PEI Memories
J E Biggar
There was one place where I was allowed to be a child and that was during our annual vacations to Prince Edward Island.
Welcome to Kalymnos
Julia Reynolds
Kalymnos, a Greek island situated close to Turkeys
west coast about 300km southeast of Athens
The Alternative Trans-Siberian Railway
Steven Tizzard
The lesser known Baikalo-Amurskaya Magistral (Baikal-Amur Mainline or BAM) runs for 3400 km through beautifully bleak Siberian landscape.
San Francisco Days
Martin Green
One of the pleasures of retirement is having a second cup of coffee after breakfast. |

R.I.P. Women's Rights, Healthcare, Reform - James Campion 9.26.20
The Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Heralds the End of Progressivism
Make no mistake the very idea of a progressive moment ended the moment Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stopped breathing.
Bankrupt Again
James Campion 9.18.20
Trump Campaign is Dead Broke and Headed for Defeat - Trump took his flaying on ABC because he is losing Pennsylvania, like he is losing Michigan and Wisconsin and also Arizona, and not as badly, but bad enough ...
Donald Trump's Gravest Sin
James Campion 9.15.20
President Withholds Vital Info on Pandemic, Leading to 200,000 Dead - There is now a recording of the president of the United States admitting to Bob Woodward that he was fully aware of the deadly severity of Covid-19
Will The 737 Ever Get off the Ground Again? - Nick Millman
The Causes/Issues of the Two Boeing 737 Max Crashes
5 Tips When You're Going From Freelance to Full Time
Indiana Lee 9.9.20
Essential Work Survival Tools - If you don’t pull together your job-hunting toolkit before job hunting, you’re liable to struggle throughout the process
The Beauty of Cancel Culture
James Campion 9.1.20
Of course, taking down statues or challenging their import is not the same as wiping out or rewriting history.
Five Easy Pizzas
John M Edwards
Ever since I saw Jack Nicholson in a film, Five Easy Pieces, where he goes ballistic in a diner because the waitress won’t make changes on their set sandwich orders, I’ve been a stickler on having my food done right.
Is the UK heading
For No Man's Land? - James Skinner redux
In 2001 we were worrying about Europe and the Euro in a prescient article written 20 years ago.
Anguished Cry of the Wounded Banshee
James Campion 9.9.20
A Week in the Opening Political Death Throes of Donald J. Trump