
THE 21st Century - FUTURES -
Arigato, Mr. Roboto
JT Brown
Japanese seem by and large to be uninhibited in their march to a
highly mechanized, technological society. Why?' |
in to write a story about robots, I couldnt resist using this
Styx lyric for a heading. But I paid for it in spades when I then couldnt
get "Mr. Roboto", the fatuous, if harmless song, out of my
head for the rest of the time I spent on this piece (a curse worse than
writers block). The song does, afterall, begin with a synthesized
voice singing lyrics in Japanese. Then theres the reference to
labor performing robots "with parts made in Japan". And lest
you forget (and those of you who recall the tune I KNOW are hearing
it now yourselves), theres this following profundity: "The
problem's plain to see: too much technology/ Machines to save our lives.
Machines dehumanize".
Imagine having to deal with THAT incessantly reverberating around the
insides of your skull while youre trying to concentrate and get
some work done. It was my editor that did this to me. Allow me to explain.
Before recently entering the California gubernatorial recall election,
celebrity Arnold Schwarzeneggar was already in the news for another
famous endeavor of his, namely, his ongoing role as the automaton assassin
Terminator". During those more innocent days (pre-"The
Running Mans entry into the Total Recall days, the "End of
Days" days), my editor Sam North was curious as to why T3 has been
doing so well in Japan. More importantly, he wanted to know whether
its box office success could in any way be related to the fact that
the Japanese themselves seem to have a special affinity for robots,
a propensity for developing them, and as I might throw in, a high comfort
level for co-existing with technology. Furthermore, he wondered if there
is something in the Japanese makeup that predisposes them so?
Being asked such was a forehead-slapping, "Why didnt I think
of this?" moment for me. Because these questions get to the heart
of the image of Japanese society. Something on which Id like to
think of myself as being conversant. The following is how Id answer
such questions.
To begin with, indeed, the Japanese are on the cutting edge when it
comes to both developing and putting to use robotics. In 1999, the U.S.s
Robotic Industries Association estimated that Japan had in use approximately
300,000 robots, while the United States trailed in second place with
52,000. The industry which employs the greatest amount of
robots is the automotive industry.*1 (So now you know who or what-
has been putting together all those flawless Civics and Sentras that
stream down the worlds roads.) A Japanese engineer I know who
designs high-end connectors used in everything from memory modules for
digital cell phones to CPUs in computer servers, spoke with me
about the dominance of Japanese robotics on factory floors around the
his field he sees manufacturing leaders -be it Seimens of Germany,
Phillips of the Netherlands, or rising-star Samsung of South Korea-
all turn to Japanese makers when it comes time to supply their factory
lines with robotics. FANUC of Kyoto, is the most famous robotics
maker. In a joint venture with GE of the U.S., they lead in America
too. And mentioning other major players of the robotics industry
sounds like a roll call of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce: Epson,
Kawasaki, Panasonics Panasert, Sanyo, Seiko, Sony, Yamaha,
and a host of smaller Japanese firms that are prominent, if not
famous. |
how is it that Japanese people are at the forefront of designing, and
living with robots? The answer to this comes in two parts. The first
has to do with a society mobilized by command economics. And the second,
with a little boy who was born on April 7, 2003.
before we get to that, its relevant to note that minds with
more gravitas than Dennis DeYoungs of Styx have conjured up
visions of future dystopias with robots displacing humans. In celluloid,
Fritz Lang gave us HEL (Metropolis), Stanley Kubrick and Arthur
C. Clarke gave us HAL, and while not exactly a robot, who can forget
Woody Allens Orgasmatron (Sleeper). From Henry David Thoreau,
who probably would have given a thumbs down to turning over our
lives to robots, to Theodore Kaczynski who did, and set off bombs
to prove it, westerners have been ambivalent at best about "too
much technology". Yet the Japanese seem by and large to be
uninhibited in their march to a highly mechanized, technological
society. Why? |
sat down with another friend of mine who happens to be a professor of
marketing at the prestigious Waseda University. While robotics is not
his forte, understanding Japanese society and what makes it tick is
right up his alley. I asked him to what degree did Japans role
as a major exporter of automobiles and electronics over the last half
century have anything to do with the forming of Japanese attitudes towards
technology. Quite a bit, was his reply. Unlike major American and European
multinationals that often serve as whipping boys for environmentals,
anti-globalists, conspiracists, and other such fun-seeking groups, in
Japan companies such as Toyota or Sony enjoy the "image of positive,
sophisticated companies", in his words, that "benefit the
economy and the people" of the nation.
