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March 2023

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Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live

Salzburg Mozartwoche

Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

In Salzburg every year is a Mozart year, when visitors from around the world flock to this lovely Baroque town for the annual Mozartwoche.
Derelict Dhows - Mandvi, India
Michael Britton

Barmer, a three hour local bus ride south of Jaisalmar, is the starting point of a painting journey around the Western rim of India's Gujarat State bordering the Arabian Sea.
The Living Desert Experience
I was invited to join what’s known as a ‘Living Desert Experience’ with Charly’s Desert Tours, a Swakopmund-based tour company that specialise in desert adventures

"WOKE" - A Study in Definition
James Campion 3.18.23

'Truth requires no belief. Stay woke...'

The Reason for Fox News
James Campion 3.10.23
an Elixir for the Damned
- Fox has transformed into a right-wing bullhorn that serves one purpose, to placate the guilt of conspiracy theorists, domestic terrorists, bigots, and the generally frightened.
A Case for Secession
James Campion 3.4.23
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
- H.L. Mencken

No point on keeping states around that oppress the vote and use poor trans kids to feel like gypsies in the Third Reich.

Saved by a Bagel
Katherine Jordan
It began with a tingling sensation ..
Honda Pilot
Letting Go of Momma Honda
Mary-Martha Beard
The Pilot of my life might be dying
book burning
First Amendment Crisis in Florida
James Campion 3.2.23
Governor Ron DeSantis & Fascist
Republicans Ignore Constitution
- Republicans run Florida. They are now using that power to ban books in schools.

REVIEWS Film & Books
Mission Longshot

Sam Hawksmoor
Think you can can escape climate change? Get on board Mission Longshot: how far will you go to save one life?
The Adventure of the Diamond Diamond Heist

Martin Green
... we’d been pretty quiet, except for the New England Clam Chowder Caper.

The Earth Transformed
The Earth Transformed

by Peter Frankopan - An untold history
An essential perspective on the last 5000 years and how climate has affected every single major event ...

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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