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MAY 2017

••• The International Writers Magazine - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Jaipur - the Pink City

Murli Menon

It's Holi and where else to enjoy it other than the colourful state of Rajasthan. Boarding the Aravalli Express at Ahmedabad, I arrive at Jaipur Station at 8 p.m.
Jodhpur Blackbuck Sanctuary
Murli Menon

The forests around Jodhpur are dry deciduous with patches of Khejri trees which vie against each other for space. My resort has several green trees, which are soothing to one's eyes.

How to Manage Your Money While Traveling
Joe David

A US$100 can shrink seriously if you don’t shield it from the money grabbers (bankers, fluctuating exchange rates, money exchangers, and more) ...
Whisper on the Wind
Colin Todhunter
She is everywhere, yet she is nowhere. She has gone

Donald Trump:
Stupid, Guilty or Both?

James Campion

The firing of FBI Director James Comey confirms two things; the president of the United States is probably guilty and most definitely stupid.
The Trump Century Mark
James Campion
Dissecting the Worst First 100 Days of a Presidency

Not since 1933 have we seen more chaos, failure and mayhem in the first 100 days of an administration.
Mercosur, Spangate + Power
James Skinner on modern Spain
Both the EU and this extremely emerging and important formation ‘South of the border’ may one day cause problems for the UK that may already be seeking individual trade deals around the world.

Regitze Dinesen
Heir of Karen Blixen to take over Manor Estate in Denmark

Cecilia Macaulay and Peter Horn

A smooth transition takes careful planning as well as brave decisions. Running a family estate is not a job to be taken lightly.
The Day My Sister Came to Stay
Sam North

‘So he never mentioned that the air conditioner was broken?’

Observations Catches Up on Things
Martin Green

I’ve become a little suspicious of our new “smart” Samsung TV as it doesn’t always do what we tell it to

REVIEWS Film & Books
The Woman in the Photograph
Abigail George

She had never met anyone called Siegfried before. Wondered what he was like when he was a boy being called on in class. Was he teased, mocked, bullied on the playground like she was for her ‘proper’ English?
Chris Castle

Ryan sat in the strip club trying to look any other place but at the dancers. It was bad enough that he had ended up in such a dive, that his oldest friend, Steve, was drunk beyond all recognition

The Bickford Fuse
by Andrey Kurkov

Maclehose Press, London, 2016
Charlie Dickinson book review
The latest work by Andrey Kurkov to be translated into English, The Bickford Fuse, just might be his magnum opus.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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