
International Writers Magazine: Politics
James Skinner
like a football match? Its not! Ever since George decided
to get rid of Sadam and mayhem burst out in Baghdad and all across
Iraq, most of the West, not to mention the rest of the world,
has been blaming the guy, apart from the mess, for all the extra
security that has been imposed around us. We cant cross
the pavement without looking over our shoulders in case some goon
triggers off a car bomb or blows himself up whilst buying a fruitcake.
Police check one day, BOOM the next. But lets
backtrack a bit. Although the 7th Cavalry didnt go charging
into Afghanistan until 2001, indiscriminate bombing by suicide
loonies had been going on long before George ever came to power.
How many still remember
Christmas Eve (not quite!) 1988 when Pan Am flight 103 was blown out
of the air over Lockerbie in Scotland by a supposed Islamic terrorist
attack with the loss of 200 human beings? Did anybody in our western
civilisation suspect that this could be a preview of forthcoming
attractions, that would turn the world into a complete security
risk? No way! Travelling, especially by air was business as usual
within weeks. You could still hop on an off an aircraft without batting
an eyelid in practically every part of the western world. I recall travelling
backwards and forwards between the US and Europe using TWA, Pan-Am,
British Airways, it didnt matter. Once you had your boarding pass
and your luggage was happily tucked away in that obscure area between
terminal and aircraft awaiting departure, a last minute drink and smoke
allowed you to pass the remaining time away before you nonchalantly
walked along the isle and corridor to board the plane. At the other
end, your main time consumption was waiting for that suitcase to miraculously
arrive on the conveyor belt before a pain in the butt immigration
officer asked you for your passport. Twenty minutes later you would
be hopping into a taxi and careering towards your hotel for a quick
shower and shave before a hectic business meeting at your destination.
But then it happened! Similar, but from a different Islamic club, the
terrorists struck at air travel again, this time using the actual aircraft
as bombs. No need to go over the details of the September 11th attack
on the WTC in New York. Suffice to say that suddenly, the top
brass in our democratic world realised that blowing up airplanes
was just not on. Actually, youve got to hand it to them but the
Israelis had already set in motion their own security system, long before
the Twin Towers came tumbling down. I recall a direct flight on El Al
that I caught between New York and Tel Aviv back in 1986 and how surprised
I was at the routine security check I had to go through
before boarding the plane. I was the only non Jew amongst the passengers
and remember sweat blobs appearing on my brow as the Israeli immigration
officer asked me why I had a Bahrain visa in my passport. Nevertheless,
it was one of the most secure and pleasant journeys I had made in my
Not anymore!
At first, airports began to install metal detector arcs and airline
staff would ask you a few questions about your luggage at their counter.
Did you pack your own bag, Sir? Yes, would be
the obvious answer. Next question, was your hand luggage always
with you? Once again youd give an affirmative answer. Next
check point was the boarding search. As long as you didnt carry
a Colt 45 or a souvenir WWII hand grenade you could continue towards
the aircraft. As time went by the terrorists began to widen their attacks
and targets, such as the Madrid and London transport bombings. Their
evil sophistication in the form of miniature liquid bombs coupled with
threats and plots as discovered in the UK and Germany continued to sound
alarm bells throughout the world. Western security experts did not waste
time. The introduction of new technology and further extreme measures
began to turn the airports upside down. If you dare cross the boundary
from land to air with a bottle of pop hidden in your briefcase youre
liable to be slung into a dark room protected by Alsatians and cross
examined by the most ferocious sector of the police force. If the metal
detector blasts out, this time round youll be stripped naked and
then allowed to board once you have proved that the titanium rod in
your left hip isnt a camouflage for a radioactive time bomb. As
for mobile phones and laptop computers, make sure the batteries are
packed away in the hold luggage and that you dont even look at
them until you arrive at the other end.
But airports are not the only ones to take this whole terrorist thing
to the extremes of painstaking security. Take passports for instance.
The USA is making absolutely certain that anyone entering their country
can be securely identified to the nth degree and this has had a knock
on effect for the rest of the world in issuing identity papers. Biometric
passports that can even tell how many breast implants or face lifts
youve had let alone your vitals are the order of the day. You
no longer can turn up at the counter with a document whereby the photograph
looks like your daughter or has been put through the washing machine
by mistake. No, Sir! Exact replicas of your ugly mug are a must otherwise
youll never make it to Disneyworld. Then theres the question
of money.
Islamic terrorists, like all other businesses require a good bank account
to feed into with their Afghan drug money. Otherwise, how could they
operate all those Internet websites, clandestine worship houses and
a plethora of other expenses needed to blow up infidels? The knock-on
effect is that whenever we honest mortals wish to carry out our own
financial affairs using either credit cards or cheques, the finance
houses scrutiny system triggers into action. In the good old days,
you could walk into a hotel, shop, or restaurant and your credit card
would be automatically assumed to be yours and taken for granted. Asking
your bank to transfer money to pay a bill or into another account could
be done with a simple fax or even a phone call. Not any more! If you
sold some shares and transferred the money to your account, or wished
to pay into that of your grandmothers in order to pay for granddads
funeral bill you more or less have to go back to university to learn
about the banks security procedures. What with customer codes,
pin numbers and passwords, you might as well keep the lolly under the
So what is all the beef about anyway? Is not in all our own interest
to be heavily protected in every one of the mundane areas of life just
in case some suicide terrorist decides were his next target? Shouldnt
we feel grateful for all this effort put into practice by our police,
armed forces and secret service aimed at making sure we can still go
to work, have a pint of beer or visit out mistress without the fear
of being blown to bits? Im sure we all agree to these new XXI
measures of safeguarding our existence. But what about the infidel fighters?
Do you think that theyre going to give up? Not on your life! Not
only are they going to continue but they will grow in numbers. Answer?
I have no idea. Sort out the Israeli-Palestine conflict and pull the
7th Cavalry out of Iraq is on everyones lips. Stop using their
oil is another thought. However, whatever the outcome is in the future,
one thing is for sure. There is no going back to the good old days when
you could walk on and off an aircraft and the only problem you had was
whether the wine on board was French, Spanish or Italian.
© James Skinner. December 2006.
Rex Holiday
James Skinner - airport terror
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