The International Writers Magazine: Jess Clifford Russia Diary
- Warning Long Read
Jeff Clifford
April 17, 2004
Why did I want to visit Russia, the former USSR?
In Roman letters: S.S.S.R. = Soyuz Sovyetskikh Sotsialistichetskikh
Respublik;Translated into English: U.S.S.R. = Union of Soviet Socialist
started in my childhood; my father was in the United States Air Force
during the cold war and at one point was stationed at Monzano Missile
Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico during the Vietnam War. It was no secret
where some of those missiles were pointed at as the USSR was aiding
the communists in the region. I had heard about the cold war, the Iron
Curtain, and I distinctly remember the pointless duck and cover drills
we did in school in the 60s-70s in the event of a nuclear
attack, only the USSR had the bomb besides the US at the time. I joined
the Air Force myself in the early 80s and it was still during
the cold war. In fact, I have a Certificate of Appreciation from the
Secretary of Defense in recognition for my military service during the
cold war. Then, in the early 1990s, things changed. President
Regan told President Gorbachev: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down these
walls". We had glasnost (openness) and perestroika (reforms). Then
the tanks came rolling in to Red Square (Krasny ploschad) and President
Yeltsin climbed on the tanks. The Berlin Wall was torn down the, Iron
Curtain removed; the ability to visit was there.
Also through film I increased my fascination with Russia: Doctor Zhivago,
Gorky Park, From Russia with Love, Firefox, Moscow on the Hudson, The
Russia House, Red Heat, The Hunt for Red October, etc. Then other forms
of culture Tchaikovsky, Rudolf Nureyev, Michael Barishnikov, Yakov Smirnof
(I know). Who were these people that I had always been told were the
enemy, so opposite from Americans, so different? I met a few Russian
people in California, they had an accent, were a little reserved, didnt
belly laugh or smile as frequently as Americans, but they were good
people. I knew that someday I would have to go to Russia and see for
myself. My good friend Paul Dale Roberts called me one day wanting to
go to Iceland. I thought, well, Iceland would be cool, but what destination
would be really mind-blowing for seasoned international travelers such
as ourselves? Paul was as excited by the idea as I was, as he had taught
the Soviet Threat while in Army Military Intelligence. The trip was
First, we had to book hotels because you have to have a sponsor before
you can obtain a visa to enter the Russian Federation. The hotel (or
private citizen if you are going to stay with someone) has to petition
an agency that will contact the Ministry of Tourism to get the appropriate
paperwork. Then we went to the Russian Embassy in San Francisco, with
the necessary forms and the even more necessary $100 application fee.
Through some language misunderstanding, he informed me that I would
be going to Moscow but not St. Petersburg; I informed him in return
that I would be going to both Moscow and St. Petersburg and we eventually
got it straightened out. All that remained was to obtain the visa, pack
and do the usual travel rigmarole, including trying to learn some Russian
and work on transliterating the Cyrillic alphabet into Russian then
English. Finally it was time to go.
Our flight over on Delta Airlines was relatively uneventful, from San
Francisco to JFK Airport in New York, then a plane switch to Moscow,
they did however show "Lost in Translation" which was either
unintentionally or intentionally ironic. Another note, at least on Delta
International, booze is no longer complimentary, a real shock to my
system and experience on previous international flights. The food quality
and quantity also left much to be desired even though it was the cheapest
flight alternative.
Day 1-Thursday, April 1, 2004, Moscow
At Moscow International Airport Sheremetyevo-2 (not to be confused with
the domestic airport Sheremetyevo-1, ask Fed-Ex about that), we got
through customs in about 40 minutes, it was around 1 pm Moscow time
and Pauls friend Anya was there at the other end waiting for him.
We were immediately approached by one of the infamous Moscow taxi drivers,
Sasha 1(more about the tale of two Sashas later). He waited for
us while we ate lunch at the airport café where I had a delicious
Russian dish, pelmini (beef in little dough balls) in sour cream. During
the course of our conversation with Anya she informed us that one of
her students (shes an English teacher) had been killed in
the recent bombing on the Moscow Metro, very sad. She negotiated a $50
taxi ride for us to the hotel, which we thought was reasonable (35 miles
away). Anya had to leave and took the Metro, leaving us in Sasha-1s
capable hands. Sasha spoke enough English for us to ask questions about
rules and logistics. Everything was jim dandy until we went into the
hotel and exchanged US dollars for rubles at the hotel currency exchange.
