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Curse of the Nibelung -
A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
by Sam North
'Chocolate will never be the
same again'
- Sunday Express
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The International Writer's Magazine: Our Eleventh Year - November 2010 - Welcome
Banyan Tree Resorts
Christmas deal in Dubai
Banyan Tree Al Wadi in
Ras Al Khaimah has launched its brand new beach club. Yellowstone
Oscar Antonino
A road-trip into the heart of the Western U.S.
In search of Big Goose
Leah Eades
Xi’an, China, is best known for being the epicentre from which one visits the famous Terracotta Army... but in fact it’s so much more than that
Sights & Sounds of Singapore
Sumeet Lakhotia
Singapore has much to offer to its visitors. Sports, nature, nightlife, art and culture, food, adventure, are some of the options that one can explore
A Drive to Brisbane
John Finch
We left on a typical cool, dismal Melbourne August day. The city and inner suburbs were closed in by drizzly low-lying grey Stratus clouds.
Dreaming Sri Lanka
Marwan Asmar
The country is enigmatic, almost like driving through a painting.
Birds I Have Loved
Brendan Harding
From the black and white cranes of Estonia to the endangered lammergeyers of northern Spain birds have always held a fascination for me
Exotic Omo – Tribal Encounters in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley
Linda Barghoorn
Ethiopia’s Omo Valley lies just 300 miles southwest of the frantic, pulsing capital of Addis Ababa, but it might just as well be on another planet.
Visayan Adventure: Island Hopping in the Philippines
John M. Edwards
With over 7,000 islands, it would take at least twenty years to visit them all. Short on time, he picks out some stunners from the Visayas.
The Remaking of 'The Wizard of Oz'
James Campion
It is official. This is the worst period in the history of Hollywood.
There, I said it.
Adventures in Vietnam Banking
Antonio Graceffo
The benefit of being around the ex-pat community in any country is,
ostensibly, that we all have to overcome the same hurdles such as visas
and terrible advice
Spanish Economics Take Two
James Skinner
Spain is a problem child that requires constant supervision by the European Union hierarchy
Kay Teague
The darkness in the country is darker than the darkness in the city.
Thailand Tourism Trends
Jules Kay
Despite global economic concerns and political woes on the domestic front, it seems Thailand continues to attract tourists from around the globe.
Eaten Alive by Birds
Nick Mistretta
I was growing up fast in this new life of mine, but I still had so much to learn, such as navigating through my first squat toilet experience
From Russia with Love
Mark Currie
In the last few years, Thailand's resort destinations have been attracting significant amounts of Russian interest. |
San Francisco Days
Martin Green
One of the pleasures of retirement is having a second cup of coffee after breakfast whilst reading the the Sacramento Bee
Practical Applications of the General Theory of Non-Existence
David Swykert
I have long believed I do not exist. The future has yet to exist, the past no longer exists
Modern Art and New York City
Bonnie Rosenberg
New York houses some of the greatest modern art institutions in the world. Navigating this maze of museums and galleries can prove difficult. Never fear, here is the ultimate beginners’ guide to all things modern and art related in the Big Apple.
Eating High On the Hog
David Russell on a memorable journey to the USSR
Summer Volunteer
Nicky Millman
In the summer of 2010 I volunteered at the Jewish Museum in Camden Town, London. It was an exceptional experience prior to taking up a psychology degree in the UK.
Beauty In 'The Geek'
Lucy Sanderson
Girls who wear glasses now get all the passes
The Irish Sea time-warp
Quentin Bates
The accent’s not easy to place, floating somewhere between Liverpool and Irish. But this place isn’t Ireland, and neither is it Scotland or England. It’s a subtle blend of them all, with unmistakeable Norse undertones.
A Wild Love Affair
Rym Kechacha
I will proclaim it loudly and clearly- before I met my boyfriend, I was a virgin to the pleasures of the great outdoors...
Riga: The past meets the Future
Ieva Lakute
For 15 years it was my home. I have lived in England for over four years now and my image of Latvia has been put into perspective. |
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum
Augustus de Morgan |
exploring life
or its approximation
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Shadows of a Distant Morning
Peter Ike Amadi
The scorpion emerged from the ragged crack in the filthy, cobweb-strewn ceiling boards and crawled down the faded walls to the floor
The Wing
Jeannine M. Pitas
One spring afternoon while walking home from school, Anna found a wing. It sat on the sidewalk like an old piece of furniture left out for any passer-by to claim.
