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The International Writer's Magazine: Our 12th & Last Year: November - 2011 - Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
A week in the Sticks
Darren Skelton

A log-cabin in the peak district on a farm in the middle of nowhere sounded like a winner. I didn't even have to “sell” the idea to my wife, who is petrified of the open out-doors
The Antipodean Dream
John M Edwards

On an Antipodean dream the stars are different water circles counterclockwise down the drain
Dog Days Gone Bye
Austin Muckinhaupt

The tides lather the beach as they roll up.  Leaving behind only froth and seaweed they retreat back just as lazily as they had arrived.  The sun is beginning to set.
John M. Edwards

When I was a kid with my family on the New England coast, at a protected and isolated vacation spot called “Salter’s Point” (now near mythical to me and impossible to find on a map)
Monterey, CA
Laura Strong

From the beautiful coastal views to the lively entertainment, Monterey is a place you may never want to leave
The Kairali Om Beach resort, Gokarna, South India. - Marianne de Nazareth
The bus rattled and groaned all the way to Gokarna, the pot holes are a killer

All Hail the Super Committee
James Campion

The Super Committee is in control.
By now you know their names; if not, look them up -- six Republicans and six Democrats -- half of which represent the House and the other half, the Senate.
Time for another Thai Miracle
Jules Kay

Thailand recently endured its worst flood in living history. The heart of the country, Bangkok, took a serious tourism hit as the international media broadcast images of widespread inundation
Nigeria at 51: Time to Reorganise
Adewale T Akande

It is undemocratic and detrimental for leaders to think more about themselves as individuals and not think at all about the people they are representing
Some ‘Likes’ Few ‘Dislikes’ makes Life
Indrani Bhattacharyya

‘I’m in love I guess.’ In spite of knowing pretty well that this sentence had been directed towards me, I pretended not to hear it and continued reading
You Will Laugh Again
Odimegwu Onwumere

There comes a time in everyone’s life when the big question – why me? – is asked. The answer is - it couldn’t have been any else - that was why it was you

The Influences of Brubeck
David Russell
Music performed by the Dave Brubeck Quartet so musically satisfied me that I brought a phonograph and Dave’s recordings along on my Honeymoon.
Mother's Pride
Marcus De Storm

To rewind time to a decade that saw attitudes and respect levels that were tolerable, many would think that we would have to go back a long, long way - but they would be incorrect
The Male Necktie
James Morford
While struggling mightily to master an unknown knot, every boy has questioned the purpose behind that piece of cloth society decrees he loops around his neck and drapes down his chest. Grown men are puzzled as well.
Spain's Future within the EU? Part 1
James Skinner

As this may be my last report on this fantastic and once lovable European country at a very crucial stage of its contemporary political history I thought it would be important to divide it into two sections; a past and a future.

American Youth Movement - Fad or Voice?
Occupy Wall St., Maintain a Presence
James Campion

All you people in the streets from NYC to Chicago to Seattle and all points in between; when the signs come down and the chants die out and FOXNEWS and MSNBC are not frightened or titillated by you anymore, there is something you need to hear: Anger and protest only gets you so far, and in most cases it gets you nowhere.
REVIEWS Film & Books

Fall's Gold
Duncan Shaw
I’m a writer, or at least I do some writing on the side.  My mind is immersed in words, in language.  I’m a talker too, a bit of a big mouth.  My life is a little like Mr. Bennet’s in Pride & Prejudice, the father with all girls who likes to tease them and their mother 
John Kujawski

Mira used to draw pictures of the devil.  When she wasn’t making sketches involving her vision of satan, she would  draw monsters and witches or vivd scenes of flesh eating zombies.  Mira wasn’t afraid of her creations and she wasn’t afraid of me.

A Truly Lousy Day
Martin Green

As a child of the Depression (the real one), who’d gone to cut-rate neighborhood dentists when a kid, drill buzzing away, no anesthetics, pain while helpless in the chair, going to the dentist would always be an ordeal
The Wounded Swallow
Oswaldo Jimenez

John Wayne Marshall had been dead four weeks before his neighbors had reported him missing.

Virginia Woolf in the Flesh
Abigail George

Before she began her day’s work Virginia Woolf began to write painstakingly yet in a beautiful old-fashioned script in her diary...
Oswaldo Jimenez

It’s the Vernal Equinox in Manhattan.  Purple shadows stick to everything in sight as the sun sinks at the far edge of West 42nd Street. “Shorty” Walker wobbles forward and back trying to escape from his shadow, but sinks right back into it, like an animal trapped in a tar pit.

Buying the House   
Martin Green

Tim opened his eyes,  saw sunlight slanting through the blinds and knew what he’d be doing that Saturday... searching for their first house in the suburbs
Burning in the rain
Abigail George

It is too cold to swim but she takes his hand. It is beach weather but it is still too cold to swim. She knows she is being brave at this point; even her rage is poetic as she feels the world, her world and the information in it blackening around her
On Editing a Novel
Sam Hawksmoor
I approached my own edit with alacrity, but not without some professional interest

Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Experience and American Prospects, 2nd edition by Dmitry Orlov,
Charlie Dickinson
Reinventing Collapse by Dmitry Orlov is a welcome addition to "doomer" literature about societal collapse. Imagine NPR's Andrei Codrescu introducing a dystopian future and working the laughs. That's some sense of what's in store when you read Orlov's upbeat narrative with its engaging black humor
Anonymous (2011)
Director: Roland Emmerich
Paul Valentine review
As expected, a worthy number of the great and the good, albeit not wholly intelligent men of letters, have responded to this film with ‘tags’ ranging from ‘utterly outrageous’, to ‘preposterous’. More fool them.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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