I handed Sasha-1 the 1500 rubles, roughly $53 US (28.5 rubles= $1) with
a big smile. My smile quickly evaporated when Sasha-1 said, no, 2800
rubles. I did a relatively slow mental calculation, it had been a 24
hour trip at that point, and I said thats around $100, not the
previously negotiated $50, whats up with that? He said, no, there
had been a misunderstanding; I needed to pay him 2800 rubles. Not wanting
a confrontation with the police or even worse the Russian mafia, we
decide to pay the 2800 rubles. Sasha-1 shook hands with us and wished
us a wonderful time in Moscow. Shrugging off that experience, we checked
into our rooms in the Izmailovo Delta Hotel (there are also the gamma,
alpha and beta buildings), located 9 miles from city center and previously
hosts of olympic athletes for the 1980 games.. The rooms were doubles,
a single bed, roomy enough, for $56 a night, including buffet breakfast.
That being arranged, I then called the Bolshoi to see if I could pick
up the tickets in person Friday morning rather than that evening, as
I was too tired and leery to try and tackle the Moscow Metro and its
9 million daily riders that evening. We did, however, walk the two blocks
over to the metro station to check it out. It was cold (25 degrees Fahrenheit)
with a stiff wind which stung our wimpy California faces. The air smelled
funky from the nearby smoke stacks and walking into the metro station,
which was dark, dank, smelly and grungy and looking at a rush hour crowd
with gray faces made me feel like I had plunged into a 1984 orwellian
nightmare. Not figuring out how tickets could be purchased further plunged
me into despair and we returned to our hotel. The first restaurant we
went to in the hotel had a nautical theme and a dance floor, the menu
was totally in Cyrillic alphabet and the waiter spoke very little English.
He mentioned steak and potato, which didnt appeal to me and we
decided to leave. I wanted something traditional but the Russian restaurant
was closed. We gave up and decided to eat at the Japanese restaurant.
The chicken skewers I ordered tasted as funky as the air smelled, luckily
my friends sushi rolls tasted good and he didnt mind the
funky chicken, so I did get some food. We walked over to what we thought
was our hotel lobby, but was actually the gamma side. It apparently
was a Star Trek Mirror Universe, both sides looking exactly the same.
After a while, I could tell our hotel side by the plastic sheet covering
a renovation area. Finally finding the right elevator, I called my friend
Marina to find out if she would be able to see "Romeo and Juliet"
at the Bolshoi Ballet Friday evening; I had bought the tickets online
before I left California but had not gotten her last e-mail telling
me she could go. I told her of our day and she told me that there was
an old Russian saying; "If you make a wish the first night you
are in another country it will come true", I thanked her and wished
that I would get out of Russia alive and in good health. Turning in,
still depressed at this point about my Russian adventure gone awry I
drifted off to sleep.
Day 2-Friday, April 2, 2004, Moscow
With a good nights sleep I got up and looked out the window, it
had snowed overnight and the nearby park and frozen river were beautiful!
Maybe today would be a good day. I went to breakfast with Paul who told
me he would hang out with me today and we could brave the metro together
and see Red Square, St. Basils, the Kremlin and pick up the Bolshoi
tickets. Buoyed knowing my friend would have my back in Moscow we went
to eat. Sadly, the juice and a lot of the food at breakfast still had
the same funky taste. I bought a coke and ate some Russian pancakes
with jelly. Paul had no problem wolfing down his food; I guess Army
is tougher than Air Force. We made it to the metro station, I had read
before that a round trip metro ride anywhere on the line was 20 rubles,
so I forked over 40 rubles, pointed at my friend and made a round gesture
with my finger; it worked and we had our metro tickets. I queried ploschad
revolutionii (revolution square), the city center and she pointed down
the steps. We were on our way, I had a copy of the metro map that I
had printed out at home and had counted 5 stops to the center. We counted
them off and barely spoke, as the unsmiling faces crammed into the dark
blue 1930s train werent either. We got off the train at
the center Metro station and it was as gorgeous as I had previously
read. Very spacious with many icons. Thoughts of the Metro station bombing
several weeks back faded from my memory. We walked for a ways then came
to the longest, steepest escalator I had ever seen in my life. Riding
up it was amazing. We finally reached the end, walked out and saw a
large yellow building a half a block away. We walked up to it trying
to surmise what it was; a library, a historical museum? Getting closer,
we saw playbills and writing, it was the Bolshoi Theater. By that we
had our bearings. We made our way down to a large statue of a military
man on horseback in front of a large red building. Were we on Red Square
(krasny ploschad)?
