International Writers Magazine:
Spain - Archives
James Skinner
There is
a small fishing town tucked away in a miniscule bay on the north
Atlantic on the southern coast of Galicia, Spain, called Hio. In
summer it turns into a tourist spot for many inland nationals escaping
the heat of the Spanish plains. |
Apart from being quaint
it is famous for the unique stone sculpture of a crucifix of unusual
design that indicates the entrance to the tiny XVII century chapel.
Many centuries ago, the hillside surrounding the town was a haven for
hundreds of mules that lived in the wild, although some were held in
captivity and domesticated to act as a means of transport for the few
locals that cultivated the vineyards and ran the town markets. Among
other tasks, they were used to carry the barrels of the famous Alvariño
wine, well known in todays international wine cellars, from owner
to buyer. Unproven legend has it that the reason for the name of this
haven is due to its phonetic pronunciation that sounds very much
like that made by one of these creatures (hee-haw). However, modern
methods of cultivating, manufacturing and transport replaced the usefulness
of these four legged beasts. After decades of hard labour the trucks
and tractors have taken over.
Carmela Cerveira, who lives in the neighbourhood, is 90 years old and
still cherishes her pet Pepiño, a ten
year old sturdy specimen that continues to help her with the chores
of her small farm. Ever since a child, I remember a mule in the
home. He is like another member of the family, she said recently
in a press interview on the subject. I hope my son and grandchildren
will continue with the tradition. But will they? There are only
5 left in the whole of Galicia; Pepiño is one of
them. Like many other fauna in the XXI century alas! - the mules
are another dying breed of animal slowly extinguishing at the hands
of consumerism.
Scientists and biologists around the world keep telling us that every
day thousands of living species of all kinds of denomination are being
wiped out thanks to mans self destruction. Lets look at
some examples.
A couple of extra degrees added to the planets oceans due to global
warming, or whatever the hell we wish to call it, and bingo, among other
disasters, millions of acres of coral reef are beginning to die. As
the glowing heads of these amazing creatures turn to stone, dozens of
other moveable underwater species disappear unable to feed or shelter
to keep alive. The centuries old cycle of existence is that the big
fish feed on the little ones and these in turn nibble on even smaller
inhabitants; miles below the surface. Break a couple of links in this
gourmet chain and as any physics teacher will tell you, it will weaken
and finally collapse. How does this affect those on land above the oceans?
Darwin taught us the origin of the species and how each depended on
each other for survival. Hence land based creatures from seagulls to
polar bears, penguins to walruses whatever goes on below the surface
has a direct impact above. They live off the sea. But pumping gassed
garbage into the atmosphere that affects sea temperature is not the
only cause of underwater life depletion. Mans continued exploitation
of natures fish banks with aggressively destructive trawling is
another added compliment that our friends Greenpeace are
constantly bellyaching about. What the hell! The world is in a complete
mess anyway and in self-destruction mode whichever way you look! I could
go on... So lets get back to the mule!
A mule is a bisexual cross between a donkey and a horse. You can choose
between a female of one and a male of the other or vice versa. It doesnt
matter, the result is always the same; again, made up of either sex.
Theres plenty of information around giving the exact biological
make-up of this incredible animal, plenty of stories written and films
made about the beast, but little to hint at whether it will continue
to survive in todays modern dizzy world. |
Similar, yet distinctive
from its parents, a mule is known for its sobriety and patience. It
is tough and enduring. With solid footing and a strong build, a mule
can trudge along for miles with more than its weight in gold tied to
its back in whatever terrain its owner wished to subject it to. Stubborn
as a mule! remember the expression? Dont be fooled. This
beautiful beast will not budge if it thinks its in danger. Tug
at it, push it, kick it or beat its head with a baseball bat, if Pepiño
thinks he may get hurt by moving a single strand of his body he just
wont move. It also shows that he is faithful to Carmela who knows
exactly how to treat him. Armed forces in the world of historical conflict
also knew how to handle this incredible animal. During WWII, many armies
used them for transporting supplies and ammunition in some of the most
rugged areas of Italy and North Africa. General Jose de San Martin crossed
the Andes mountain range and liberated Chile from Spanish rule over
190 years ago thanks to the use of mules to transport all his heavy
military equipment.
How about Hollywood? We cant keep the movie industry from having
a go at mules! A novelist called David Stern created a character called
Francis the Talking Mule and his novel was reproduced on
the screen in a series of films featuring Donald OConnor as Peter
Stirling, the only person to whom Francis would confide by whispering
his inside knowledge helped by the gruff voice of Chill Wills of whatever
the plot entailed. He could talk! Peter was typified as a young naive
simpleton yet always managed the upper hand thanks to the info given
him by his fine four legged friend. None other than 6 films were made
with several other cameo mule-roles. Francis created a moviegoer
cult and even fought against the enemy in the same WWII conflict. Even
the late Bing Crosby sang a song 'Swinging on a Star' which included
a verse on the mule. Just listen to this:
The mule is an animal with long funny ears,
He kicks up at anything he hears,
His back is brawny but his brain is weak,
Hes just plain stupid with a stubborn streak,
And by the way if you hate to go to school,
You may grow up to be a mule!
Poor Beast! How wrong!
But its the domestic side of the animal that had endured its survival
and is now under threat of extinction.
Many moons ago I wrote in Hacks about my experiences on
a cruise my wife and I took in the Mediterranean during which we visited,
among other locations several Greek islands. We have been on another
cruise since but that first one was the best. I recall it was aboard
a 30-year-old rust bucket that reeled and creaked its way from port
to port. You had to go half way round the mulberry bush to go from cabin
to lounge. The passengers were a mixed bunch of young and old but above
all pretty stable; not too many drunks or old fogies and the entertainment
was mediocre enough to be enjoyed by all. As far as the islands were
concerned, each had its own charm. Mikonos whiteness contrasted
with Cretes filth but it was Santorini that now comes to mind
as I put pen to paper whilst I mix reminiscence with reality.
It was the smell of dung on the downward sloping path of the island
as my wife and I literally ran down towards the wharf from the hill
top ahead of the rest of the tourist crowd bouncing their way back on
the animal transportation system that did it. Ill never forget
Santorinis mule population!
There is a final caveat to this small dedication to a fascinating animal.
A great deal of ignorant humans confuse a mule, which is a hybrid animal
as explained above, with one of its creators, the donkey. A donkey is
the same as ass and not to be confused with a horse or a pony. Mule
is unique! There are similarities alright, particularly in temperament,
which I shall not go into. Again, the expression, dont be
an ass! is erroneously insulting of a mules mirror imaged
beast. Although I cannot help but repeat myself, all these animals together
with thousands of others are in danger of extinction other than the
few odd ones that end up in zoos around the world. Suffice to say that
one of the contending parties to the USA presidential elections is recognised
by the symbol of a donkey whilst the other is that of an elephant. Could this be a political omen that too much consumerism may cause democracy
to also vanish?
© James G. Skinner. April 2008.
Country for Aches and Pains
James Skinner
Many people, when they retire take
up a new hobby, or they go back to college to study
Technology & Other Animals
James Skinner
When I retired as Honorary British Consul I lost my fax machine,
my high speed digital line, my mobile phone and my PC. Now I had to
start over
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