
The International Writers Magazine


London, France – they all saw my underpants

April 24, 2006, (Vancouver, BC)

Actress/Model, Tammy Gillis returns home after a 6 week long international modeling tour with the latest must have fashion brand, the Vancouver based, Ginch Gonch Fashion Ltd. So, what happens when a small town girl from Manitoba is off touring the world wearing her ginches?The Ginch Gonch tour started in Guadalajara, Mexico and moved on to Paris, France. “Getting to see the Eiffel Tower was one of the greatest moments in my life. Definitely has always been on my list of things to do,” says Gillis. After a slight hiccup in London, England, she returned home briefly before moving onward to Las Vegas, NV and then traveling all the way over to Moscow, Russia. The tour consisted of runway shows, print work, interviews with press (TV and editorial). As for what her mom always said about not leaving the house without a clean pair of underwear? Gillis was glad she could reassure her on that front!

Since returning home, Tammy has been working steadily. She just finished wrapping a shoot for a US National commercial and is currently working on White Noise 2, starring Nathan Fillion (Serenity, Slither) and Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica). Gillis has also been cast as one of the leads in a psychological/supernatural horror indie (winner of the Praxis Screenwriting Competition 2006) that is scheduled to start shooting this summer.

Check out the trailer online at

Upcoming appearances include The L Word, as well as a Fashion File half hour segment about the fashion shoot for Ginch Gonch’s latest collection, shot on location in El Salvador in December 2005.

For more pics, check out or Tammy’s website at


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