The International Writers Magazine: Reality Check - Readers Comments
REALITY CHECK by James Campion
How can you write so much and still not get it? (THE (NEW) NEVER DEAL -- Issue: 12/19/12) Susan Rice was a tool, nothing more. Susan Rice was tossed out knowing the right would immediately call for ineligibility and therefore Obama would get the guy he wanted in Kerry. Now Kerry gets the nod and the right can't complain lest the press crucify them for being mean-spirited. It was typical Chicago politics and people still don't get it and continue to praise Dear Leader. Well, we get the government we deserve.
Bill Roberts
There was a sense from the very beginning that the Republicans were going to cave on this tax hike thing. They had no choice. Boxed in. They only had to appease the new TP contingent and Grover the Rover. Once the deadline passed, it was all-systems-go with the excuse that they LOWERED people's taxes! YIPPIE!
Republicans are finished. Going the way of the Whigs! Who represents the American taxpayer anymore? The conservative movement failed! The TEA Party failed! Hell, Reagan and Bush I failed; only Bush II didn't raise taxes, but he spent us into oblivion and handed the country over to the Democrats who come and go spending. There is no one in the current climate that represents -- really represents -- the American taxpayer. The elderly are bleeding us dry. Soon the Baby Boomers will bankrupt us all! The youth is oblivious to all of it! The minorities are suckered into believing one party is for them and the other is not when neither is not. They both love guns and are afraid of abortion and afraid of immigration reform. This column of yours is right to point all of this out, but what are the alternatives? And don't give me this trite bullshit about revolutions. There are no more revolutions. People are too interested in tweeting and IPADs and celebrity minutia to be truly "involved"! Beat that cynicism, Campion, you crazy motherfucker!
Most places that dissect the political landscape do not go to the dark places Reality Check goes. I'm not sure this is a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe it's just a thing. I often wonder how much of this column is a send off. Is this a way to play with the supposed important issues of the day? I know you've written of your apathy before, but when I read the breakdown of how congress is handling this fiscal cliff issue and how it will likely screw up the debt ceiling again and how this president is more worried about making speeches and appearing to care than actually governing I have to also wonder how much of what you cover is actually the joke and maybe you have no other choice.
Zach Ballan
Hello James,
I mentioned this once before, but it bears repeating. Almost all of these emails end up in my spam folder because of your use of the word "f*ck." You write very intelligently, but those words distract for me. Really necessary???
Mr. Campion,
I was in attendance nearly ten years ago at a book signing you had for Trailing Jesus and someone asked you why you use such abrasive language, your blatant and flippant use of vulgarities to make your points. And I distinctly recall you telling that person, "It's hard to properly explain politics without using the F-word." I laughed at that, as did many in attendance that day. And now, nearly a decade later, having come and go with following this column and your career, I realize that this was no quip. This was a great insight. It is in fact more of an honest insight than you will hear or read anywhere else. It's hard to believe that so many people are not in on this particular joke.
Matthew Russo
It is a shame that this last vote from one of the most dysfunctional and do-nothing congresses in U.S. history would vote for a minor bill when something so big could and should have been done. (TAX HIKES, NO DEAL & THE GOP CIVIL WAR -- Issue: 1/9/13) There was so much to tackle and the president (if it weren't for Joe Biden, this wouldn't have even been accomplished) has not led at all on this. I voted for him, and make that twice now, and he was head and shoulders a better choice than McCain or Romney, but I am continually disappointed in the results of his work. He does not, as you right pointed out here, work successfully on anything across the aisle. I get the feeling that he honestly wants to, and I know the Republicans, especially this latest band of idiots, have stonewalled some of his measures, but there has been absolutely NO attempt on his part to get down and get things done. Call them out. He did so a little during this and it actually helped, and I think he's already begun to set up the debt ceiling debacle to come by making sure these Republicans do not pull the same junk they did the last time around, but to what end? Where is the true bi-partisanship he continually promises? At least fake it!
Why is John Boehner the speaker of the house? There has got to be someone somewhere in that capitol building that has a semblance of an idea what it takes to negotiate or communicate or lead a group of legislators. He is a fucking embarrassment. There is no other word for it. Why does he bother showing up to press conferences? Nearly every single one ends in him lying his ass off. I'm sure he believes this pile of crap, but then he has to shuffle his sorry ass back into public to all-but apologize for the shit he rolls out the day before. I mean, who the hell calls a press conference to announce a vote -- all arrogant and full of spit and vinegar -- and doesn't even have the votes? Does he speak to his caucus? Does he understand the job? Say what you want about Nancy Pelosi, she was no pussy like this ass-jack.
Tobacco, Booze & Firearms
- An American Love Story
James Campion
In the midst of the furious debate on gun violence in America following the Newtown massacre, this space has dedicated over 2,000 words to the silly idea of trying to regulate human behavior and ignore the very core of the American psyche; the gun.