Potato Peels
Jennifer Houston
My mother became a hippy after my second step-dad left with a cigarette hanging from his deceitful lips, and a beat up duffel bag full of his shit slung over his hunched back
The Elder
Chris Castle
As he sits waiting, he looks over the table, takes in the waste still sprawled over the surface. There is the fat of the meat, the bones, a screwed up napkin. There is a knife, its sheen dulled by the smear of fat, the sprinkle of bubbles where air has climbed in
The Eunuch Chronicles
Getting to God’s City by the River
Michael Chacko Daniels
Solomon stared at the petal of his mother’s beloved flower; he recalled the day she had picked it nineteen years ago.
Fashion Asylum Parts 2/3/4/5
Dean Borok NY memoirs
Most of those ladies, including Maria, were morbidly obese and incredibly foul-mouthed, and it was from them that I learned some of my most pungently florid Spanish
Patrick Williams
There are many Bo’s in the world, and we’ve all walked or driven pass them; some of us ridicule, spread judgment on them while others feel sorry for them and their life.
Singing For My Supper - The Greatest Self Help Book Ever Written
Phillip E. Hardy
Con men come in all shapes and sizes, from the street hustler offering 3-card Monte to the high flying investment guru masking a pyramid scheme.
Time for all the Days
P. Garrett Weiler
There were almost as many opinions about David Morgan as there were people in Richfield. Not enough to fix some median that would reveal how average he actually was, yet enough to be bounded by extremes.
Queen & Cat
Janice Slater
After examining her face in the mirror, Queen raised her hand to her head to adjust her crown. “My Crown!” She exclaimed. “It seems to have a dint in it!”

Diamonds - The Rush of 72
Chapter One (extract):
long years after Philip Arnold and John Slack had departed Kentucky,
brimful of optimism, life found them stepping off the Oakland
ferry into a sea of genuine San Francisco mud.
Melissa Harr
Tate woke up and took a quick survey of his emotional state; sure that he had found every last bit of pain that awaited him in life, he stepped out of bed.
Outside Santa Fe
Marc Gulezian
When darkness came and hatches of insects emerged from and hovered over the sugar cane fields, Will found a place to sleep.
Shock Value
Peter Ike Amadi
The smelly bag was pulled off his head and Edwin ‘Caesar’ Clark greedily gulped down fresh air, trying with all his willpower not to throw up.
Yellow hair
Abigail George
It feels like winter in September and the sky are just supposed to be pieces of blue sky; instead they’re slate grey with the beckoning, darkening rain clouds not yet completely rinsed out of them. My sister and I do not have a perfect relationship.
Found in a Lost Land
Jasmine Shoaib
And then we were lost. The GPRS blinked at us sullenly, searching for a satellite signal

The Girl Who Could Fly
Victoria Forester
Sam Hawksmoor review
'Seems like our child ain't normal,' said Betty McCloud
The Gryphon Project
Carrie Mac
Sam North review
Never worry about death again, everyone gets three chances at life - whether you want it or not
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Sam North review
Anyone who ever saw ‘Igby Goes Down’ or read Donna Tart's 'Secret History' would relish more. Quentin Coldwater (think Ryan Phillipe) has discontent and preppy New York down to a tee and although being miserable is every teenagers right of passage, being excessively bright with it only heightens the disillusionment. Mix in ‘The Royal Tenenbaums’ and you have the right perspective to enter the world of ‘The Magicians’.
Rat Girl by Kristin Hersh
Paul Valentine review
Let me get one thing straight. I adore Kristin Hersh, even knowing that she would hate that.
Warrior Odyssey
by Antonio Graceffo
David Calleja review
If you are going to set your sights on achieving a goal, approach the tasks with passion and ferocity. New York-born Antonio Graceffo’s sixth book, Warrior Odyssey, does just that |
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- Our Eleventh year on line
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is a non-profit , non-paying journal
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