
Watson's cryptic diary of bowl movements
in Nepal
Go to shed (ie: bathroom) -Just want pain to go away. - Get up... go
to shed -
Go to shed again
Finished my Jomson trek and I'm now back in Pokhara watching 15
Oxen bathe themselves in the lake (A good comparison would be watching
Oxen bathe themselves in Tahoe)
Oh look at them roll in the
mud and now they're all licking themselves
You dont know
what youre missing!!!
Here's the Cliff Notes version of the trip...Unbelievable Views,
Germans/Dutch, Diarrhea, Dehydration, On my own, Card Games, Three
Kings to cure my ills.....OK, now let me tell you what really went
Ill put this in the order of the trek just like the
BOOK (thats Lonely Planet)
Day 1: Naya Pul to Uleri -Stop at Tea House near Waterfall before the
rain -Meet old woman
(I'm guessing around 142 by looking at her
Oh! Why didnt I
get a picture of her
I thought I may have to write 100 words about
her) who is making Chang (Nepalese moonshine) in this shack (that I'm
sure the Nepalese health inspector would approve if they would hike that
high....Nepalese health inspector...ha ha ha ha ha) -Drink this Nepalese
moonshine....don't throw up or have any other bodily reaction..think this
is a very good start! -Meet up with Dutch girl and German Guys....trek
with them for the rest of the trip
well, sort of
Day 2: Uleri to Ghorapani -Suppose to be toughest day to hike...I easily
drive up the mountain....Now I think I can handle anything
of cake
(Over confidence will take a large fall)
-Hails on top of the mountain...get in before hail....Hear story of how
building was burned down by lightning two weeks before...mmmm -Electricity
goes out (running theme). - Only place with light is MoMo's pool hall
(Yes, the same Momo's as across the street from the Pac Bell Bark)...Now
how did they get a pool table up here at 3,000 meters
no way to get up here other than 2 days of trekking! - Only non-nepalese
in pool hall. Drink two large San Miguels (Mistake 1) When I go out it
is clear the Nepalese are talking about my pool play. They want to take
a picture with me...go figure; Ive become a celebrity in Ghorapani!
- Eat Dahl Bat...Have seconds (Mistake 2) -Stomach 'grumbles' all night.
Difficult to find toilet two floors down with use of only flashlight
Jam up mountain and think hiking in Nepal is piece of cake. - Go to Pool
Hall at 3,000 meters. -Drink two large San Miguel (Do not drink water...its
for sissies). -Have second helping of Dal Bat. - Sleep two hours in -10C
room, make three trips to the loo and wake up at 5:00am to see sunset
(I GUARANTEE that you will now be sick! If you are not I will return your
Day 3: Ghorapani to Tatopani (Poon Hill) -Wake up to go to Poon Hill for
dramatic sunset -Don't eat breakfast at 5:30am (Mistake 3) -Take first
step up mountain and determine that I truly can't hike (My cockiness has
reeked its revenge!). The entire trip up Poon Hill is a complete
struggle...Headache, stomach grumbling, pain for every movement...I barely
get down the mountain and I still have a 7 hour hike (at least its all
) - Drink 2 liters of water and then decide to hike to Tatopani
figuring I'll feel better at lower altitude....I leave 45 minutes after
everyone else. - Get coke just before I leave. Take first step. Fall on
Arse, but pop right back up
Give the I meant to do that look
Entire town was watching
they all laugh
- Feel good until about
a half hour before reaching Tatopani and relieve myself of lunch. The
BEAST has a hold of me. - Huge Headache!!!!
Squits just off the trek - Reach Tatopani...Thank God! -2 hour nap -Go
to hot springs - Get back; feel worse (and now I have a mondo case of
diarrhea)! - Get advice from tons of people
(Drink more water, Drink Hot Lemon, Dont
Drink Hot Lemon, Drink Lemon Tea
no Ginger Tea, Drink
Coke, Don't drink coke, eat rice, No eat a banana,
eat....no do this...All of these traveling Marcus Welbys are making me
feel even worse
Go to shed (ie: bathroom) -Just want pain to go away. - Get up... go to
shed - Go to shed again
- Go to shed again - Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!
The BEAST won't let me go (or should I say I can't stop going...)
Day 4: Still in Tatopani -My friend decides to head back to Pokhara because
her leg hurts
-When Shane tells me, she goes...."Ugh!!!!!You look like shit!"
