
Men In Black Berets
Rev. Abp.
Antonio Hernández, O.M.D.
'a black-béreted,
sleek, lean, mean defense machine'
General Shinseki, Sir:
You Gave Away the Black Berets.
Scots Bluebonnet (in Scots Gaelic, Bonaid) was a survival must for
our Scots ancestors and friends, from ancient times. Deep midnight
navy blue in color, the Bluebonnet is in truth a béret. The
Celts had long ago borrowed this unique cover from the Romans, who
presumably invented it. |
Ever since the Scots adopted it for military use, the first command
shouted to the men was, "HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS!" because any
good Scots warrior, not just the commanders, could easily be fragged if
he lost his béret. Thats because the Bluebonnet has always
served as a badge of identification as well as distinction. This in turn
also gave us the expression "blown cover".
The Bluebonnet not only identified the distinction but also distinguished
the man wearing it, by bearing sprigs, feathers, and so forth to show
Clan and allegiance. The military béret flash is a Scottish invention
and the Bluebonnet had to be deep blue. Anything else was major sissy
Identification and distinction were matters of absolute survival to the
ancient warrior, much as today. If a warrior lost whatever symbol identified
and distinguished him, it was either due to his being stripped of it in
punishment, or by the enemy, in captivity or at death. He wore his symbol
not only with due pride, but as a talisman. The symbol said, "I am
Such-and-So, I belong to This-or-That Battalion, I have accomplished great
things-- DONT MESS WITH ME."
Identification and distinction
these things are earned in their
mutually connected context. A man is identified in a certain way, then
distinguished by it-- thus becoming distinguished in his identification
and identified by his distinction. The United States Army Rangers earned
their identification and distinction through the toughest, finest military
training and battle-testing in the world. Their badges of identification
and distinction? The black béret. It gave the Rangers their nickname,
the Black Berets, and they were legendary well before the Green Berets
came along.
General of the U.S. Army Eric Shinseki decided to do away with all that
in the summer of 2001. Just as the Basque, Spanish and French farmers
often use their ever-present bérets to wipe away sweat and grime
during work, the Black Berets have wiped away their (and our) blood, sweat
and tears with their black bérets. They have wiped away the Enemy
on countless battlefields. The Rangers Black Berets wipe away any
and every threat to us and our beloved country, any second of any day
of the year. Now, Gen. Shinseki has seen fit to wipe that away-- and thats
a thing this man should have never tried-- no one should try such a thing.
It is no more than an act of Judas-goating the people.
The average dogface of yesteryear was not much more to look at than those
of today, but those of today are unworthily identified and distinguished
by black bérets. They have had the black béret usurped for
them on their behalf, just for signing up. This is supposed to represent
the U.S. Army of the 21st century: a black-béreted, sleek, lean,
mean defense machine. Im here to say that just as mere stripes do
not a true sergeant make, a black béret does not a true soldier
form. Before the usurpation, the black béret was awarded to the
elite fighter; he earned it, the Ranger and the LRRPman-- a far cry indeed
from P.F.C. Sadsack Dogface.
It is precisely because of this that the true Black Berets will continue
training, fighting, sacrificing, setting examples for all other soldiers,
and obeying orders. They will turn over in their hands, and reflect upon,
the crappy-khaki béret that was offered to them after their blood-earned
black bérets were robbed. And they will be angry, hurt in a way
people never stop and think a soldier can be hurt, a way that makes captivity
and death pale by comparison. Because theyve been robbed of much
more than just a black béret. They have been robbed of their history,
they have been robbed of the outstanding symbol of their identification,
their distinction, and their dedication. But never forget-- especially
you, Gen. Shinseki, and all you dogfaces-- that there is no action that
can rob the Rangers of their honor or their accomplishments.
© E.A. Hernandez September 2002
Science That Prison Created:
François-Eugène Vidocq- a man who inspired the greatest
writers of his day
©Reverend Antonio Hernández, O.M.D.
The Roman
Antonio Hernández IBA
Aron Jean-Marie
Lustiger, cardinal and Archbishop of Paris, is this front-runner in the
soon-to-be-held conclave to elect the next pope.
My Kingdom for a Crown:
An Around-the-World History of the Skullcap
and Its Modern Socio-Political Significance
© Most Reverend Antonio Hernández, O.M.D.
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