money to practice journalism still possess the stones
to ask why the hell Hussein kept refusing to reveal he had no weapons,
even with the threat of U.S. aggression. The answer is simple: Either
lie to the UN or risk letting the Iranians know he was a paper tiger
and take him out. Americans seem to care about women and children and
hospitals and taking prisoners. This is of little concern to Iranians.
It was a fair trade off. Hussein knew, as did the CIA, that if it were
the Iranians pouring over the border, the Grand Poobah's head would
have been on a spike, instead of getting a lice exam on CNN.
Now the politicos, or whatever they call themselves in Tehran these
days, see daylight with this hamstrung election next month, and soon
the bloody paws of the American president will be asked to shake hands
with the men who will plot 9/11 Part Deux and the United States will
have to convince the rest of the planet how we have to gut the whole
goddamned thing again.
And this will all be done legally through an election.
At least that is how it will appear. Elections are funny things. Sometimes
they're on the up and up, and sometimes the dead walk and pistols are
brandished. Sometimes candidates bug offices and other times their soup
is poisoned. Sometimes there is 'The Night of Long Knives' and things
go awry.
I see what is transpiring in Iraq right now, and although it resembles
no real Euro-historical perspective outside the homogenized white-man's
Bible being peddled in Alabama currently or the drive-by that offed
Francis Ferdinand, I am reminded of old-time politics. Not Richard Daley
strong-arm street-whipping kind of politics. I'm talking Aaron Burr
unloading a fatal pistol shot into Alexander Hamilton to decide the
fate of New York kind of politics. Old time, real hard, skull-cracking,
back-door fighting, western world type of politics: George Bush's kind
of politics. That is what will decide Iraq."
It was clear-headed long-term thinking, well reasoned
and stated without trepidation. It sings, papa, like Bragg at the Royal
Albert Hall circa 1984, but I have to admit; I don't recall writing
any of it. It seems like a dream now, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007, the
blurred years of occupation dressed up as war with all of our tax money
(and the junk-loads lent by China) funneled east to rebuild, protect,
and integrate a foreign nation ablaze in civil war. Our boy commander-in-chief
as President of Iraq in bed with religious fanatics sold to the world
as democracy.
General Petraeus continued to reiterate his concerns
over "Iranian-supported Special Groups" manipulating violent
outbursts in a phalanx of cable news interviews following the congressional
hearing, wherein he painted a gory picture of not only Iranian influence
on the ground in Iraq, and behind the slaughter of American soldiers,
but also a very real and present danger within the barely-cobbled Iraqi
You might not believe the good general. The press might
not believe him. The Iraqis might even be skeptical. But the only one
who counts, George W. Bush, does. And so Captain Shoo-In took little
time to announce to the world that he is on board with the whole deal,
no shock to anyone who has paid attention to even the broadest details
of this occupation for these five long years.
And that means anything is possible now: Attacks on Iran?
More spitfire rhetoric? A January surprise before the purveyors of this
ill-conceived roustabout hit the road for good?
It's all on the table.
Eight and one half months of a lame duck wartime president
and his gaggle of nation-builders ruminating over the chessboard.
Rook takes Pawn.
Your move.
© James
Campion April 12th 2008
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James Campion
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