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Trump's Empty Vessel
James Campion
An Ornery List of Crazed Fascists Primed for White House Party
Republican nominee for president, Donald J. Trump’s “performance” in the 9/10 debate proved once again how completely unhinged and dangerous his rhetoric is, but more importantly it underscored a key element to his first run as president: his spectacular ignorance of all things. Trump was never one for details. He doesn’t care to read. He has no capacity for nuance or intellectual curiosity. He is stuck in an atavistic 1980s grievance spiral, where he remains quite comfortably ensconced in the right-wing echo chamber that makes it easy for him to never have to face the realities of 2024 or really any time outside of that bubble. This is, of course, scary when considering that he might be president again, but it becomes ever more frightening when envisioning who would fill this empty vessel of ego-myopia if he were to regain power.
One thing that was evident for those who worked in Trump’s White House between January of 2017 and the chaotic violence and criminal activity that marked his final days: whoever was the last in front of him had his ear – swaying his thinking on any matter. He could and did change his mind sometimes four or five times an hour as one sycophant after the other followed someone with a scintilla of understanding about governance. In and out of the Oval Office they strode playing him like a cheap fiddle, until either inertia or madness emerged. Moreover, anything Trump saw on television, or the Internet, duly affected policy. This was usually propaganda (see the current “Haitian migrants eating dogs and cats” thing, which was a concocted internet rumor initiated by a Neo-Nazi group called Blood Pride).
And now, those entering Trump’s yawning ideological chasm and continuing this doom-cycle are some of the most reprehensible people known to the American political landscape.
Just this week, at the 9/11 remembrance ceremony, attended by Trump along with legitimate political dignitaries, the former president brought along his newest advisor and traveling companion, Laura Loomer, who just last year proclaimed 9/11 an “inside job” staged by Donald Rumsfeld to “take over the national security military bureaucracy.”
Loomer is a proudly vociferous white supremacist and wild conspiracy theorist, who has toiled for every far-right radical organization. In 2017, she posted a celebratory tweet after the death of 2,000 migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea with “Good. (with a clapping emoji) Here’s to 2,000 more.” It was this and more that got Loomer banned from the site, but after billionaire racist, misogynist, Elon Musk bought the thing and drove its net worth into the ground, she was reinstated. If you have a strong stomach, check out her feed; it is remarkably vile, even under Trump standards. In one snappy post she accused Democratic nominee Kamala Harris of being “a drug-using prostitute.” |
Loomer travels in Trump’s private plane and is seen in his arms, whispering in his ear, and posting selfies and trite conversations with him fawning over her. The Republican candidate has repeatedly called Loomer during several recent rallies “a tremendous woman and fantastic patriot.”
Even radical Georgia Congresswoman Margorie Taylor Greene and South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham, two of the most ass-smooching Trump lackies, have railed against Loomer’s treacherous lunacy and worry that her cozy spot next to Trump, as he paws her creepily in front of cameras, is a liability to his already sinking campaign. They also know Loomer is positioning herself above them as a major voice in the new Trump Administration, who in the absence of sane Republican guardrails like the last time will be front and center. In fact, Loomer spewed her thoughts on how that would go when she called for the jailing and execution of those who “stole” the 2020 election during the next Trump Administration.
Back to Musk, a bleating swine of a “man,” who uses his own Twitter (X) feed to share debunked conspiracies and racist memes, further perpetuating the newest pet-eating migrant lies, and returning hate-peddling scum like Loomer back onto the platform. Trump has announced he will task him with something called a Government Efficiency Minister position. This, of course, came after the toadying “interview” Musk conducted with Trump a few weeks back in which the two laughed with glee on the joys of firing people, proving Harris’s point that should dictators suck up to the easily flattered Trump, he would capitulate to a bevy of ugly ideas.
Just a day or so from writing this, Musk publicly offered to impregnate uber pop star, Taylor Swift when she posted her support of Harris on Instagram.
