Interview with
a Clone
Jess Wynne interviews
one of the first human clone survivors
Clone Scientist
Magazine: May 2020
Simon Winterson
emerges to talk to Dr C. Andrews exclusively for Clone Scientist Magazine
had a little lamb; whose fleece was slightly gray,
Didnt have a father just borrowed some DNA,
Sort of had a mother though the ovum was on loan,
Was not so much a lambkin as a little lamby clone
Soon it had a fellow clone and soon there was some more,
They followed her to school one day all cramming through the door,
It made the children laugh and sing and thrilled them to the soul,
But there was just too many lambs for Mary to control,
No one else could herd the sheep their imprints did not vary,
The cloners sought to fix it up by simply cloning Mary,
So clone they did and Newsweek said it was extraordinary
But now they dont know what to do with Mary, Mary, Mary
By Kevin Evans |
Trawling through
the colossal amount of online material relating to cloning, I discover
this poem in a archive which predates the advent of human cloning. I
read it to Simon Winterson hoping to raise a smile on his sombre face.
One of the first of a succession of human clones, Simon has a unique
perspective on the subject. We are now fairly blasé about cloning;
society as a whole has learnt many lessons from its early explorations
of the procedure. It is unlikely that Simon would ever have been born
in todays political and social climate. Media attention on Simon
was intense from his birth in a private clinic on the Mediterranean
island of Cyprus in June 2003 to his sudden disappearance from his family
home in California two years ago, he has rarely been out of the limelight.
Now merely 17, but looking closer to thirty, Simon is a virtual recluse,
residing in a dilapidated cottage in the remote area of Cornwall, Great
Britain. He is reluctant to again become the focus of media speculation
but has agreed to this exclusive interview as he believes that science
should be forced to recognise and acknowledge its mistakes. He describes
himself as a metaphor, a signifier, for the consequences of rash scientific
progression without ethical or sociological considerations.
CS MAGAZINE: It is widely known that you found growing up in the
public eye a stifling and emotionally difficult experience. But what
many today might not realise is that there was a tremendous resistance
towards the matter of human cloning and this could not fail to effect
your daily life. How did you deal with the knowledge that millions were
opposed to your mere existence?
Well, there were death threats but I rarely saw them as my father
saw to it that they were intercepted. Of course school and parties and
that sort of thing were out of the question when I was very small
I was taught at home. Later I rebelled and insisted on enroling in school;
I guess I was lonely. I soon became used to the bodyguard my father
hired tailing my every move. But school was a bad idea. That little
Mary had a lamb rhyme you read kinda reminded me of the
stuff I endured in the playground. Much more sophisticated though and
much less obscene! I was different and everybody knew it. The problem
was, the teachers and the parents were highly suspicious of me and the
children definitely picked up on that. It was like I was infectious
or something, a leper. And this was in a Californian school god
knows what it would be have been like if I had lived in Montana or somewhere.
I was offered all sorts of interviews and promotional stuff for companies
though so I suppose I had fame if not popularity. I hated to take advantage
though, after all I felt like I was just the shadow of my brother anyway.
I was just a replacement.
How do you feel about the circumstances that led to your birth?
Well my parents are fairly well-known anyway, my fathers always
in those lists of Americas most wealthy and influential that the
papers publish, so I suppose theres no need to go into the details
of my brothers accident and the effect that it had on my mother
in particular. She was devastated at losing her son and I guess she
was willing to go to any lengths to preserve his memory. And here I
am! A walking, talking, bundle of memories.
You must have suffered some sort of identity crisis
Yes. Although genetically identical to my predecessor I was always aware
of the way my parents looked at me, as if I was someone else or as if
they were expecting me to behave like someone else. They seemed to be
waiting for me to become the child that they knew. It very hard to explain
but I think it was this strained atmosphere that was the reason for
the introverted and disturbed demeanour that I took on as a child. My
brother, the original Simon was a friendly outgoing child
keen to take part in team activities and particularly good at
sports. Due to by sheltered upbringing and my sense of inadequacy I
became a very different child. By the time I hit my teens I think I
was totally unrecognisable to my parents. I was pale, chubby and awkward
and their disappointment was tangible. I sought to escape these emotional
pressures by leaving my country.
So is your bitterness directed at the scientists and the technology
that allowed your situation to arise?
They lacked foresight definitely.
But presumably you are aware that cloning has been invaluable to
many people?
Well obviously. And maybe more that most my isolation has given
me plenty of time to acquaint myself with the history. All those old
sci-fi stories are fascinating to me but the nightmare scenarios
that they portrayed missed the point. And the point is commercialism;
science will cross new frontiers only if a ton of cash is involved.
