
Lifestyles: Student Life
Cup Of Coffee please
Ben Macpherson
I dont
like stereotypes. In society today it seems we are obsessed with
them. Stereo-typical music, for stereo-typical people, wearing stereo-typical
clothes. For instance, no one would expect a business man from the
City, to listen to thrash metal and drive an A-reg Capri Ghia; (and
if ever there was an exception to this rule - I would like his autograph
for posterity). |
One element
of society, caught up in the fervour and media obsession with types
is the University student. For the most part, it seems that those who
are ignorant of us (and I say us for I am one) believe University
Students to be self absorbed academics who for the most part spend their
student loans repaying expenses incurred in their gap year, or buying
cigarettes and alcohol - lots of it. I can testify that this stereotype
is, well shall we say, a generalisation? Most students dont
have the money to pay off the loan, and are in debt even before the
alcohol and nicotine craving sets in (thanks to the undue overload of
primary and secondary reading). However, should the need to smoke or
drink overwhelm a student, I am reliably informed that the phrase Overdraft
always seems to fix the problem - and incur more debt to add to that
of their expenses travelling around
Europe in the summer.
I am told its a great experience. Still, to return to the matter
in hand - societies need for stereotypes, and with special focus on
the students of society, I shall now proceed with one of my own. This
stereotype is true. This stereotype is regrettable. This stereotype
is the subversive, insidious kind, that creeps up on you - and catches
you when you least expect it. Like temptation: but not. I hang my head
in morbid shame to admit, that even I have observed myself being trapped
in the trend, seduced by the stereotype, press ganged by the pressure
to do as the rest do. What am I referring to?...coffee. Yes, coffee.
Polystyrene cups of instant coffee from machines, the lids of which
arent big enough for a five pence piece to fall through, but which
never fit properly, resulting more often than not in a coffee stain
on those trousers you bought in the sale. Well youre a student!
Thats what sales and student cards are for!
Now, all this may sound harmless, and the fact of students drinking
non-alcoholic beverages is surely to be commended is it not? Well, let
me regale you with the whole story, and then maybe you will reconsider
this commendation.
8.45 in the morning. Its November and a chill hangs in the
air waiting to pounce on its next victim - me: the lowly student
who has yet to realise winter is here, and that fashion is not an
option if you want to stay warm. Yes, I walk through the square,
watching my breath as I go, counting my steps and cursing the fact
that the traffic lights have broken and I have to play chicken
just to cross the road. I see my breath, I feel the usual bleary
eyed dread that one has walking into another happy-clappy drama
class, and I can hear the cars
and, much worse, the change
jangling in my pocket fighting to be let loose - and given away.
And this is more often than not what happens. It occurs thus: a
small way away from my drama studio - and conveniently located in
the shape of the Bermuda triangle lie three small shops all of which
sell cups of coffee at competitive prices |
the Student Union Convenience Store and athe Parisienne cafe are positioned
in such a way, that -no matter which direction you walk from, you will
be caught and lured by the seductive smell of freshly made bread, home
made patisseries
or coffee. I walk into Subway, in a trance. One
cup of coffee
please I say, barely realising the sin I commit.
A cup gets handed to me. I walk away after placing the required eighty
nine pence onto the hand of some pubescent nobody who mans the till
at such an unsociable hour. I walk to the machine. I place the cup in
the holder and press the button. I watch as the coffee gets poured in
my cup. I take a lid, and placing it carefully on the polystyrene I
exit the shop to the sound of the bell ringing twice. Its not
to alert the shop assistant is it? No. Its the sound of condemnation.
Its divine displeasure reminding me I have once again been tempted
by the need to pose along with my fellow students; and proceed with
the banal yet inevitable comparisons of brand. Subway tastes nicer than
Nescafe. Nescafe is cheaper than Greggs. And that plain white cup doesnt
look like its that reputable! Coffee rage. Cup wars. And this
is University! Its shameful to admit it, but I know of someone
who buys into this trend with great enthusiasm - and doesnt even
like coffee. Whats more appalling is he goes the extra mile and
splashes out on a cinnamon Danish! Even I wouldnt sink so low!
Well, alright, maybe I would
but only if the shop with the hot
sausage rolls was closed.
Its a terrible thing to be a poser. And whats worse is that
I know I do it. Student culture is a very addictive thing (or maybe
thats just the caffeine). Its January soon, and my new years
resolution (not that I make them, but if I did); is to cut out the coffee.
Stop the Subway. Save my money. But until that fateful and doom laden
I will look forward every morning to the thrill of comparing designs
on paper cups. I dont like stereotypes.
© Ben Macpherson December 2003
Ben is a first year Creative Arts Student at Portsmouth University
(Help educate this poor misfortunate - tell him that drinking instant
coffee for eight nine pence (roughly one dollar twent cents) will kill
his soul. Real coffee, not instant and lattes at wo pounds ($3.50 US)
is what real addicts pay - at least twice a day- Ed)
More about Coffee:
Things to do at Starbucks
Addiction - worse it's legal
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