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Order The Repossession
by Sam Hawksmoor

Smart, dark and graceful,
this story is sure to
send chills down your spine

Evie Seo - Bookish Blog

Read the sequel:
The Hunting out now

The International Writer's Magazine: NOVEMBER 2012
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Forging Through the Fourth
Tyrel Nelson

Spending all day indoors is simply too much for me, especially when it’s an off day. Whether the weather is fair, frigid, or feverish, I believe I have to spend my extra free time outside the house
Moloka’i: Journey to see an old friend
G. A. Lodise

The heat of the mid-morning is already upon me as I work my way up the overgrown jeep track that zigs its way through the stout hills of the Ualapu’e district of eastern Moloka’i, arguably the least well-known of the Hawai’ian islands.
Jaipur: The Royal City
Jiten Bhoi

The very name of Jaipur is synonymous with a host of Palaces, Forts, Temples, Museums and everything that is related to the Royal Past.
Seville's Barrio De Santa Cruz and its dazzling Moorish past
Habeeb Salloum

orange-scented streets; wrought-iron lanterns, casting shadows on gleaming white-washed walls
A Taste of Saint-Tropez
Walli F. Leff

The sun shone gloriously on the “Pot d’Accueil,” the municipality’s welcoming event for the boats’ crews and the tourists
Staying Warm, Without Staying Dry in Denver - Bobby Bingle
I didn’t know where I should go or what I should do. I had just checked into an inexpensive hotel a block south of the 16th street mall in Denver

Hidden Venice: That Sinking Feeling
Tom James

Tom James find tourism replaced by dirty evil pigeons in the Piazza San Marco.

Thanks for Next To Nothing
Election Day Boondoggle - Freedoms at a Premium
James Campion

Those of us unimpressed with this ongoing myth that the United States of America promotes the pure tenets of freedom are to say the least lukewarm on these referendums passed in four states
Invasion and Freedom
Life in Spain Now
James Skinner

Catalonia’s president, Artur Mas is going on the rampage for full independence going against Spain’s Constitution; despite the fact that he has been warned by the EU that they would be forced out of the Union
The Hindsights of Cancer
Dean Borok

The doctor told me, “We’ll call you tomorrow about your blood results.”
Observations: November 2012
Martin Green
Getting dressed used to be an activity that I did without much thought. 

The Joe Cool Stomp 11
James Campion
Barack Obama Doubles Down On History

The Incredible Shrinking Manhattan
John M. Edwards,
scours the Manhattan Foodie Scene for executive producers interested in “ethnic” epiphanies
The one thousand faces of Abruzzo
In the heart of Italy, between the peaks of the Appennines and the waters of the Adriatic, find rocky castles, forests and wide pastures
James Morford

In 458 BC Cincinnatus was suddenly elevated to Dictator of Rome, and asked to save the city-state from foreign conquest. He did just that, refused public honors and material awards for his accomplishment, and l6 days after becoming Dictator resigned and returned to his farm.
You Never Forget Your First Machete:
A Service Trip to Mastatal, Costa Rica
Allison Cordaro

When I signed up for a service trip to Costa Rica I am not exactly sure what I expected, but it definitely wasn’t this...
Stork Storm over Santiago De Compostela
John M. Edwards
travels the 500-mile Christian pilgrimage route of “El Camino de Santiago de Compostela” (St. James Way)—only to end up surviving an angry divebombing storm of storks!

REVIEWS Film & Books
Apocalypse Next
Jude C. Perera

He heard his tiny heart breaking into a million pieces; his mouth sagged around the edges. He was struggling courageously against the shameless tears, but his heart was already compromised
Upside down, Backwards, & Inside Out
Mira Martin-Parker

We must have been out together that night, but I don’t remember what club we were at or which band was playing. All I know is that she left the show before I did.
Another Drink or Two...
Martin Green

Paul Weiss went into the bar.   It was seven o’clock on an unusually warm weekday evening in San Francisco.   The bar, a neighborhood one, was almost empty; too early for the regulars. 
Oswaldo Jimenez

Marge and John have returned from a night in the city where they have just attended a play...
To Wander In A Foreign Land
Susan Dale

Lea stood inside the door of the riverboat restaurant … tall and willowy with a shock of hair, dark and heavy, and piled a’ top her head like an afterthought
The Undiscovered Country
Oswaldo Jimenez

The scene stays with you when the after-image of a bright pair of headlights, heading straight for you, make you to blink. Blink once, twice, three four times, more times than you could easily keep count.

November 6, 2012:
The Night of Living Dead Racists
Gunter Chang
The last 4 years have seen the biggest deterioration in political and social civility since Homo sapiens started dating Neanderthal women.

Thumbs up for the following movies:
The Perks of Being a Wallflower ***
Frankenweenie ***
Ginger and Rosa ****
Skyfall ***

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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