Another warning sign that the inmates are poised to run the Trump asylum should it get anywhere close to clutching distance of the White House, is twice this past summer, Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, N.J. featured speeches from convicted domestic terrorist, Timothy Hale-Cusanelli regaling his part in the January 6 insurrection on the U.S. Capitol. Google this maniac, he is pictured in full Adolf Hitler haircut and moustache – I shit you not. His most heinous excretions being, “Hitler should have finished the job” and “babies born with any deformities or disabilities should be shot in the forehead.”
At one of those Bedminster events, a fundraiser for the Patriot Freedom Project, which raises money to support Capitol riot defendants like the dangerous MAGA militia, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, Trump praised Hale-Cusanelli in a video message. “All of the people there, you’re amazing patriots,” Trump said. “Have a great time at Bedminster.”
These are the mutants who will fill the next Trump Administration.
And then there are those, like Loomer, Musk, and the Nazi fanboy, who not only openly campaign for Trump, but those on his payroll. This includes the return of the 2016 rogue’s gallery of Corey Lewandowski and Steven Miller. The former was reinstated as a key advisor with campaign manager status after things went south following Kamala Harris entering the race this summer. Lewandowski, one of those violent macho types that tickles Trump’s testicles, was his first campaign manager back in ’16 when his shoving and shouting and general boorish behavior cost him his gig. In 2021, it looked as if he had become persona non gata around the former president when a visibly drunken Lewandowski made sexual advances towards the wife of a major Trump donor, leading to a Trump spokesman saying that the disgraced lout “will no longer be associated with Trump World.”
Lewandowski is not only back in Trump World, he is now at the center of it, and according to witnesses was the perpetuator of the physical altercation with a female official at Arlington Cemetery last month when a grinning Trump gave thumbs up during an illegal photo op, as he stood over the graves of fallen soldiers.
Steven Miller, who needs about a thousand more words I don’t have to cover his abhorrent existence is also back in the fold, after turning the last Trump White House into a wretched Gulag, causing even the most radical MAGA drones to recoil in horror. Miller was last seen trying to defend Trump’s abysmal debate performance by curiously extoling the virtues of Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro.
And then there are the authors of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, dozens of whom worked in and around the first Trump Administration, most notably the ex-president’s vice-presidential pick, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (aka James Donald Bowman and aka James David Hamel), who wrote the foreword to the 900-page draconian playbook for what Trump plans to do with this country.
Predictably, Trump has denied knowing much about Project 2025, although he says there are “some good ideas in there I agree with,” because it is a horrifying screed of anti-women, racist, fascist lunacy.
I have no doubt Trump doesn’t know what the hell is in it. He could barely make it through 900 words of anything much less 900 pages, but those who crafted it will be right next to him in the White House if he wins because Trump is only interested in MAGA loyalists (a key element to Project 2025). Because that’s all that is left for him – drones, who will fill positions to influence his every move. Pundits, cable news hosts, even Republican House and Senate members are merely trying to gain power, keep the GOP brand relevant, as it submerges into the putrid mist of ancient history. The true believers will be the ones to fill Trump’s empty vessel with hate and rage and dangerous fascist nonsense that will work overtime to crack the foundation of our republic.
James Campion - 9/14/24
email: realitycheck at jamescampion.com
James Campion is the Managing Editor of The Reality Check News & Information Desk and the author of “Deep Tank Jersey”, “Fear No Art”, “Trailing Jesus”, "Midnight For Cinderella" and “Y”. +, “Shout It Out Loud – The Story of KISS’s Destroyer and the Making of an American Icon” + “Accidently Like a Martyr – The Tortured Art of Warren Zevon” and “Take a Sad Song…The Emotional Currency of “Hey Jude".
Do yourself no favors and “like” this idiot at www.facebook.com/jc.author or, if you dare, follow on Twitter (@FearNoArt) and Instagram (@jamescampion)
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