We walked around the red building and entered another square and in
front of us about 1500 feet was St. Basils church, with its
beautiful, onion-top colored domes. Now we were on red square and we
were the only people standing on it, Kremlin Guard were on a nearby
sidewalk, watching. The dream of a lifetime was happening, there was
some snow on the square and we started snapping pictures. There was
a song by the Human League written in the early 80s called Things
that Dreams are Made Of. One of the stanzas that had always inspired
me went: "Take a lift to the top of the Empire State, take a ride
across the golden gate, march, march, march across Red Square, do all
the things you ever dared". I had now accomplished the last two
items on the list. We walked all around and I bought a Russian fur hat
from a souvenir hawker then we walked over to a yellowish beige façade
that ran the eastern length of the square and wondered if that was the
Kremlin. As it turned out that was the facade for the state run department
store, known as the GUM 2(Glawnyj Universalnyj Magasin) built between
1888-1894. It has been revamped inside and is now a modern department
store rivaling the largest in the world. We walked through, looking
at the Hugo Boss and Calvin Klein stores and found a café for
some coca-cola, happily pervasive throughout Moscow.
Feeling refreshed, we went out to go on the 11:00am Kremlin tour. We
passed the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the eternal flame, and took
pictures. I then took pictures of approaching Kremlin Guard on horseback;
the leader pointed his finger and yelled at me, apparently not appreciating
the photo op, so we hurried along lest a beating ensued. As we approached
the Kremlin tour ticket office we were approached by a English speaking
lady named Ruth who offered to take us on a tour explaining everything
otherwise we wouldnt know what we were looking at. This sounded
reasonable for 200 rubles each so we agreed. Ruth did a wonderful job;
The Kremlin (fortress) is surrounded by red walls and is considered
to be the grounds and all the buildings (including the churches) except
for the Armory. She took us past the abandoned congress building built
during Khrushchevs era, the present administrative building used
by President Putin, the worlds largest cannon never fired and
the worlds largest bell never rung. We went into several of the
beautiful churches and took pictures of gorgeous frescoes and innate
ornamentation. I opted for the extra charge Armoury tour while Paul
waited outside. I ran into an American lady who had been in Moscow 3.5
years, her husband worked for a US oil company. She told me what a fantastic
experience she had had at the year 2000 New Year celebration at Red
Square. They had partied until 2:30am when the Kremlin Guard came out
in a big wave and urged them homeward. I helped her and I find the Faberge
eggs. I also saw the Czars carriages, the armor and the old costumes
and finery worn by the czars and company. Afterwards, we went past the
large statue of Karl Marx to the Bolshoi ticket office and I picked
up the tickets for that evenings show. Feeling exuberant at this
point, we went down the Metro escalator and immediately ran into two
fights. One teenager throwing an older guy and a minute later we saw
three guys beating on two guys; luckily the police whistles blew soon
and they stopped the fight. I was having mixed feelings again and decided
that Marina and I would be taking a taxi to the Bolshoi from the hotel
that night.
Marina showed up at my hotel about an hour before showtime looking resplendent
in a mink coat with long black hair. I told her about my Metro adventure
and she was nice enough to tease me about being afraid to ride the Metro.
She had a taxi waiting but I had already arranged one through the hotel.
My ride ended up being 600 rubles($20), hers would have been 250
rubles ($8). We made it just in time to pass through the metal detectors
and coat check at the world famous Bolshoi Theater. The ballet was a
modern version of Romeo and Juliet, complete with a bed brought out
for the scantily clad love scenes. With no speaking, it was up to each
individual to interpret the play (albeit the story was well known) and
a truly enjoyable experience. We caught a 250 ruble ($8) taxi ride back
to the hotel and spent some time together.
