
However, there is one major alluring quality of online affairs, and its
something that we would all die for in real life - undivided attention.
Whats virtual
reality, Mum? my boys asked.
One thats as good as real, I guess. Now, three years on, theyre
periodic natives of these outlying cyber lands. Where is this universe,
lying vaguely somewhere between the remains of our ozone layer and the
Milky Way? A place where our prime minister has promised that one day
very soon, we will each have personal access to our own little star. A
place to rewrite what god, fate or our genes had planned for us. To erase
all imperfections and all miseries. This is truly being the mistress,
or if we fancy a change, the master of our fates.
When I was a child, it was every small girls dream to have her own
dolls house. Of course, even the few rich and fortunate enough to
acquire one for Christmas never quite aspired to ownership of those four
storey Victorian mansions, containing their upstairs and downstairs worlds,
which I still find myself examining in toy museums with almost a childlike
awe. Im afraid I had to be content with my DIY, one floor, uncarpeted,
Lego bungalow.
But not to worry, now I can create my own big girls fun palace.
And it will surpass those meagre childhood imaginings. This new and grand
abode can be furnished with bejewelled rugs and gold shot silks. Forget
those four storeys as Im now mistress of my own metropolis with
its magic portals. Make it look inviting, and surfers of the virtual cosmos
will drop in to visit and explore. All you need is Pandoras cyber
Its easy to see how many are seduced by the prospect of virtual
life and its undiscovered delights. To be whatever and whoever one has
always dreamt of being. Just pick a persona and your new online identity
awaits. The Lets Pretend games we played as kids, except
that were playing big time now. Everything can be arranged. Thanks.
Hang on a minute, was I daydreaming? Perhaps we should swoop back down
to earth for a momentary re-appraisal? It was seven years ago, when I
was cajoled and enticed into setting up an e-mail account. It appeared
I had been missing out on the cutting edge of communication. Initially,
it was fun to have ones working day scattered with pithy valentines,
sent by my then seducer of body and imagination. Ah, but soon afterwards,
our new plaything was to be commandeered by the bosses for work. Two dictums
came into force do check your email at least twice a working day,
but do not be checking your e-mail twice an hour. Theres no denying
that e-mail does peculiar things to the manner in which we select our
words. Make-a-fast-buck computer guys published slim guides to the requisite
etiquette, and their contents and wisdom were covertly perused and digested
by even the intelligent and literate in the office. Frankly, I saw no
sense in doing so myself. After all, Id been fully accomplished
in the art of letter writing for more than twenty years and throughout
that time, Id never felt the urge to pen expletives in block capitals,
so why start worrying now? Flaming? What an absurd idea. All right, all
right, theres no need to SHOUT. Unfortunately, there was no chapter
in these lonely planet guides about not wearing your emotions on your
keyboard, just as you wouldnt be seen dead wearing that other renowned
troublemaker on your sleeve.
This, apparently common, occurrence of emotional outpourings, hateful
and heartfelt alike, intrigued me and I have often pondered upon its whys
and wherefores. I suppose typing is faster than writing, and less physically
laborious, as long as ones fairly proficient at it. Were not
talking Miss Moneypenny standards here, impressive word velocity can be
achieved with only six and half
fingers put to task. See the words stream onto the page, this rapid river
of emotionally driven consciousness flowing down upon the screen. No writers
blocks to be found here. No writers cramp either, sadly. Before,
one may have been enlightened by a fortuitous pause for calm reasoning
or thoughtful reconsideration, occurring at some point in between sealing
missive in envelope, hunting around for stamp, and the leisurely stroll
to post-box. But too late now, none of that will save your day when its
all become just a click-send away. Also, it is worth bearing in mind that
whilst a sealed letter in transit, from post box to letter box, is the
Queens property and woe betide anyone tampering with Her Majestys
Mail, a sent e-mail can become common property, legally perused by employers
and open to exploitation by unscrupulous recipients.
Traditional graphological analysis doesnt get much of a look in
with electronic correspondence. Hm, Times New Roman as opposed to
Arial. Yes, most interesting. In past studies, often found to be adopted
by repressed male dominators and female managers hitting the glass ceiling,
blah de blah. Unlikely. For the personal touch to ones message,
we have the conception of a garrotted-at-90 degrees smiley face. How long
is the gestational period of a smiley and are they conceived with a pc
nerds head pinned to the desk, right angled to the monitor? My advice
is to leave well alone - if youre after funny faces, stick with
Picasso. But, sooner or later, you realise that without them, misinterpretation
keeps popping up like a jack-in-the-box. Especially when in a hurry and
forgetting to suffix ones marginally acerbic witticisms with the
requisite ~ joke! or ~ not. This will inevitably
lead to Ah, we meet again, Ms.Understood.
And what about the devastatingly exciting world of online dating? Chat
rooms, cyber sex, virtual love, and handles. Handles? What in heavens
name are they? Oh, the nom de plume, the fancy dress signature, the party
mask behind which we conceal ourselves. Sorry, but a handle like Buffy
Slayer says more to a woman about what the mans not, rather
than what he imagines himself to be. One wants to cry out - Darling,
you need to get a grip. On yourself, not your handle. By the way,
the only handles you won't come across here are love handles, as the natives
are never fat, unattractive or unintelligent.
Inhabitants tend to fall into two categories, players and love-seekers.
The twain should neer meet up but they do. Again and again and again.
