International Writers Magazine - Our Tenth Year: US Politics
Vox Stimuli
James Campion
you taking over
Or are you taking orders?
Are you going backwards
Or are you going forwards?
- Joe Strummer
is transpiring throughout the world economy is about survival now. It
is not about ideology or theory or political one-upsmanship. There is
no longer room for heroes, only villains. There certainly will not be
any winners, only those left to tell the tale to future generations,
who will no doubt repeat the same mistakes we have repeated. But make
no mistake about this; the time for claiming anything resembling victory
or a shot at sainthood has passed. What is in front of us, as a nation,
as a people, as a globe, is dire, immediate, and possibly devastating.
Thus, what congress and the president of the United States currently
propose, debate, and eventually put forth as a Stimulus /Recovery/ Relief/
Reconstruction whatever will either be nothing more than a band-aid
on a hemorrhaging wound, a stop gap for deeper measures to come, or
a complete reevaluation of the self-preserving concepts offered by a
free market capitalist democracy.
In other words, this is some serious shit.
And when the Serious Shit comes, no one wants to hear
about Political Capitol or Fiscal Responsibility or Socialism or Earmarks
or Staking Claim to Righteous Indignation or Blame. These are tools
for historians and fodder for fence sitters. But even those on their
lofty perch are down in the muck now. This is Go Time, folks. No one
is exempt. It is the bottom of the ninth with two outs -- the final
set, the final match. For the government it is 9/11 all over again,
only this time the enemy is not from without, but within.
This is why I humbly propose that whatever bloated garbage
has coagulated into our life-preserving Stimulus Bill by House Democrats
be exposed, that names and earmarks be listed and collated, and ultimately
impeachments handed out. Then, perhaps, if warranted, criminal charges
Too harsh?
Has anyone bothered to notice the job loss numbers? Does
anyone realize the ramifications of this imploding housing crisis or
what is left of solvency on Wall St.? Does anyone remember what the
word BANK means anymore?
The old rules no longer apply. We are through the looking
glass. Twentieth Century thinking is debunked. Everything you have known
and loved is shredded in an avalanche of desperation. Armageddon is
for pikers. This is Apocalypse Now. Those in charge should act accordingly.
Anything less deserves the stocks.
if you will your house aflame and your frantic calls to the fire
department. Then picture their arrival, and as they crash into your
burning home, each proceeds to avail themselves of your valuables,
as your children scream from the top floor and your very existence
goes up in smoke. You are forced to sit and watch in horror as each
firefighter tries to get his, while also deftly maneuvering to save
themselves from the lapping tongues of fire. |
This is a fair
analogy of what we face today in Congress. This is why those who saw
fit to save the day by adding a ridiculous amount of government pork
and personal perks for their states to the tune of billions of tax dollars
into what could very well be a fatal or emancipating bill must be expunged
from office. We cannot have greedy, selfish future candidates festooning
our lifeboat with vats of bilge, while desperate people cling to subsistence.
It's not personal or political. We are beyond that now. It is merely
a matter of survival: Not Revenge For Eight Years Of Baby Bush or The
Second Coming Of Clintonia. This is about willing applicants sent to
Capitol Hill to make hard and binding decisions, but instead are fist
fucking us into oblivion.
This is the real deal now. All talk about irresponsible
Republicans is true. It was true during the campaign and it remains
so. But we put an end to all of that in November. We did not send Joe
Cool to Washington to pussyfoot around with lifers. He's there to take
The Baptist's blade and begin to cut at the weak roots, saving us from
this insatiable mismanagement that has put us on the verge of collapse.
All the posturing by cretins like Nancy Pelosi, who suddenly
thinks it is 1994 and she is Newt Gingrich decrying the stank of power
mongering ideologs while slowly erecting the greatest abuses of fiscal
sanity known to the modern world, has to be put in her place. There
is nothing left for the New Regime to do now but take this screeching
twat aside and make her beg for a crumb. She must be made example.
The Democrats didn't win. Barack Obama did. They rode
the coattails of Joe Cool into masking an 18 percent approval rating.
Pelosi is, as is her Congress, a wretched failure. They ran in '06 on
stopping a "war" that still rages. To hell with her and Harry
Reid. And fuck every goddamned Republican who tries to grandstand. They're
ways of doing things were run out of office on a rail. Oh, they're day
of final reckoning is nigh. Believe me, jack.
If this is the New Dawn in American politics, if there
is to be a future around here, never mind Super Power, then there has
to be pit bull tactics applied to our so-called legislative watchdogs.
Because, let's face it folks, like it or not the
only thing that stands from total and utter annihilation of our monetary
system is the federal government. It is not 1982 or '87 or 2002 or God
helps us all, 1929. There are far more people now with far more wealth
and property and far too many countries with their fingers in our pie
to close borders or declare world wars or rebuild the government. This
is about action of pre-Civil War proportions. This is about nationalism
of either tyrannical measures or socialistic uprisings. Tax cuts? Bank
loans? Bail outs? These are ships that have long left the harbor, never
to return.
This is a new world order with and a new guy in charge
and I demand he begin to kick the ass and take the names.
To his credit our president has done what the two previous
dolts refused to do, and that is to go on every television network and
claim responsibility for the pathetic series of nominations to his cabinet
that culminated in the abortion known as Tom Daschle, whose credentials
in the field of hypocrisy is now legendary. Never mind his name being
stricken from public service, by all rights he should be deported to
an island and made to eat roots and berries and forge his own demented
society from scratch for the period of time in which he would have EARNED
the $130,000 of tax he "failed" to pay.
Daschle just didn't pay them. And like Pelosi and her
gang of fiscal marauders hijacking our lifeline, this is the political
equivalent of a cop killing. It shows an utter disdain and rejection
of our social fabric. And with such a disregard for civilization, they
deserve to be rendered incapable of playing along anymore.
After 9/11, George Bush had the entire country and world
at his feet and proceeded to act like a petulant dunderhead. Barack
Obama is sitting in the same seat during an even greater threat to our
The bell tolls.
Who has the balls to answer it?
© James Campion Feb 7th 2009
James Campion
Change Express
James Campion
Obama Presidency Under The Microscope
What Barack Obama walks into now is beyond anything imagined
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