Day 3-Saturday, April 3, 2004, Moscow
I woke up feeling better about things, despite the Metro beatings. Paul
was otherwise occupied so I went over to the Izmailovsky Flea Market
next to the hotel, the largest one in Russia, also known as the best
place to get inexpensive souvenirs in Moscow. You negotiate there just
as in Tijuana. I bought a lot of matryosha (nesting) dolls, replica
Faberge eggs, KGB and USSR logo compasses (that some turned out later
to have low-level radioactive radium needles as pointers). I ate delicious
meat pies, potato pies, lamb skewers and drank Russian beer for lunch.
I had read warnings before leaving the US not to eat food from the vendors,
but I never got sick. Marina came over to the hotel for dinner, I wanted
Russian cuisine and amusingly enough, she didnt know any Russian
restaurants so we had a delicious Russian buffet dinner at the hotel,
with beef in stew, chicken, pork, perch, tomatoes, and brown rice. I
had a Baltica beer, Marina a glass of Georgian red wine. We talked about
our lives, she was Armenian, born in Chechnya, and had later joined
the communist party prior to the party becoming a minor player in Russian
politics. She had been to the US once to visit her uncle who lived in
Los Angeles. She trained as a nurse, went to Medical College, but couldnt
keep her grades up, and ended up getting a degree as an English teacher.
She showed me her book that she was required to keep with her at all
times because she had a valuable wartime job skill as a nurse, brownish
red, resembling a passport, that contained her war reporting station,
her identity, her boot, trouser, blouse and cap size. She was currently
working as a facilitator for foreign companies wanting to locate businesses
in Moscow. She wanted to get a job as an English teacher, as she enjoyed
speaking the language. We continued to talk and spend time together.
A relaxing day and evening for me.
Day 4-Sunday, April 4, 2004,
Moscow Marina was busy that day, so Paul and I went downtown, braving
the Moscow Metro again, a little easier this time since we had our bearings.
We went back down to Red Square, this time 1/3 blocked off because Lenins
Tomb was open for tours and there was only on entrance. Just as on the
Kremlin Tour, smelling American from 2 miles away, Leon, a Belarus gentleman
who had grown up in New Jersey and was fond of Americans because of
his roots, he offered to take us on the Lenin Mausoleum tour for 250
rubles each ($8), a recurring theme. He explained that he could hold
the cameras for us, while we were in the tomb, then walk around the
open air mausoleum behind the tomb with us, explaining who the statues
and plaques were for afterwards. We went to the head of the line, Leon
gave the guards their cut, and we went through the metal detectors and
were in the barricaded section of red square. Leon told us: "No
talking inside, dont put your hands in your pockets, button your
coats, walk slowly, but do not stop or touch anything".
Inside Lenins Tomb, the Kremlin Guard were watching like hawks
and reprimanded two German tourists who were whispering. I obeyed all
instructions, and gazed upon the eerie visage of Comrade Part Leader
Lenin encased in plastic, giving him the utmost respect. Afterwards,
Leon took us around and we looked at the statues of Stalin, Brezhnev,
Doetskevsky, Tolstoy, General Zukov, and many others, their bodies buried
beneath. We were shown the plaques underneath of which were buried the
remains of such luminaries as Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, first man in space,
and American journalist John Reed, who wrote a book called "10
Days that Shook the World", about the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.
We talked about the German teenager who had landed a Cessna on Red Square,
the cold war. This is where Leon and I got into a tiff as he stated
that Nixon had been president before Kennedy. I corrected him and he
bellowed "You dont tell me, I know my history! Not wishing
to anger our good guide, I dropped the subject. We took pictures, shook
hands, and thanked Leon for his informative tour as snow flurries ensued.
We proceeded downtown, took lots of pictures in front of the old KGB
Headquarters and the Duma and ate lunch in a little café. I had
a delicious chicken, cheese and salsa concoction wrapped in a pancake
as well as a Baltica beer on tap. We continued on and came to a crosswalk.