It can be a deadly game. On April 7th of this year, a 20 year old man
from Texas, drove to San Antonio, eager to meet his online lover for the
first time, a young woman by the name of Kelly. Three weeks later, his
decomposed body was found, dumped in a ditch at a remote ranch in Texas
hill country. He had been shot in the back of the head. Kelly had turned
out to be Kenny. Caucasian, male, 62, murderer. His game was
deceiving young men into believing he was a woman. A beautiful but troubled
young woman, trapped in a bad relationship, and searching in cyberspace
for some knight in shining amour to rescue her. But our fair and distressed
damsel turned killer when fearing that his female alter ego was about
to be exposed.
Naturally, our love-seekers dont want to hear these nasty tales.
They will tell you that if youve not been in the situation yourself,
then you dont know what youre talking about. End of discussion.
Their hearts are over brimming with trust. Trust with which they have
taken a gamble and they dont want to know that the odds are long.
They believe they have found true love. Looks, backgrounds, accents, intellect
are immaterial, their souls have spoken to each other and their unparalleled,
state-of-the-art romance will sustain humdrum reality
somehow, I
doubt it. Granted, many things can be overlooked by true loves rosy
tint, but more often than not, its the minor attributes, not manifest
in the exchange of e-love-mails although still guaranteed to irritate
or dismay, that can be the breaking rather than the making. After all,
would you buy something unseen?
However, there is one major alluring quality of online affairs, and its
something that we would all die for in real life - undivided attention.
You have it. There are no interruptions in cyber space. Its quiet
out there. No doorbells or phones ringing, no whining cries of Mu-um!,
no sink full of washing-up amassing or packed lunches to assemble. To
have someones total, undivided, sympathetic and loving attention
on call - yes, such is also my idea of sublime happiness But real life
it just isnt.
Some question the existence of any significant difference between the
personal ad and the chat room. The latter is just a sophisticated upgrade
in technology, they say. Wrong. The big differential is time. Time spent
relating, soul bonding or whatever. The personal ad is keen to hasten
on towards its sole end of the face-to-face encounter. But in affairs
online, not everyone wishes to hurry to the look, hear and touch stage,
because before the first phone-call or date takes place, the depth of
emotional involvement increases with the amount of time spent online.
(It's all that heartfelt conscious streaming at work, remember.) This
is the players weapon and their pitch is the computer screen. They
can skilfully maintain play until they win, as in the case of the scam
mongers; or for your 'emotional toyers', until things get uncomfortably
close. Then whoosh
.they vanish. You will never track down the domain
of black holes from whence they sprang.
The online pursuit for love can soon turn into an addiction. Perhaps your
primary relationship is not a happy one. Do your online friendships become
increasingly important, often at the expense of real life relationships?
How is infidelity defined? And does the absence of any physical touching
reduce it to a piece of harmless flirtation? Apparently not. In fact this
particular strain of absence appears to definitely make the heart grow
fonder, inordinately so.
I once heard a virtual love-seeker admit that after a real life one-night
stand, hed subsequently been plagued with guilt. The object of guilt
was his infidelity to a never 3-d encountered e-love. I thought Uh-oh,
we have an anoraks anorak here. Surely this sense of guilt
was not a reaction often to be found? I asked a psychologist who has been
studying internet addiction for the past three years. Yes it is, was my
answer - such was my naivety.
Life on this side of the cyber fence isnt much of a frolic if your
partner is in the throes of some torrid e-affair. In 1996, Mr.G. in New
Jersey filed for divorce and was seeking custody of his two young children.
The grounds were that his spouse was carrying on a virtual affair with
a cybersex partner who called himself The Weasel not
exactly what youd call an enticing choice of handle, but maybe she
was into Animals of Farthing Wood. Despite promising to end the affair,
she didnt. Instead she e-mailed Weasel to say that shed just
have to learn to be more careful. She wanted to be with him so badly that
she was willing to chance it. Dont forget, this little it
included possibly losing custody of her two children. Walking out on ones
kids, even ones you could cheerfully throttle on a regular basis, takes
a lot of doing and an even greater lot of reason. But to do so for some
unencountered unknown, concealed behind some handle? Now that beggars
I dont know if Mr.G got his divorce but I can sympathise with him.
He may have had to prove, for it to be treated as adultery, that his wife
and Weasel had plans for a tryst, - but personally, any defence along
the lines of no touchy, so no matter just isnt good
enough. I may be holding a minority view but surely a betrayal of trust
and feelings is a far greater betrayal than one of the flesh. Then again,
being a woman, I may lack this sense of physical ownership often found
in men when it comes to their wives and offspring. Sex without love is
as old as mankind, but now, thanks to technology, we also have its polar
opposite well, virtually.
All in all, Id say it is advisable to keep a moderate rein on your
heart. Let not the anonymity of online dating or the current culture for
instant gratification make you cast caution to the winds. The instances
of happy ever after are the exception and not the rule. But having been
reprimanded already for commenting on something Ive not ventured
into, and never will, I shall leave the closing sentiment, poignantly
expressed I thought, to a veteran
"Its not the despair. I can stand the despair
it's the
© A.Chan 2001
I'm a library assistant at a University in London, amongst other things,
ex-musician, interior decorator... Born in Glasgow, where I gained a
Masters degree in Philosophy and Psychlogy. Started writing short pieces
about a year ago. Aim to document my life in form of 'faction'.
Amy Chan
email: A.Chan@unl.ac.uk
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