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International Writers Magazine:
Reality Check
James Campion
" Well,
why, all of a sudden, if he had all these grave concerns, did he
not raise these sooner? This is one-and-a-half years after he left
the administration. And now, all of a sudden, he's raising these
grave concerns that he claims he had. And I think you have to look
at some of the facts. One, he is bringing this up in the heat of
a presidential campaign."
- Press Secretary Scott McClellan on former Bush administration
anti-terrorism czar, Richard Clarke's "Against All Enemies:
Inside America's War on Terror".
22, 2004 Scott McClellan wants to go to heaven now. He
thinks writing a book confessing his sins will get him there. Dick Nixon
and Bill Clinton tried it. Chuck Colson and Ed Meese too. George Tenet,
Richard Clarke and Paul O'Neill gave it a shot recently, and some may
have forgiven them for it, but God is not likely to be counted among
them. God has different criteria, and it is not designed to make exceptions
for manipulating the American public as bucket-carrying surf for the
Commander-in-Chief and his band of cronies on matters of war and treason.
Public opinion and cleansing the soul may be good business for Jesus
and Judge Judy, but for omnipresent judgment it is something akin to
white noise.
Fuck Scott McClellan.
This is what God will say when the final writ comes due,
and he will have his family and country and president to thank for it,
because they were the ones who convinced the chubby Texan momma's boy
that there would be a final reward for blindly following the guiding
light of George W. Bush, Republicanism and loyalty.
Oh, it was loyalty that put Baby Mac in the rumble seat
of the Big Ride long enough to laugh all the way from Austin into history;
a history he hopes to queer by thrashing a few random thoughts together
about how horrible and unjust his government was while he spun it happy-go-lucky
for the voting hordes.
Poor, misguided, stupid fool the former White House press
secretary was. He lied repeatedly and without shame for the Big Machine.
He was cast before the public as a puppet of Machiavellian demons battling
to keep Dick Cheney and Karl Rove out of prison, while defending the
federal government's mishandling of natural disasters and cobbling together
incriminating fabrications about Middle Eastern invasions.
Victimhood, the rascal's last refuge; a cozy place to
lick the wounds and pass the blame, conveniently weaving a quilt of
denial -- it will put The Dirt on you, the kind that doesn't wash off.
Many who held the position of press secretary wrestled
with The Dirt when leaving the post. Private discussions with Franklin
Pierce's press representative revealed suicidal dreams and long nights
of self-flagellation after failing to properly explain the plunging
of a nation into Civil War. The Dirt was also on the sad sack who tried
to locate all those missing Japanese citizens during World War II, while
failing to mention that the country's chief executive was almost always
minutes away from mental and physical incapacity. Some even claim that
Andrew Jackson's press people went mad from lack of sleep after the
"mass evacuation and systemic execution of entire races".
"Oh, woe is me, the messenger, duped like a child
in these trying times! Oh, how the evil network of cruel monsters used
me as a tool of incompetence and propaganda."
That is a direct quote from the public relations firm
that spun the nasty deeds of Jesse James into paperback gold, while
he was busy shooting innocent rail workers in the face for spare change.
They claimed innocence as well, victims of corporate greed and misrepresentation.
Over and over they asked their detractors if they would have so easily
refused boatloads of cash to paint an obvious psychopath as the playful
rogue of the Wild West.
McClellan wants to free his soul; the opening quote for
his book, "What Happened: Inside The Bush White House And Washington's
Culture Of Deception" is "The truth will set you free",
the most abused Bible verse in a fantastically mangled litany of them.
The truth sets one free when it is served up during the time of a terrible
lie being perpetuated, not after all the money was made and the plaudits
were handed out and then you can't sleep at night because you think
the Devil is nipping at your heals.
This would have been a whole lot bigger if the book had
been titled, "What's Happening", and it hit the shelves when
McClellan stepped down. Now it simply justifies from the inside what
everyone has since learned from simple observation and a minimum of
investigation. Great, thanks for adding to the parade of Bush-bashers
months before he becomes a private citizen and his approval ratings
are that of the final days of Nero.
If McClellan truly wanted to "set the record straight",
he would have come clean years ago in an interview or by making a statement
to the congress, not after receiving a healthy advance from a major
publisher and going on the Today Show and whining like a school girl.
Then maybe these revelations, spoken from the heart of the Bush inner
sanctum, would have rightfully fueled a public outcry that made it politically
solvent for the spineless legislative branch to wrest what McClellan
clearly describes as blatant criminals from the halls of federal government.
The liberating magic of the truth applies to Colin Powell,
who stood up to the president of the United States about his misgivings
on foreign policy and war in 2004, two months before resigning his post
as secretary of state, admitting before a senate committee on governmental
affairs that his speech to the UN in February of 2003 about Iraq's stockpile
of weaponry was "wrong". Powell, treated like a punk and a
sell-out by his party and administration, stood his ground and went
on record, legally binding and lasting, to the press, the citizenry,
and the world that there were serious and dangerous problems with the
government's transparency. Like John Dean a generation before, he stood
up, against the pressure to keep quiet and cover-up when it was most
useful to the country, not when it was financially and spiritually expedient.
What McClellan should have done without hesitation and
in front of a grand jury, was expose these serious charges completely
and without equivocation. Because among the litany of crimes McClellan
levels against his former boss and his cabal, admitting that Karl Rove
and Scooter Libby deliberately told him to lie to save the vice president
from being indicted for treasonous acts by revealing the identity of
a CIA agent for political smearing is grave.
If McClellan's observations are correct, Libby, Rove,
and Dick Cheney must be tried and executed for treason against the United
States in a time of war. Period.
But his words are merely passed off as that of a "disgruntled
employee manipulated by an avaricious publisher", and that he is
just piling on an already disgraced lame duck president.
Perhaps McClellan should heed his own words, as flaccid
and incredible as they appear now, when he criticized a former colleague
for conveniently trickling out major indictments in a book years after
the fact; "If you look back at his past comments and his past actions,
they contradict his current rhetoric."
© James Campion June 2008
James Campion
has to distance himself from the currently doomed Washington atmosphere
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