Looking over, we saw a lady, of unknown nationality, trying to cross
over a heavily trafficked 5 lane roadway. There was an underground tunnel
that everybody else used to cross under the street in front of Karl
Marx Statue. Along with a Russian policeman, we watched her walk to
each white stripe, with cars whizzing by, until she safely made it to
the other side. The policeman blew his whistle, ran over and asked for
her papers. Russian or a tourist I dont know. He took her documents
and led her away. I wondered at her fate. We went on our way and came
across a very crowded Moscow McDonalds. Just for the hell of it
we decided to eat a big mac at the Moscow McDonalds. I have now
eaten at McDonalds in the USA, Germany, the Netherlands and Russia.
It tasted just like a USA big mac. We walked on, ogling all the beautiful
Russian ladies decked out in the latest European fashions, past the
Lenin library, which appeared to be closed or abandoned, hard to tell.
We walked past the World Museum of Earth Geology, with an English sign,
but the attendant would not let us tour, even though other Russians
went in, never did find out what the deal was there. We went back to
the hotel, and again decided to eat at the Japanese Restaurant, the
Russian restaurant being closed. I stuck with the California rolls,
they were delicious. On the way to my room, the elevator minder, asked
in English if I had any quarters with the states on the back. I checked
and came back down with some, he was very happy and upon hearing that
I also collected foreign money, he promised me some old soviet coins,
which he gave me a few days later. This was Sasha-2, a very nice guy.
Sasha-1 bad, Sasha-2 good.
Day 5-Monday, April 5, 2004, St. Petersburg
Got up early, took a taxi to Sheremetyevo-1, the domestic airport for
my 1.5 hour flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg on Aeroflot. Everything
was peachy until the lady told me to wait until 8:00am to go through
the second security checkpoint for my 8:25am flight. There had been
a change from my original 9:25am flight and I assumed the Aeroflot rep
had saw the e-mail changing the flight to 8:25 since the flight number
indicated 8:25am. I got to the second Aeroflot counter and was told
my flight was closed. After getting an English speaking rep who informed
me the first rep had made a mistake and I was too late, I put on my
best ugly American face and threw a fit, I was hustled to another Aeroflot
rep who put me on the 9:25am flight, which would not have been a big
deal except that I had already paid for a driver at the other end in
St. Pete, who I knew would be long gone before I got there. In retrospect,
I should have tried to call the agency in St. Pete. The flight was fine
and Aeroflot must have changed because none of the horror stories about
poor flying chickens in the aisles came true. It was just as modern
and professional as any commuter plane, with flight attendants and food/beverage
service. The only point of amusement was the sign in English on the
emergency hatch that said "emergency rope pull".
Arriving in St. Pete, I got a calling card then realized I had only
a fax number to the driver agency. Giving up, I grumpily negotiated
a 2000 ruble ($70) taxi ride. Determined to get my moneys worth,
I kept practicing my beleaguered Russian on the driver who seemed to
get perturbed as the trip ensued. Making it finally to my hotel I decided
I should get more rubles from the currency exchange. I presented my
credit card and said nyet PIN as I had in Moscow with no problem. What
was no problem in Moscow was a big problem in the former Petrograd and
Leningrad. No PIN, no rubles. I called my credit car company back in
the states and they told me I could apply for a new PIN and it would
activate in 12-24 hours. This would work, so I breathed a sigh of relief
and ate at the hotel restaurant. I went with a cold fish appetizer plate
consisting of sliced salmon, red caviar (salmon eggs), herring, mussels,
and a tomato with a spicy bell pepper taste and a Tuborg beer. It was
delicious. Afterwards I went for a walk around the streets, pass the
Cruiser Aurora, which had been used in the Russo-Japanese war in 1905,
and was also used to send up a gunshot to signal the start of the October
1917 revolution. I walked over one of the bridges spanning the Neva
River. I see now why St. Petersburg is called the Venice of the North,
even though its residents probably refer to Venice as the St.
Petersburg of the South. A façade of buildings line the southern
edge of the river, even though there are plenty of roads, the illusion
is that there are none when viewed from the right angle. The sun didnt
set until 9 pm and I had a great view from my hotel room when I got
back. Later, I went back to the hotel and called another internet friend
Anya, and arranged to meet her at the Hermitage the next day at 2:00pm.
