From Our Archives: Writing about India - From Our Archives
Return of the Tentacled Brain-Sucking, Blood-Drinking
Colin Todhunter on writing a
bestseller about India
bats to geckos and from cockroaches to rats, Ive slept with
them all.'
In order to
write, a writer must have inspiration and ideas. Staring at a blank
screen for half a day can be a disheartening endeavour. I sometimes
get the impression that India has been written to death by foreigners.
What else is there to write about the place? From Arthur Keostler to
William Dalrymple, and from Jan Breman to William Sutcliffe, India has
attracted so many writers to its shores. What else can be written on
architecture, geography, history and culture, or poverty and the sights,
sounds and smells of India? From cookery to the IT boom, the market
seems to have been cornered.
A few years ago, I was thinking about developing a new angle. I would
write about India in a way that no one had before. At one stage, I had
thought about doing a book on Indian gyms. I am a gym-junkie and simply
have to work-out wherever I am. I must have been to well over fifty
throughout India. I even remember training in a place in Kathmandu when
I was suffering from the early symptoms of some disease. I felt utterly
awful - but just HAD to train. My head was spinning, my stomach churning
and I was on-fire with fever. It turned out to be a terrible case of
dysentery. Later that day, I felt like death. Training on top of dysentery
is not recommended. I used to laugh about the seriousness of dysentery
until I found out that it was responsible for more deaths among the
British in India than anything else - including war, and cholera.
But just how much is there to write on gyms. There may be a few chapters
in it, but not much more. Well, they have four walls, are stocked with
equipment of varying quality, and there has been an explosion in the
number of gyms in India over the last fie years. I have been to the
best and the worst that India has to offer, ranging from a slick outfit
in Pune that catered for the citys elite to a shed in Pushkar
that possessed the barest equipment and had thirty people crammed within
a space where it would have proved impossible to swing a cat around your head. Why on earth anyone would want to swing a
cat around their head in the first place? I just dont know. Perhaps
it was used as a form of measuring unit in some former forgotten time.
I suppose I could stretch things out to fifteen pages or so. And, of
course, there are the characters who frequent such places. Ive
encountered one or two wannabe film star heroes who strut around like
cartoon characters, but thats about it. Oh, I nearly forgot -there
must a few pages at least to write about me being the centre of attraction
whenever I set foot inside a gym. On more than one occasion I have been
straining away with maximum concentration, only for someone to stand
right in front of me with a bank expression and ask Which country?
At that point, instead of exploding I am proud to say that my tolerance
has paid dividends.
So I kind of went off the idea of doing a book on Indian gyms, although
I suspect that no one has ever written much on them before. Then I had
another fantastic brainwave: I could write about toilets in India. Ill
bet no one has ever done that! I have spent many an hour hunched over
one, staring into the bowl, waiting to throw up as a result of some
hideous illness. That (off) white enamel bowl, usually peppered with
cracks and set into the floor. But then I conclude that Id be
hard pushed to squeeze one solitary chapter out of it. A case of writers
constipation. Anyway, I dont think it would be a seller. Toilet
humour - its hardly riveting stuff that is going to capture the
imagination of the book buying public.
So that was that as far as toilets and gyms were concerned. My latest
inspiration is wildlife. I once met Theodore Baskaran, a renowned writer
on wildlife, and took a quick look at a couple of his books. There is
no doubt at all that I couldnt compete with someone possessing
years of experience and masses of knowledge on the subject. But then
it hit me - It doesnt really matter. I know next to nothing on
species, habitats, behaviour, and all of things that any self-respecting
wildlife specialist is required to know. Im pretty hopeless as
a wildlife expert really. But that wouldnt stop me. I have an
angle. My book would concentrate on all of those insects, reptiles,
and amphibians that I have spent the night with in hotel rooms over
the years.
From bats to geckos and from cockroaches to rats, Ive slept with
them all. I was once in a hotel in Cochin having a shower and came across
the biggest cockroaches that I have ever seen. To this day, Ive
seen none bigger. They must have been on a high protein, high steroid
fuelled diet. So it was a quick in and out of the communal shower before
heading back to my room thinking Thank God that bathroom is not
attached to my room. I thought that my room, being a few metres
from the bathroom, would provide sanctuary from those sinister-looking
tentacled monsters. I didnt want them appearing in the dead of
the night sucking the blood from my neck (yes, as you my guess, I have
an irrational fear of cockroaches). But later that night, Iwoke to find
two of those giant mutant insects crawling on me. I shudder to think
of that episode even now. Death by cockroach - urghhh!
That was just one of a dozen or so delightful cockroach moments I have
had. Give me bats or dragonflies anyday. I dont mind them. They
just fly at head height and are more of a nuisance factor than anything
There is a hotel in Chennai where bats haunt the verandahs
at night. But if you know they are about, then you can just keep your
head down and hope for the best.
Rats - well, they are a different kettle of fish (bag of monkeys, or
some other inappropriate metaphor). In the same hotel in Chennai there
are a couple of monsters. Even the cats wont go near them.
My only real encounter with a giant rat was in a hotel in Panjim, Goa.
I was walking up the stairs during the day and guess who just happened
to be coming down in front of me at the same time? Yes, thats
right - it was public-enemy-number-one-resident-rat! I had been informed
by someone a few weeks prior to this assignation that if rats feel threatened
by a human, then in all probability they may attack the region that
all men seek to protect at all costs. So with this in mind I stopped
on the staircase, wanting to appear as non-threatening as was possible
to the rat. It all so stopped a few stairs up from me (just at an appropriate
height to launch an attack into the said region). I looked at it, and
it at me. It was like a scene from a spaghetti - western when the hero
and anti-hero come face-to-face to duel to the death. Then, as cool
as could be, it trotted past not blinking an eyelid. Then I made my
not so merry way to my gecko-infested room. It is probably sad to admit,
but I have spent many an evening watching geckos as they cling to the
walls staying motionless for minutes on end prior to pouncing on their
prey with extended tongue. They are fantastic predators. I dont
mind geckos, but it is other lizards I am not so fond of - the types
that dont stick to the walls or ceiling but walk on the floor,
have rotating heads and are twice the size of a normal gecko. The type
that will crawl onto you bed during the night with the sole aim of sucking
out your brain! Ive come across a few but have always managed
to chase them out of the room with a broom before they can take hold.
Apart from mosquitoes, small frogs, bed bugs, beetles and other small
annoyances, that is about it as far as hotel wildlife goes. I dont
really mind if I have to cope with only one or two species during a
night, but it is when you get the lot all at once that things become
a little to uncomfortable. And during one hot night in Thanjavur, in
a hotel with homely comforts, I had frogs, lizards, bats
and rats. I dont know what the proprietor meant by homely
comforts, but maybe he lived in a zoo or some kind of swamp with
marauding bands of insects.
So maybe, just maybe, there is probably enough material to write a book
on hotel wildlife from the perspective of a squeamish foreigner. I have
just realised as I have been writing this, I have been scratching and
hearing sounds all around. There is nothing in the room with me. Im
just being paranoid. Or am I? Whats that in the corner!!!??? Not
to worry - it is probably just some tentacled brain-sucking, blood-drinking
thing that keeps a store of human skulls in its den. That could be the
title of the book! The Return of the Tentacled Brain-Sucking,
Blood-Drinking Thing. Thats got to be a bestseller!
© Colin Todhunter September 2003
and the Juice-Bar Owner
Colin Todhunter
a westerner, fed on a diet of European rationalism, India may seem
a strange place. It has a different logic, which can be unfathomable
to most westerners.
and Ceiling Fans: More Chai Anyone?
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