
The International Writers Magazine:Going South
Ari J. Kaufman
having traversed my county through 45 states and nearly every
major city over the past three years, my international
travels were lacking, showing only five cursory visits to
Canada and numerous sojourns to the border towns of Mexico for
various reasons. Thus, when my girlfriend mentioned the opportunity
to acquaint myself with her hometown of Bogota, Colombia, I was
quick to accept the offer.
Bogota Bull Ring
Most of my friends
and family had a similar reaction: Can you bring back the good
stuff? I dare to think of what they were alluding to, but am certain
it was not coffee.
In any event, money for good stuff aside due to legalities,
I flew down to South Florida from New York, and on an early morning
(the day before Thanksgiving) we jetted from Miami International, 1500
miles south to El Dorado Airport in Bogota. Immediately after
landing, you know you are far from Florida, despite the fact that the
airport employees in Bogota may actually speak better English that those
in Miami or on our American Airlines flight. You feel removed from the
flat, languid swamps of Florida because Bogota is at 2500 meters, or
about 8200 feet, above sea level. The mountains are large and green,
the farmland is plentiful and the air is fairly lucid.
a bumpy ride into the city, we had a wonderful dinner
at Maria's grandparents apartment in the neighborhood
known as "Cedritos." The meal consisted of a
typical Bogota soup called "ajiaco;" a delectable, circular
corn and flour concoction with a mixture of cheeses. |
I then slept my
first night outside of North America, anxious to see the city of nearly
seven million people on Thursday. We began the day by taking a lengthy
taxi ride along a hillside road known as "Circunvalar" on
the outskirts of Bogota. The city clearly lacks a sophisticated
highway system, so you have to go out of your way a tad to get
from one side of town to the other.
Arriving at the center of downtown at lunchtime, one quickly knows you
are in a foreign city. Although many businessmen don well-tailored suits
and the public square has vendors hawking food and souvenirs, the downtown
seemed foreign to me, even European.
snapped a few photos, walked through masses of families (schools
get out early on Friday), panhandlers, and into the Museo de Oro
(Museum of Gold) which is a three-level, well-kept building dedicated
to some of Colombia's finest treasures. Admission was inexpensive,
security tight, but the museum itself was quite unique.
I listened to an American translation of the entities within. Most
of the findings are very valuable; so valuable in fact that Maria's
brother informed me that Colombia could pay off its grandiose international
debt with the value of the artifacts. |
Much of the gold
was found via the indigenous populations from the Andes Mountains and
other Colombian mountains to the West of Bogota. They were used for
religious reasons and also as ornaments for the body, specifically nose
rings. Yes, nose rings.
After the museum and a little souvenir shopping at the local market
called "Feria Artesanal" where I obtained various tchotckes
for a little under $10 American, we had lunch at a beautiful restaurant
a few miles away in the hills of La Candaleria, the oldest part of town.
At the restaurant, Fulanito's, I let my avuncular new family
order for me. I enjoyed a Colombiana (a champagne soda), as well as
empanadas, papas criollas and plaintains. It was delicious, fresh and
apparently very healthy. You see more obese people in one day in the
United States than in a week in Colombia for certain.
After lunch, we ambled down toward Plaza de Bolivar in the City
Center, past many antiquated churches, the well-guarded presidential
palace and military/police station. Most authorities in Bogota wear
army fatigues and carry far more weapons than any American police officer.
{One point of interest: The United States is possibly more lenient
society on crime than Colombia, not to mention a far more open-minded
nation in terms of race, gender and sexual predilection. This should
be noted when American citizens condemn our citizenry as inexorable
and rigid.}
A quick rest back at the apartment and then I accompanied Maria to a
pre-dinner meal with her old friends from high school. We took another
taxi (these drivers are mostly safe and trustworthy, but heed little
attention to any road etiquette and have DVD players in their real view
mirror, literally) and arrived on "crazy" Avenida 19 at
a Crepes and Waffles place full of teenagers and college students. The
food and company, like nearly all Colombians, were cordial. And,
as I shared strawberries and ice cream with five beautiful college-aged
girls, I felt for the first time as though I could have been in America...aside
from the dearth of English being spoken.