Then I went down to the hotel restaurant and had ice cream and listened
to live traditional Russian music with violin and viola, very cool.
Day 6-Tuesday, April 6, 2004, St. Petersburg
Got up early, ate a delicious buffet breakfast, lots of blue cheese,
potatoes, bagels, croissants, orange and apple juice, no funky smell
or taste. Tried my credit card with PIN, didnt work. No problem,
I still had enough rubles to tide me over for a while. Caught a taxi
downtown to St. Issacs Church of the Spilled Blood. Gorgeous church,
an equal to St. Basils in Moscow. I took pictures, walked along
the canals and made my way over to the Hermitage and Peters Winter
Palace, marvelling at the ancient architecture, trapped between modern
city venues. On the way, I was accosted by two guys, one in front of
me waving rubles in front of me, trying to get me to exchange euros
or dollars with him, he thought I was Italian, I guess because of my
trenchcoat. His friend was bumping me on the right, showing me some
painting. Luckily the street was crowded. Figuring this may have been
a scam to get me to take my money pouch out, I pushed past them, repeatedly
saying "nyet spahseebah (no thank you).
I hurried on over to the Hermitage, one of the first in line, I was
happy I had gone off-tourist season. Even though there were relatively
still a high number of visitors, the Hermitage is the largest museum
in the world, plenty of space for everybody. I tried the ATM machine
inside, still no luck with my PIN. I Spent three hours looking at gorgeous
famous paintings by Rembrandt, Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh, the Flemish
and Dutch Masters, and others Im not cultured enough to remember
as well as sculptures by Rodin and others, including a huge sculpture
of a king on a throne sculpted in 1 AD. I had to hurry out to meet with
Anya as I got lost in the vast labyrinth of the Hermitage. We had lunch,
which I thought was funny, in a Russian City, at a Turkish café,
splitting an Italian pizza. The waitress spoke flawless English, Turkish
and Russian and she was very young. Afterwards, we walked over to the
Chocolate Museum, which actually was not as impressive as I would have
hoped. However, the adjoining café had coffee and all the chocolate
you could eat for 19 rubles, and that provided a great dessert. Anya
liked to walk also, so we decide to walk back to my hotel, stopping
at the Zoological Museum, which was very impressive, including skeletons
of whales and a wooly mammoth. Later, behind Peter and Paul Fortress,
5 teenagers wanted their picture taken. After doing so, one shouted
"Thank you very much" in English, I happily waived. Forging
the bonds of friendship across the ocean. It may sound corny, but I
revel in those moments, trying to be an ambassador of good will. We
also came to a part of a street that had been blocked off from car traffic
and watched the military academy cadets march in procession for end-of-the-day
taps. Decked out in their black uniforms and black commissar hats, they
were very impressive.
Back at the hotel, still no luck with the PIN. Since the hotel restaurant
doesnt take credit cards, we opt for a Japanese restaurant in
a mall around the corner. Again, I have California rolls, with miso
soup, and the best green tea ice cream I have ever tasted. Anya has
the same. I give them the same credit card and am told it has been refused.
Luckily, I have enough rubles on hand to cover. We go back to the hotel,
I call my credit card company, they tell me that, first, the info about
12-24 hours for a PIN activation is incorrect, it takes at least 48
hours, and two, since I tried to use an inactive PIN number so many
times, the card has had a 72 hour security lock put on it. Now, youre
reading this thinking, why am I spending so much time reading about
his credit card problems? Think how I felt over in Russia dealing with
this. Luckily, I had enough rubles on hand to squeeze me through the
next day if I was strategic in my spending. I spent some time getting
to know Anya and enjoyed the rest of my evening.
