
'Mobile phones have changed the limitations of time and space: we are
never alone anymore What does it say about our culture that we will
turn our phones off to go and watch a film, but not to spend uninterrupted
time with a friend?'
Is there anyone who
doesnt have a mobile phone these days? If so, they certainly dont
live in London. Walk down any street, sit in any park, or stand outside
any station and all you see are people talking or sending text messages
on their mobiles. Sit in any café or on any train, and all you
hear are other peoples conversations and the bleep bleep
of new text messages arriving. And these people are only the ones who
have their phones out at that particular moment: think of the countless
more who have them in their bags, on chargers at home
Once upon a time, mobiles were only really used by high-flying executives,
yuppies, car salesmen and dodgy wheeler-dealers. The rest of us would
tut and roll our eyes back when a phone would ring on the train and its
owner would say in an unnecessarily loud voice yes, darling, Im
on the train
. Now however, no-one even bats an eyelid: they
just carry on reading their papers, staring out the window, or (most likely)
pick up their own phones and make a call, send a message, play a game,
find out the football results, read their horoscopes the possibilities
are endless.
Its more unusual not to have a mobile than to have one these days.
People do not ask if you have a mobile, just what your mobile number is.
As a 24-year-old female, I can honestly say that I dont know anyone
who doesnt have a mobile (even my grandpa has one
and my flatmates
8-year-old sister!). And its not as if were all rolling in
cash with high-powered jobs; most of us are still struggling to make ends
meet in this ridiculously expensive city. Nor is it a city slicker thing;
everyone back home in Cornwall has them too the bleep bleeps
have even penetrated The Harbour pub in Porthleven. From social arrangements
to job-hunting, stock market updates to surf reports, catching up on gossip
to calling for help in an emergency, everyone finds a use, a need for
mobile phones
and everyone has them. And with BT removing the London
phone boxes now, what choice will people have anyway?
With mobiles being so widespread across age and social and economic groups,
its hardly surprising that they have changed our lifestyle and behaviour.
You dont need to be a sociologist to work this out just look
around. People seem to use their phones all the time, whether theyre
alone or in a group, walking down the street or sitting in a bar, going
around the supermarket or driving their cars. We dont need to make
detailed arrangements anymore; just take your phone with you and you can
organise as you go along: where are you now? OK, ring me
when you get to the station and Ill tell you where to go from there
blah blah blah. Running late or the bus doesnt turn up? Having problems
following directions to somewhere new? Get separated from friends in a
crowd, when shopping or driving in convoy? No worries just pick
up the phone. Even at music festivals - the traditional playground of
alternative types, hippies and punks - more and more people
are using mobiles to find their lost friends. At the T in the Park festival
last month, I couldnt believe the number of mobiles I saw pressed
to the ears of damp festival-goers in the soggy fields, straining to have
conversations over the loud music.
Theres no doubt mobile phones can make our lives easier, but are
they are a totally positive thing? For a start, its easy to become
stupidly reliant on them. We dont bother to make sure were
on time and know where were going anymore. We just assume we can
speak to people whenever we need to. Just last night I got caught out
when I went with a friend to meet another group of friends in a random
part of town we didnt know. We had no idea where we were going,
but just figured wed ring when we came out of the Underground and
take it from there. However, ***SHOCK HORROR*** our friend hadnt
got her phone with her and we didnt even know the name of the bar
where they were so in the end we had to give up and go home.
Then theres the way mobiles affect our social interaction. Just
because friends are physically in the same place doesnt mean they
will actually talk to each other. You see groups of people walking or
sitting together, but all having separate conversations to other people
on their mobiles. In Leicester Square the other day, I watched a couple
obviously meeting for a date. The man was on his phone when the woman
turned up, and, after nodding and smiling at her, carried on talking for
another five minutes or so while she stood there looking awkward and self-conscious.
It doesnt matter if youre having a few drinks with a couple
of mates; if your phone rings then invariably you answer it and chat away
to whoever it is who has interrupted your conversation. And, if youre
the one whos been left staring into space and looking gormless,
trying not to listen to every word of your companions conversation
with someone else, what do you do? Pick up your own phone
The omnipresence of mobiles mean that its much harder to focus on
the present company, time and place without being interrupted by ridiculous
ring tones and bleep bleeps. The fact that so many people
have the same phones and alert tones also means that we are constantly
checking to see if its our phone or someone elses bleep
bleep-ing or sounding the Star Wars theme tune. Nevertheless, however
annoying we all admit it is, we are still increasingly reluctant to actually
turn our phones off what if someone wants to contact us and cant
get through? Huh! Our changing culture means that more and more people
feel they have to be contactable more and more of the time. I saw an advertisement
on television the other day for a mobile phone/emailer/fax/personal organiser:
an unrealistically happy-looking businessman was sitting on the train
on the way to work checking his email, voicemail and sending faxes. The
slogan was Why wait til you get to the office?
Well, I can think of lots of reasons actually. Essentially, because its
sad and unhealthy to be working so many hours in the day. Cant the
journey to work just be downtime when we can relax, gather our thoughts,
read a book or paper, or even have a face-to-face conversation with someone?
Mobile phones have changed the limitations of time and space: we are never
alone anymore a huge network of people can be connected at the
press of a button. Even when physically alone waiting for someone,
eating a sandwich in the park, standing at the bus stop calls and
text messages mean that you can be interacting with a number of people.
In the past, the sight of someone laughing out loud on their own might
be a little odd; now its perfectly normal theyve just
received a funny text message thats all. People love sending jokes
and silly banter around via text messages. Texting also enables us to
communicate with people without actually having to talk to them: great
when a) you dont feel like speaking to them b) youre lying
and dont want it to be obvious c) you only met them last night and
are too shy to actually talk to them d) youre at work and, strangely
enough, supposed to be working
and so it goes on. Whatever, its
great to receive lots of messages and calls, but what about when your
little grey (or black or pink leopard-skin or Union Jack) friend is silent?
Isnt it a little deflating knowing that you are totally contactable
all the time, but that no-one has actually phoned or texted you for a
couple of days? Or if youre with a group of friends and everyone
elses phones are going off apart from yours?! ***OH NO, NO-ONE LIKES
ME!*** Mobiles, designed to make our lives easier, have now acquired the
capacity to make us feel unpopular. Very sad indeed.
When you actually stop and think about it, look around, become aware of
your own habits and those around you, the extent that mobile phones have
changed society is quite disturbing. What does it say about our culture
that we will turn our phones off to go and watch a film, but not to spend
uninterrupted time with a friend? And what about the long-term health
risks? Just like the warnings about the link between tobacco and cancer,
a whole generation of mobile phone users have heard the warnings about
potential brain tumours and swept them under the carpet. Besides, you
can use your phone to find out the lottery result from wherever you are
© Helen Gilchrist 2001
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