Certainly there was money to be made in cloning. It is amazing how far
the process has been refined. Before the cloning of a sheep, Dolly,
in 1997, the technology was considered fantastical. We take the possibility
of human cloning for granted and have pretty much decided that it is
not advantageous, but less than thirty years ago it was inconceivable
for the majority of the population; the far-fetched premise of overly
imaginative writers. But only three years later it was announced that
a consortium of scientists, founded by the Italian physician, Dr Severino
Antinori, were planning to clone an embryo by 2003. The aim was, I believe,
to allow infertile couples the chance to have children. All very righteous
and noble I suppose, but if you look into the information about Dolly
you might draw the conclusion that they were taking huge risks with
peoples lives.
I think the argument at the time was that the technology was developing
anyway and it would be better to bring it into the open rather than
to let it proceed privately by so-called renegade scientists. Professor
Panos Zavos made the statement that it is time for us to develop
the package in a responsible manner, and make the package available
to the world. But you are correct in noting that many others in
the field thought the plans of Zavos et al to be irresponsible. Dr Harry
Griffin, who was the assistant director of the Roslin Institute where
they successfully cloned Dolly, was a notable objector. He was quoted
as saying:The chances of success are so low it would be irresponsible
to encourage people to think there is a real prospect. The risks are
too great for the woman, and of course the child. I remain opposed to
the idea of cloning human beings. Even if it were possible and safe
which its not it wouldnt be in the interest
of the child to be a copy of its parent.
Nevertheless, and despite resistance, human cloning was attempted and
you are living proof
And also proof of those renegade scientists you mentioned. I dont
know to what extend the technology assisted infertile couples. I havent
read any statistics on that. I also dont know how many lives were
destroyed due to the scientists desire for success thats
the sort of knowledge thats kept within the scientific fraternity.
Plus bringing the experiments into the public eye did little more than
make it clear that the governments had very few legislations with regard
to cloning. In 1997 the president - I think it was Clinton - announced
that no human clones should be produced in America; but he added a clause
that said the law would be re-evaluated in five years time. But effectively
all he was saying was that he would not offer federal funding for embryo
research so the technology for cloning could be developed using
private money. The result was that human clones were made using U.S
technology but were born in private clinics in countries with less restrictive
And this allowed clones to be produced for much more subjective reasons
Anyone with sufficient funds could have a clone made. Obviously some
private laboratories tried to maintain their reputations by checking
peoples motives and offering counselling, and the majority stuck
to using the technology to overcome fertility. Others were less stringent
Common fears at the time revolved around ideas such as dictators creating
an army of savage clones; you know all that sci-fi stuff. Of course
this was all paranoid madness. The technology, somatic cell nuclear
transfer, provides cloned embryos. These then have to undergo gestation
and obviously childhood before they become adults. A dictator would
be waiting many years for his idealised, perfect army. The most frequent
motive for human cloning turned out to be the desire to recover a lost
one, a child or spouse. And I expect youve seen those sensationalised
tabloid exposés of people who have decided to clone themselves
for some reason you know the type of thing we discovered
so and sos clone working as a prostitute and living in the gutter!
You always look at the pictures of the clones and those of the cloned
person at the same age and wonder at how alike or different they appear.
Obviously that sort of thing is rare and most of these stories
are probably apocryphal. People didnt really realise that all
though clones are genetically identical they can vary physically and
Do you remember the riots of 2010? The majority of clinics were forced
to stop all work on human cloning and several eminent geneticists in
the field were attacked. This was the year in which every thing changed.
I saw coverage of the riots, the so-called clone wars and
it was a frightening time for me. The campaign against me definitely
became increasingly vehement and my parents feared for my life. My mother
and I left our home and went into hiding in a mountain retreat for a
few weeks when the crusade was at its height. I remember being intensely
annoyed at my mother for not letting have a go at skiing I felt
totally imprisoned. She told me later that a clone she know of, the
same age as me, had been assaulted by an extremist pro-lifer and was
now in a coma. This was a child of a woman that she met at a Parent
with Cloned Children (PCC) meeting an organisation that have
done much to assist me with my psychological difficulties and deserves
a mention. Groups such as the pro-lifers generate most of the resistance;
those opposed to the use of embryos in research. But huge proportions
of the population conceptualise cloning as abhorrent and unethical
this includes people of a religious persuasion. The Clone Rights United
Front the pro-human cloning activists was also involved and what
began as a rational debate got out of hand.
But what it did mean was the implication of new laws concerning the
use of cloning. Clinics had to register and apply for permits. Cloning
was only to be used in cases of infertility. Anyone else desiring to
utilise the process had to apply to the courts and prove that they had
a valid reason generally cases would be rejected so the trend
for cloning died out.
Certainly cloning lost its novelty; although a survey showed that only
about 6% of the population had an interest in cloning someone anyway.
However, there have been rumours of clandestine cloning occurring. I
still think its a case of if you can afford it you can do it,
if you want it bad enough. Sure its a criminal offence now but
I dont think that will worry anyone with influence. Also the media
no longer find this aspect of genetic engineering so compelling so it
is easier to keep it quiet.
Therapeutic cloning the use of stem cells to clone tissues and
organs - was a huge industry. It was hit badly by adverse attention
from ethicists and anti-abortionists. The technique involved the reprogramming
of an adult cell with a specialised life. For this to occur an embryo
would have to be made. What were your feelings on the era of cloned
body parts?