Day 7-Wednesday, April 7, 2004, St. Petersburg/Moscow
I got up early, ate another great breakfast at the hotel, included in
the hotel price, only $53 a night. I walked over to Peter and Paul Fortress,
only about a mile walk. Explored around and climbed to the top of the
ramparts overlooking the city. I looked down and did a double take as
there is the Neva River, a frozen ice shelf blocked from the sun by
big stone buttresses and in a concrete shelf behind the ice shelf are
St. Petersburg sunbathers, standing up against the fortress wall in
bikinis and swim trunks. It is 55 degrees Fahrenheit at best. I was
in a sweater and trenchcoat, with long blue jeans. Afterwards I stopped
at a street vendor and had cheese in a pancake. This held me over for
a little while as I roamed around looking at the buildings, most of
which were closed. I found another café inside the fortress and
had a delicious and inexpensive lunch of grilled onions, mushrooms and
fried potatoes with a glass of Russian champagne. Refortified, I went
into the courtyard of the artillery museum, ogling all the tanks, rocket
launchers, amphibious landing craft and other military vehicles. I made
my way back near the hotel, stopping by the Cruise Aurora, which conveniently
had a beverage tent next door and had a two balticas on tap while watching
the Russian Military Academy guard check out the attractive tourist
ladies. I then took a brief look around on the deck of the Aurora, walked
back to the hotel and got a taxi back to Pulkovo-1 Airport. The return
Aeroflot flight to Moscow was uneventful and I negotiated a 1500 ruble
($53) taxi ride back to the hotel. I found my other visa card and used
it at the hotel currency exchange and took out 1500 rubles ($300), life
was good again. I was hungry so I decided to walk over to hotel beta
and see what kind of restaurants they had. I found a Russian one with
German tourists and had a delicious bowl of borscht (hot beet soup with
a dollop of sour cream in the middle), some edam cheese and bread and
two glasses of tasty Georgian wine. Afterwards, I was sitting in my
hotel lobby enjoying yet another baltica-3 (they range from 1-18 based
on alcohol content) when my friend Paul showed up. He said his friend
Anya had some gifts for us, namely schnapps and Czechslovakian beer.
How could I refuse? So Paul and I sat up till 4 am drinking and telling
stories before I slithered off to sleep.
Day 8-Thursday, April 8, 2004, Moscow Redux
I woke up late with hangover, breakfast is already over. Marina is busy
and so is Paul. I make my way over to Izmailovsky flea market in search
of Russian pop music cds as gifts. I start eating street vendor
meat pies (pirohskis) and potatoe pies and hot dogs. I find the
cds then wander around as inconspicuously as possible taking pictures.
I buy a couple of bottles of Russian beer and go back and drink them
at the hotel lobby. I decide its time to venture over to Izmailovsky
Park and its frozen river. This is where Peter the Great hung
out in Moscow in the summertime and where he learned to sail. Not knowing
about the closer entrance by the flea market, I take the long way around.
There are not many people out so I debate the safety of this outing.
I decide to persevere; after all, I am a world traveler and explorer,
and sometimes that involves taking chances. I come across a beautiful
orthodox church, who minaret spires I had seen from my hotel room window
on the 26th floor. I point to my camera to the lady at the souvenir
desk and she nods and says "da" (yes). I take roughly 7 pictures
inside of the church before another lady comes over and yells a me for
taking pictures. I point to the lady at the souvenir table but she is
having none of it. She points out the people inside and conveys that
this is an active church and they are worshipping. I beat a hasty retreat
and walk along the river, hoping I havent offended to many people.
I really try hard not to offend people in other countries. I enjoy the
scenic walk along the frozen river and only encounter one other person.
Luckily, he was not a mugger. I make it back to the hotel and run in
to Paul and his friend Natalia. He asks if I want to join them for dinner.
It sounds like a good idea so I call Marina to see if she wants to come.
She is sick, so I call another lady I had corresponded with, Olga. She
comes over to the hotel and we go to the Russian restaurant for the
buffet dinner again. The perch was unbelievably good. I try to use the
visa I used the day before to get money from the currency exchange.
I am told the card is no good. At least I have enough money to get by
if I eat cheaply enough. Olga and I spend time together and enjoy the
rest of the evening. She worked part time as a waitress at a restaurant
and part time as a barmaid in a disco.