A few hours later, I then went to a Thanksgiving type dinner (sans turkey)
that I had coaxed/begged Maria's family into having on my patriotic
American behalf at her aunt's beautiful, large apartment in the
center of Bogota.
Another pristine day greeted me on Friday. Unlike most other major cities
in South America, Bogota has nary a hot day all year. In fact,
they truly have similar weather all year around: mid 60s for the high
with scattered showers mixed with sun, followed by evening lows
in the upper 40s. For me, this was ideal. Most days I wore jeans and
a light sweater, but could have worn short sleeves.
Zipaquira Cathedral
and I joined her brother and parents for a day out in the country
and mountains outside Bogota DC (District Capital). We drove through
Third World Ghettos, verdant pastures and university communities,
until we eventually hit the small towns of Sopo and Zipaquira. Both
towns, especially the latter, looked European, both architecturally
and structurally. My only European experience in person having been
Montreal, I was not sure I stood correct, but Maria's well-traveled,
half-Italian father, assured me of such. |
We had been
in the car for over an hour, along the "autopista" (highway),
and our journey concluded at the Minas de Sal de Zipaquira, overlooking
the city and mountains beyond Bogota below.
These salt mines are impossible to delineate with the written word,
but the story (as relayed to me by Maria via the Spanish-speaking tour
guide) is that the salt was obviously found, stored and shipped from
within, but the beauty is also from the religious perspective. The miners
were bored by their laborious days, so they excavated the mines to make
it a Catholic sanctuary replete with lights, crosses, statues, a convention
center and a usable church.
we found ourselves in a deluge near the Alpina Cheese Factory
where we ate a light snack of...cheeses. The roads became flooded
and impassable for a bit, but with Maria's dad's local knowledge,
we beat the darkness to a wonderful restaurant at the top of a hill
with a breathtaking view of Bogota at sunset through the clearing
fog. The city kept disappearing then reappearing during our meal
due to the opaque haze. |
The area, known
as "La Calera," is a night-time getaway from the city, just
a dozen miles or so up the road from the city of Bogota itself.
After another wonderfully scrumptious meal and tasty beverages (this
time, some drink called a "canelazo" was served as we
entered, and malt beverage was found when we seated), I found a
nice, inexpensive sport coat at a local mall, perfect for tomorrow night's
festivities at the Bogota Tenis Club.
The non-stop excitement continued thereafter, as we again met up with
Maria's friends for good times. This evening, I was taken to another
slice of Americana within Colombia. It was called "Parque
de la 93." The area had everything from clubs and restaurants to shops
and an over-priced McDonald's, serving as a trendy meeting spot for
young adults this Friday evening. It was night-time at this juncture,
so unfortunately, I did not see the area in daytime to get further descriptions.
We dined at the fine establishment, Cabala, with Maria's acquaintances,
including a couple from Bogota who now called Calgary, Alberta, their
home. This especially piqued my interest, and I spent much of the meal
questioning this 22 year-old gentleman on his decision to move North
and his two months per year in South America. He spoke English, and
that was a plus.
Saturday, I enjoyed another Colombiana beverage, and a nap after my
$2 American haircut which was aided by Juan's (Maria's brother) magnanimous
efforts of translation. Then, post-nap, we all scarfed down some
good rotisserie chicken and prepared for the big event of the trip:
Maria's grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary at the Bogota Tenis Club
just outside town.
That, much like the rest of the trip, turned out to be a pleasant and
memorable affair. Overall, I could not have accomplished nor expected
more from a three and a half day trip. The people, friends and family
of Bogota were more than amicable; they were altruistic beyond my wildest
© Ari J. Kaufman Dec 8th 2005
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