The advent of this specific technology ran parallel to that involved
in making me; it is inextricably linked. But whereas the cloning of
humans was a sideline, a curiosity, therapeutic cloning was the most
crucial aspect of the technology. Because the process was much more
widely used due to its value, it became a highly contentious issue that
aroused passionate anger and concern on both sides of the argument.
Back in 2001 the campaign for the procedure was in full swing. It was
generally agreed that the use of embryos was immoral; however many scientists
believed it equally wrong to interfere with scientific enquiry which
could lead to possible biomedical breakthroughs. 80 US Nobel laureates
urged the president of the period, Bush, not to block funding for scientific
exploration using embryonic stem cells. The pressure from the scientific
fraternity and groups of people desperate for organs such as kidneys
or livers was immense. Obviously backers of this type of biomedical
research saw a way to capitalise on it as the technology advanced rapidly.
In only a few years it became a common practise to clone specific cells
to treat conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. By 2010 it was
rumoured that private experiments had allowed people to benefit from
cloned tissues and organs. This created uproar. It was all over the
papers. Embryos had been twinned; one was implanted and allowed to gestate
whilst the other was frozen for future use. One of the children involved
in the test contracted some illness I think it was a form of
cancer. Its frozen twin was then implanted in a surrogate mother for
a couple of months until its organs were probably formed. The embryo
was then culled to provide the child with the new parts that it desperately
needed. The suggestion of culling embryos for spare parts would have
been dismissed as alarmist back in 2001. But it was happening
and not in the manner that had encouraged many seriously ill people
to support it. This, again, was an option for the super rich. It wasnt
long before we started to see stories started to circulate in the tabloids
concerning ageing drug-addled rock stars who had had a complete organ
and tissue overhaul and now looked and felt amazing. Many people were
outraged; but others, such as those dealing with sick and dying children,
countered that science should be able to do everything possible to prevent
death. It was this debate that fuelled the clone wars of
But then the monumental happened a scientific breakthrough
that changed the social climate of the Western world and disarmed many
of the arguments proposed by ethicists. As early as 2001 it was suggested
that it was possible to recycle adult cells to treat illnesses; the
cloning of embryos would be unnecessary. In the NewScientist it was
reported that mature skin cells have been transformed into stem
cells and then into beating heart cells . Investigation continued
to try to repeat the procedure using human rather than animal cells.
By 2011, scientists announced that they had finished refining the process
the culling of embryos for any reason whatsoever was banned outright
before it became commonplace.
So part of the process that allowed you to come into being has been
rendered obsolete. Does cloning have any sort of future?
Well firstly I think it should be admitted that the culling of embryos
did continue for some time after the announcement after all,
it took a few years for the new process to become freely available on
the market. Also it should be noted that it is very difficult to produce
whole organs using this technology the impatient patient might
still prefer to attempt to buy ready-made cloned organs. Despite these
reservations, like ethicists everywhere, I was relieved that the use
of embryos was coming to an end. Im positive that the process
will advance and become the only one available.
However, Im concerned about the implications of spare body parts,
whatever the method of their production. The choice to replace organs
whenever they fail will ultimately prolong life; there is a multitude
of studies already published which predict how this will effect our
future. How long will it be before we can replace limbs or even brains
with our memories implanted? Will this technology always be the province
of the wealthy? Will the market for body parts become as fickle and
superficial as that of fashion? I imagine a future in which the technology
of body parts becomes incorporated with the world of designer genes
particular brands of limbs and organs will be in demand. The
wealthier you are, the better-designed parts you can afford to purchase.
Think of all the poor people stumbling around with Wal-Mart value legs
or wondering around in a bewildered daze, trying to work out what they
are doing with their Pound Stretcher brains. This is of course if they
have any desire to live longer in a world populated by super wealthy,
super brainy, super beautiful people.
Maybe this all sounds fanciful
but look how far we have come. I
think its time to consider the mistakes we have made in the name of
progress, be satisfied with what we have achieved and bring this chapter
in genetic manipulation to an end.
Simon may sound like a demented, paranoiac to a member of the scientific
community. The future he depicts is alarming but what is sure is the
fact that he will not be present to see it. Simon is ageing unnaturally.
This was a problem that occurred with the first successful clone, Dolly
the sheep. It was a fault in the procedure that scientists believed
they had overcome; Simon is representative, then, of the unpredictability
of genetic engineering. However, his cynicism obscures the success that
cloning technology has achieved. With the changing climate and the near
destruction of the rain forest, we have witnessed the loss of many species
of animals. Cloning has brought all types of animals back from the brink
of extinction. Biomedical advances have brought an end to millions of
cases of human suffering in the Western civilisation. It is hoped that
the companies involved can be convinced to show a little charity in
the future and take their products to the third world and developing
Whether or not Simon should change his name to Cassandra remains to
be seen...
© Jess Wynne 2020 CS Magazine - Clone this and we will send people
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