The International Writers Magazine:Never Say Diet
Curse of the Diet Monster
The burger sat on the worktop looking menacingly at
me. "Eat me! Eat me!" it silently pleaded. I tried to
draw my eyes away from its greasy goodness repeating in my head
NO bread (Im on the Atkins diet), NO red meat (Im
a fashionable vegetarian), and lastly NO salad (Im on the
starvation diet).
In other words there
was not one morsel of that processed food which could pass my drool
drenched lips. Why do I insist on torturing myself? Actually why does
half the female population do this to themselves? Its simple
want to be Skinny Minnies where our hip bones protrude further
than our jelly bellies, and have cheek bones to rival Johnny Depps.
Thinness equals fashionable, chic and all those other words the glossies
throw out. Take Sienna Miller, Kate Moss or Victoria Beckham for instance
they still be such amazing clothes horses and style icons if their bums
sagged a little lower, they had three chins and their thighs rubbed
at the top? I think not
we only have to look at Michelle McManus
to see why her career sunk.
Its alright for men. Theyve got a good deal. They dont
get cellulite as a result of eating all the (unwholesome) foods they
crave, and however much their bellies overhang, their bums always remain
pert and their legs skinny. Favouritism was definitely rife when the
Big Man up there created us. Its not fair when I have to watch
my boyfriend guzzle down a three course meal, only to eat another three
hours later without putting on so much as an inch, and not even worrying
about the amount of calories hes consumed. Its not his fault
he doesnt know the pain he inflicts on me when he
helps himself to a second bowl of yummy (but very calorific) ice-cream
whilst I have to content myself with just a mouthful.
Men arent the bad guys in this diet world though. If anything
its other women. Theyre the worst culprits. For instance,
you tell your supposedly best mate youre on a diet
and the first thing they do is invite you to lunch. They then proceed
to tempt you into ordering that carb packed pizza with extra fat (a.k.a
cheese) by telling porkies such as "No of course your bum doesnt
look big" and "You have lost loads of weight already
yourself just this once." Its only later when youre
tucking into the pizza, after promising youll be especially good
tomorrow, that you discover youve been duped by supposedly best
mate. Instead of choosing a hearty meal like you, she has opted for
an unappetising salad and now sits across from you munching on the rabbit
food. Im guessing she just accidentally forgot to
mention that she too was a victim of the diet monster, not because she
couldnt bear for you to lose weight quicker than her.
Its the same at the gym
us girls cant help glancing
around at the other girls in there to see if their boobs are saggier,
legs fatter, or bums flabbier than ours. And on finding said flabbier
bum person we will then stick to their side so 1: we look better and
2): we dont look so bad if they give up before us and fall to
the floor in a pink, sweaty mess. Nothing beats that feeling when you
realize youre actually not the fattest person in the world. Beware
though because certain girls with tree trunk legs can be deceiving.
How was I to know that those stumps were actually all muscle and she
had been coming down the gym for years? I learnt soon enough when I
collapsed heaving on the floor!
So as the future beckons, hopefully a new (and easier) way of losing
weight will be found, so we can pack our lycra away, and gorge on all
the wrong foods till our hearts are content. But until then Ill
have to keep slaving away for my size eight (six I wish) body, and looking
longingly at the celeb photos in the press. Now what was that new diet
© Michelle Attridge
Michelle is a Creative Writing student at the University of Portsmouth
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