Day 9-Friday, April 9, 2004, Moscow Redux
I wake up early refreshed and relaxed. Paul and I go to breakfast and
he decides hes going to hang out at the hotel. Olga has gone to
work and Marina is still sick. I decide that its my last day,
maybe ever in Moscow and Im going to go for the 3 hour city tour
for 627 rubles ($22). I brave the Metro alone and make it down to the
City Center. I decided to walk over to Red Square for one last look
around. On the way back I took the underground tunnel. I see two policeman
checking the passports of two attractive young ladies, so I hurry along.
Hungry at this point, I find a Russian café and have 2 cold pancakes
filled with cheese and lettuce and a coke. Feeling very satisfied I
make my way to the intourist office. My guide, Anna, speaks excellent
English. She informs me that I am the only person that signed up, so
I get a private guided tour with her and a minivan driver. Misha, the
driver, also speaks flawless English. It turns out that he lived in
Orlando, Florida for four years, working as an executive chef. He got
tired of the humidity and missed Moscow so he moved back. We went out
and around the city, stopping at various places for photo ops; Moscow
University, Sparrow Hill overlooking the city, Swan Lake which had inspired
Tchaikovsky, Gorky Park, The World War II Memorial, the New Arbat. I
wanted to go to Cosmonaut Park to see the Yuri Gagarin Statue. Anna
informed me that since it was so far out, the driver could drop me off,
but I would have to make my own way back, as the driver would go straight
home from there. Not wanting to make 3 or 4 line changes on the Metro
with my limited knowledge and not having enough money for a taxi due
to my ongoing credit card problems, I opted for continuing on the prepared
tour. We returned to the dropoff point at the Bolshoi and I tipped my
guide and bid them a fond dosvedanya. I planned on turning in since
we were getting up early Saturday morning to begin the long journey
home. However, Paul had other plans for me. I went to his room to reconnoiter
our travel plans for Saturday. He told me to hang on as he phoned another
friend he wanted to meet, Vatalia. She was at a jazz club down by the
Kremlin with a girlfriend of hers. We didnt want to go downtown
having to get up early the next day, so Paul talked them into coming
to the Izmailovsky Park Metro Station where we would walk two blocks
over from the hotel and meet them. Paul promised me to buy me beer if
I went along because I really wanted to just go to bed at that point.
Never being one to turn down free alcohol, I agreed and we headed over
to the Metro Station. We waited until 10:25 pm and concluded they were
no shows. I walked around the deli next to the station and picked up
some cheese and bread as I had not had any dinner. I came out and Paul
told me I had missed a Russian woman beating up her drunk boyfriend
or husband. We waited until 10:35 pm and went back to our hotel womanless.
We stayed up till midnight drinking champagne and beer as I insisted
that Paul hold to our bargain of plying me with booze.
Day 10-Saturday, April 10, 2004, Moscow/
New York, JFK/ San Francisco/home
Woke up early, ate a big breakfast, got a taxi to the airport, went
through customs at JFK, flew to San Francisco, took shuttle home to
Vacaville. A typical, international flight, customs, domestic flight,
long, tedious, tiring day. Retrospective
I remember reading in my Rick Steves guide that "Moscow lacks
the inherent beauty of St. Petersburg, but visitors here will feel as
though they are in a place where things are happening furiously. Some
days Moscow will leave you mentally and physically exhausted , wondering
why you decide to go there and when the plane is leaving. Other days,
though, you almost like it. Russophiles are evenly split between those
who prefer Moscow and those who would chose nowhere else but St. Petersburg".
To those comments, I couldnt agree more.
Would I go back to Russia? You bet. There was a lot left to explore.
Star City, Cosmonaut Training Center, Cosmonaut Park, with the great
statue of Yuri Gargarin, possibly Siberia, The Urals, unexplored restaurants
and museums in Moscow, how Marina, Anya and Olga are coming along. Probably
a later spring visit, that wont upset my California weather sensibilities.
More experiences with people like Ruth, Sasha-2, Leon, Anna and Leon.
I still have not seen Peterhof, the Summer Palace outside of St. Petersburg
or the "white nights" of the St. Petersburg summer. Having
been back in the US for a week, I still hear the siren song of Russia
calling me back.
© Jeff Clifford May 2004
1. www.soviet-empire.com
2. www.virtualtourist.com
3. Rick Steves Best of the Baltics and Russia, John Muir Publications,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, pp 37.
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