International Writers Magazine:
Hampshire: Same Old Song & Dance
James Campion
Madam Shoo-In Weeps To Upset/Mac Is Back & Rudy Exhales
Momentum Halted. Freight Train Derailed. Revolution stalled.
It took all of
five days for the usual screwballs in New Hampshire to deliver a splash
of cold water on the short-lived "change" mantra. Both Republican,
Democratic and Independent primary voters ignored the surge out of the
Iowa Caucuses and harkened back to bygone days of bore by handing John
McCain his second victory in the "Live Free Or Die" state
(Straight Talk campaign disaster of 2000) and inexplicably revived yet
another damaged Clinton campaign (Big Bill's "Comeback Kid"
in '92).
Expected was Mike Huckabee sinking to a distant third
place finish while Mitt Romney once again outspent his way into also-ran,
strangely making Rudy Giuliani the big GOP winner by keeping his bizarre
wait-it-out until Super Tuesday strategy alive and well. And John Edwards
was once more left to spin fancy on what has now turned into the world's
longest-running political funeral. But nothing could approach the drama
of what the Hillary Machine pulled off in the first primary of this
2008 presidential race; drama made possible by an agonizing plethora
of bogus polls and lazy journalism.
Not a single poll had Senator Rodham winning in New Hampshire.
None. Winning? Nearly two dozen across New England had double-digit
leads for Barack Obama by noon of election day. Pundits of every shape
put the dirt on her. There was no truth to the rumor these were the
same pollsters who erroneously prognosticated a rousing John Kerry victory
in the fall of 2004, buttressed by the same dumb-ass yakkers who gave
teeth to the gutless 110th congress, but there were alleged reports
of face-to-face meetings with high-ranking Clinton officials and major
contributors readying to abandon ship by midnight. Several of them chirping
on radio and appearing on cable television calling for heads to roll
and primaries to skip.
Zogby errors and press gaffs aside, in-house Clinton Camp
data concurred. Additionally, every candidate from both parties came
into the primary's penultimate weekend conceding to Obama's golden fumes,
stumbling all over themselves to blather on about being "agents
of change"; a nauseating display reminiscent of the spectacularly
phony Bush and Gore campaigns grasping at a slice of the populist goof-off
rant on being a "real reformer" eight years ago.
Not only was the young, dynamic, completely in control
Illinois senator seemingly invincible after his Iowa stomping -- drawing
huge crowds and gushing plaudits from bottom-feeding media whores --
but his chief adversary, once an icy, calculating Teflon queen, was
reduced to the butt of jokes, mocking headlines of doom, and the recipient
of Fourth Estate taunting the likes of which had not been seen since
Richard Nixon stormed from a California stage in 1962 stammering about
not having him around to kick anymore.
But a few key elements entered the Democratic race beginning
sometime during an ABC News debate the Saturday before the primary when
a smarmy Charlie Gibson asked the only legitimate woman candidate in
the history of this nation why no one liked her. She responded tersely
that it hurt her feelings. Feelings, it turns out, Ms. Hillary had not
displayed enough for the electorate. That is until the day before the
polls opened when the wife of the one of the most calculated political
minds of the Boomer Generation choked up when speaking to a gathering
at a Portsmouth coffee shop, ending with a shattered revelation about
her candidacy being more "personal than political".
Not surprisingly these two events, later trumped up in
a puerile feminist rant by Gloria Steinem in the N.Y. Times and the
oafish appearance of two shock-jocks at a Clinton event shouting sexist
nonsense, were cited by slack-jawed commentators and even a flummoxed
Terry McAuliffe on three different news outlets as the very reason Hillary
Rodham Clinton went from road kill to Madam Shoo-In once more.
The Return Of The Woman Vote for Ms. Hillary because she
wept like a damsel is as sickeningly condescending a sexist theory as
anything postulated by knuckle-dragging brutes like Bill Bennett or
Rush Limbaugh. "Hillary rallied because she went 'touchy-feely'"
may be the truth, but it is a sad truth made even sadder by the likely
Clintonian exploitation of it.
Of course this is all tired horse dung bulldozed by lazy
politicos looking for an angle on why the state would throw a monkey
wrench into the only chance the Democrats have to take the White House
in November: A central figure representing a movement away from the
status quo. The Democrats need a symbol, an immovable force, like the
type the Republicans send to the national ticket more times than not
-- a Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush or another
stylized billboard. This is especially important when the figure in
question also happens to be either a black man or a woman.
The Clinton Comeback Part II further illustrates why the
Democratic party is still in disarray and why it still has doubts about
sending a powerful candidate into the fray, giving he/she a sense of
speed, coronation, or the most critical of all, an untouchable aura.
Instead it is back to the same old wounded liberal elephants of the
hippie age trying to recapture a failed counterculture gamble on the
wings of vacant political ogres.
Over two hours before NBC called the Democratic Primary
for Ms. Hillary, (nearly 45 minutes before any other network, particularly
CNN, still scarred from the now infamous botched "Gore Projections")
John McCain, not far removed from his own oblivion, burped through a
hackneyed speech -- looking once again like the spoiler he's been for
the GOP before. In newsrooms across the fruited plain, there was a sense
that the Republicans were toast. They would flounder around like soused
has-beens in a Eugene O'Neill play attempting to draw the short straw.
But none of the entrenched sycophants who ramble inside
the insomniatic whirlwind of this wonderfully paradoxical mayhem could
ever see the writing on the wall. And in New Hampshire on January 8,
2008 only one constant remained: Independents will decide this year's
This is the lesson of Iowa and New Hampshire thus far;
not change or cult of personality or comebacks or history or clamor
for a new spirit. The Independent vote put Huckabee and Obama in the
driver's seat for five days and yanked them into the trunk on an Indian
summer night in New England. Neither candidate performs strongly at
their party's core. They need Independents. Unfortunately for the both
of them, especially Obama, McCain carried the Independent day. The strong
money here says that the monstrous Obama poll leads, some of them approaching
an outlandish 15 points, may have convinced many Independents to try
and tip the scales for an embattled McCain, who was in a reported dead-heat
(more bogus polls) with the increasingly abhorrent Romney.
Whatever the reason, Barack Obama failed miserably in
New Hampshire. What appeared to be a coronation that would hand him
huge endorsements and build his momentum through Nevada and South Carolina,
is now back to square-one with a revitalized political mastermind sitting
on more money than God and a backbone of Democratic voter base. All
Madam Shoo-in needed was one victory to turn this into a knock-down-drag-out.
She has the money. She has the hubris. She has the moral bankruptcy
to turn this thing into a gory street fight and you can bet your Arkansas/New
York dollar it's coming.
It is also a new day for the Grand Old Party, which can
now exhale that they will not have to deal with a holier than thou sympathetic
newcomer on a meteoric rise and instead begin to ratchet up the national
attack dogs on the braying Dragon Lady.
More good news for Uncle Rudy.
© James
Camoion Jan 11th 2008
What Happened?
James Campion
Rises, Hillary Skids/GOP Field Swings Wide On A Holy Huckabee Blip
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