Happiness: Can it be bought?
Happy Day
As I sit
in this world of negativity, I wonder how to answer the question
of What is Happiness? After all, you rarely go out without
hearing the word BUT. For example, you ask your mate how the party
was and how she felt when she was falling over the table in drunken
laughter? She would probably answer, It was great but
Do you see what I mean?
There is still
always that mantra that, in order to have good you must have bad. Perhaps
this is true. Some people get pleasure from feeling pain and always
want others to know that their life isnt perfect, perhaps if they
made out it was then they would be seen more as arrogant then positive?
I decided to take it upon myself to ask my wonderful housemate
( I promised him I would say that as he helped me out.) what he would
describe happiness to be. In response he replied I dont
know. After telling him that this was not the most helpful answer
all he told me that you cant define it. In other words, what makes
someone happy doesnt necessarily make another as such. This is
absolutely truthful, after all I dont think the fact that a guy
I have liked for ages suddenly realizing that I exist would make Aaron
especially over the moon, whereas it would make me absolutely
ecstatic. So straight away I face a problem. Happiness cannot be defined
as it means something different to everyone.
When I think about times that I have been happy in my life, I tend to
replay a scene in my mind. These all tend to be memorable,or what I
thought to be large events of my life. A lot of them revolve around
the great season falling upon us. CHRISTMAS.
However, as I said, these are memories and from this I believe that
happiness is not necessarily a feeling but instead a moment. That moment
when you realized that all the raking in your parents wardrobe to reveal
what you have actually got as presents didnt really help at all.
In fact they knew that you would do that and so hid the GHD hair straighteners
that you have wanted for years in a place that you would have never
thought to look. Guess what I want for Christmas? Consequently, I have
changed my mind about happiness.
Perhaps it is something that you can give to others. Granted, an individual
has to have the feeling of immense joy to have the experience that will
make them remember something for the rest of their lives but surely
you can help. I know that without my parents that Christmas would not
be a time that I would remember and dwell on as a happy moment within
my life. I do realize that everyone deserves the right to have these
moments and some have more than others.
So I might
just go that extra mile this year
. Perhaps I can help my
mum with the turkey. I know its not much but I can bet you that
she will remember it for years. What do you think?
© Michelle
Cochrane December 11th 2003
is a first year Creative Arts student at Portsmouth University UK
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