I think I motion and say something prophetic like.....uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh
-Sleep in until Noon (Well, I can't physically get up except to go to
the bathroom).
-Do book exchange at used bookstore (recurring theme-The Jomson trek has
an amazing amount of bookstores along it)
-Read two books as I got hot springs
-Porter saves me with miracle drug.
-Everyone has motivated...I am now a day behind
Day 5: Tatopani to Ghasa
-Motivate somewhat
-See Three Kings" (People we met in Pokhara that use to teach
in Nepal). Give me Jal Jeevan to re-hydrate me! -In Ghasa, go to dinner
table where 10-12 people sit. I explain that I have to take this Jeevan
mixture and then breast feed since this is what the packaging indicates.
Half the table is appalled, the other half are my new best friends since
they thought the joke was funny (Another example that the vacation world
pretty much mirrors the real world). -Meet great British couples (Been
traveling for 24 months) Learn card game call Arsehole! I am Arsehole
most of the evening. Go figure
Day 6: Ghasa to Marpha
-Feel good! Make great time on long trip. -See 'Freaky Dudes!' from India
on pilgrimage.
Ask Guide to ask them in Hindi if they can provide us something to help
the trip go by...I think everything gets lost in translation....Take picture....one
trippy dude definitely not happy....He puts kibosh on me! - Get a room
with attached bathroom and western toilet (Yahoo! And I desperately need
it that night after the kibosh). - Sing Nepalese Folksongs and then get
guitarist...yes, guitarist in Marpha...Do great version of Uncle John's
Cabin, but find out that I don't know the words to Cassidy....Nepalese
country is Dead country -Eat great Apple Crumble.
-I still have not caught up to Germans or Dutch
-Trade another book
Im totally thrilled that I can exchange
a book everyday on trek
-Read more books here than the last five years at home
See, California
losing electricity could be a good thing
Day 7: Marpha to kagbeni
-Good thing I had private bathroom....It was used a lot as I can't rid
myself of the beast.
-Three Kings give me super drug to defeat the beast
-Stay at same place as Germans in Kagbeni...Finally, I have caught up!
-Meet Israeli guy....I teach them Arsehole....I am no longer the Arsehole!
I am now President -I think to myself only 60 years ago these guys would
have wanted to place us in shower on daily basis, but now we can call
each other Arsehole with no repercussions (Shit! I'm meeting the Germans
today to play cards again!)
Day 8: Kagbeni to Muktinah to Jomson
-Long Day-Over 10 hours trekking with an elevation gain of 1,000 meters
and then go back down as well.
-Visit holy temple.
-Get blessed my holy man dressed in knock off Addidas sweatshirt and sweats
that clearly haven't been cleaned in 500 days (First mistake him as gardener
or janitor (if they had those here)....
It was an easy mistake. - Get keys (on Nepalese porky pig ring....I mean
is this a holy temple or Disneyland!) to secret room. See picture of Dali
Lama with hair and no glasses. Ask guide if its ok to take picture...He
says, "Sure"....I'm pretty sure you weren't suppose to take
picture there... -Have lunch at place that is playing a Nepalese cover
of Madonna's "Material Girl" -
See 'Freaky Dudes' again. Same guy gives me evil eye, but I can now resist
since my blessing from the Addidas rep. - Play pool in Jomson and Reggae
Bar that has wrestling on TV...Hard to get porter to play with so much
to watch.
-Trade another book
Day 9: Jomson to Pokhara
-Take flight back to Pokhara (Part of the plan) -Beautiful Stewardess
(whose only job is to supply cotton and gum to the 12 people on the flight)
needs to use toilet, but is disgusted by Jomson's loo (And please ask
me about the Jomson airport when you see me, because that's a story in
itself). -I comment to my guide, "That may be the most beautiful
woman there in the plane, but remember she has to go to the bathroom real
bad" After ten days together, my guide goes, "Dazoo (Brother),
you are very funny and wise)....See after ten days you just acquire the
Watson taste!
-Very glad the plane lands....Interesting to stay at same elevation but
the ground gets closer and far away and then close (very close) as you
So, Im off for more fun to Annapurna Base Camp tomorrow
© Dave Watson 2001 - see his fine photographs of Nepal
Dave is a' sometimes consultant'
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