Though recent economic stagnation and Japanese corporate scandal have
just begun to dim popular perception, the exalted social position given
to the corporation in Japan remains firm. The most common
model for a company is that of a giant family taking in the worker as
a new member, and of an equal and conscientious partner with government
in shaping and guiding society. Though predating World War II, this
reality particularly waxed in post-war period. The Japanese powers-that-be
determined that the country would rebuild and pursue prosperity by having
a nation of workers manufacture goods to be exported to the American
and western European markets. All forces were marshalled towards that
goal. Government regulations, the tax codes, and entire government ministries
were developed, all towards the purpose of supporting industry.
Just two examples:
Emphasis was put on education at the primary level by a rigid Ministry
of Education that determined what was to be taught in every classroom,
in every corner of the country, even down to what text book page each
student throughout the country would be turned to on any given day.
Channeling of most students into vocational secondary programs was instituted
and to this day a four-year college education is a luxury for only about
10% of the population. In fact, 25% of Japanese youths leave school
after junior high school. At all schools though, mathematics and basic
science was and mostly still is vigorously taught. All of this was part
of the master plan to develop a technically competent workforce for
the factories.
An expensive and laborious car inspection system induces the Japanese
car buying public to replace existing cars with brand-new models every
three years. This, along with trade barriers, handed automobile manufacturers
here the home base of a captive domestic market with an artificially
high turnover. Meanwhile, southeast Asia and far eastern Russia are
full of second-hand Japanese cars and trucks bought on the cheap in
a Japan due to a glut of three year-old and over models sitting in used
car lots throughout the nation.
Im hardly breaking any new ground by showing an image of Japanese
post-war society with the corporation at its center. But
continuing with that view, it also follows that the means to the various
Japanese corporate ends technology should be highly exalted
in Japan as well. From turning out transistor radios in the early days,
to the recent LCD flat panels found on your cell phone, Japan accumulated
wealth and comfort over the last 50 years largely due to its enthusiastic,
if top-down ordained, embrace of high technology. And what better embodies
technology, futuristic technology, then robots?
In conducting my research, I came across unlikely source that buttressed
this notion: U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, whose state is
home to the U.S. Governments Sandia National Labortories
Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center. I quote a speech of his where
he states, "It is hard for Americans to appreciate sufficiently
the cultural enthusiasm that exists for robots in Japan
are uniformly heroes when they appear in popular Japanese cartoons and
Or, as my friend the marketing professor pointed out to me, a comic
book character, a little robot boy by the name of Tetsuwan Atom
(or as readers of the English language version know it, Atom
Boy) is probably more responsible than anything else for the Japanese
affection for robots.
Atom Boy was the single most famous creation of Tezuka Osamu, the godfather
of Japanese manga(comics) and anime(cartoons).
(Another famous creation of Tezuka was "Kimba the White Lion",
which, by the way, was ripped off by a certain hypocritical company
fronted by a mouse, that put out its own later version of a lion, er,
king*3). Atom Boy first appeared in April, 1952, and was about a little
robot with the heart of a boy that continuously saves the planet Earth
from woe. He was born in the future, on April 7th in the year
there have been many other robot characters cutely doing good deeds
in Japan. The robot-cat from outer space, Doraemon,
may perhaps be the second most famous.
Now, this may sound silly, trying to attribute Japans fascination
and success with robots to comic book heros. But especially with
Atom Boy, the importance can not be underestimated.
Read these following passages from the IDG media groups press
wire(IDG is the parent company of such magazines as Computerworld,
PC World, and Macworld):
..Atom Boy was a cartoon that several generations of Japanese
grew up with and is cited by many of today's robot engineers as
the spark that ignited their interest in the field. "My parents
had been a fan of his cartoons so when I was a little kid I used
to read their comic books all the time," said Tomotake Takahashi,
who was at Robodex to display his latest robot, Neon, which he says
was inspired by Atom Boy. "After reading the books I felt like
I would like to become an inventor of robots."
"When I was a child I used to read Atom Boy," said Masatoshi
Wakashima, a teacher of robotics at Nippon Engineering College of
Hachioji in Tokyo. "It influenced me
..." *4 |
now you have it. Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto. And for me, sayonara Dennis
DeYoung. Youre being purged from my brain. Never to be rebooted
again. And now Im going to go put on some vintage Santana, some
Steely Dan, and just maybe even a little "Radio Ga Ga" by
© J T
Brown 18th August 2003
*1 www.technology.ewu.edu/tech385/chapter1reviseda.pdf
*2 http://www.sandia.gov/events/Bingaman.htm
*3 http://www.kimbawlion.com/rant2.htm
{Please check out JT Browns companion website for links
to all his previous Hackwriters.com articles on Japan.}
21st Century Futures
Hackwriters 2000-2003
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