
International Writers Magazine: Road Show USA
of Louisiana
Rose Marie Sand on the road
I am
on the road until mid November with the Voices of Louisiana -
I am on the board of a non profit organization, The Voices Foundation,
and lived in Slidell, Louisiana since Katrina destroyed my home
in St. Bernard. The Voices Foundation is mounting an ambitious
project called the "Voices of Louisiana" and our mission
is to spread the word about the history, hardships and humor of
Louisiana, from the Purchase to the Present.
I am hoping that
you would help me in the effort to tell your readers about our project.
We are on a road tour of 12 states in 12 weeks, since September 3, 2006.
We perform today at McPherson University in Kansas, then travel for
performances in Omaha and then Denver later this week.
You can also visit my web site at www.voicesoflouisiana.org
- but here are the facts:
My partner, Barry Lemoine has written an amazing script for Voices
of Louisiana, which covers the history of Louisiana in a 90 minute,
fact and fun paced show that's both educational and entertaining.
Seven actors, writers, educators and producers have left jobs, home
and family to bring the show to the nation, beginning with the Louisiana
Purchase territory.
The Voices Foundation has also awarded scholarships to two students,
with funding from the Milton Sand Memorial Scholarship award begun after
my husband's passing in January.
We are performing this show in schools, community centers, and university
campuses throughout the Louisiana Purchase territory. We have
received donations from New York's Jackie Factory of costumes that have
helped tremendously, as our entire costume inventory was lost in the
flood. Many local businesses have supported our efforts with donations.
The show features characters instrumental in the Purchase (Napoleon's
bathtup decision to sell Louisiana); modern day Louisiana characters
(Richard Simmons interview with Gov. Blanco and Anne Rice's exploration
of "This Old Haunted House" inhabited by the ghost
of Truman Capote are but two noteworthy scenes); and the Voices of the
Storm - real accounts of Katrina's survivors, to tell our story.
All of the members of the Evacuation Theatre Troupe that are on road
trip have been devestated by Katrina. Five of the seven lost our
homes and all possessions in Katrina, and everyone has lbanded together
in a rented RV to fulfill our mission. We've been on the road
about two weeks now, and have formed an intimate family group...you
can read our "road journals" on the web site for up to the
minute info.
I am also a Hurricane Betsy survivor, and met my husband during
Hurricane Betsy's aftermath. Hurricane's have shaped my life,
and this important project has given me purpose at this difficult time
of my life.
Rose is a writer, formerly freelance with the Times Picayune newspaper
in New Orleans (pre-Katrina), and has been published in two Chicken
Soup books.
Rose Marie Sand
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