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Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live

Rookie travel errors
Stupid Things We Do On The Road.
Peter A. Carrigan
It is those first 48 hours which are the most dangerous time for travellers. When you'll get ripped off, lose your keys, suffer gastroenteritis and do something stupid.
Taroko Gorge Hot Springs
Denni Schnapp in Taiwan
I had planned to spend a few days hiking in the area apparently starting with immediate effect.
Sojourn in Sopron
An Austro-Hungarian Border Town with Bite! John M. Edwards

During a week-long road trip from Budapest to Salzburg, I convinced my friend to make a stopover in one of my favorite foreign finds: Sopron
My Peck of Gold
Michael Chacko Daniels

There’s a memorial plaque on Market Street that I pay no heed when I wait for San Francisco’s California Street cable car

Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo On The Brink
James Campion 3.13.21
N.Y. Governor Clings to Power in Doomland
- The Me Too movement is now calling the shots in the Democratic Party, and what is considered “Locker Room Humor” or “Boys Being Boys” in Republican circles is anathema around these parts.
The Politics of Money
James Campion 3.06.21
The $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill
A Perspective

People are still hurting ... trust in politicians is shaken. Can you blame them?
Nomad care
Improving Healthcare Accessibility for Digital Nomads

Indiana Lee
Having sufficient healthcare coverage is no longer a choice for Americans. If you don’t acquire health insurance, you may face significant financial penalties come tax time.

Navy Brat
Katie Robison
“Oh, so you’re a Navy Brat.”
How many times has this label landed on me? The speaker’s eyes always light up, as if it’s some great revelation.
Wherever They Fit (and They Will)
Lauren Curry
My life one book at a time ...
Pink Girl
Trapped in Bubblegum Pink
Olivia Rosado

People say I shouldn’t be able to remember the accident so vividly, but I do.
Knowledge Overload? - Learn to Filter - Sara Troy 3.1.21
There is so much information out there, that it is hard to know what we should hear and what to dismiss.

REVIEWS Film & Books

About Writing a First Draft

Sam Hawksmoor
I have just finished the first draft of a new novel. Lockdown does wonders for the concentration, however this particular story started life quite a few years ago ...
The Hitcher of '46   
Martin Green

It was 1946. He was 17, a high school senior. He’d been let off on the main street of a small Midwestern town. It was mid-afternoon. He hadn’t eaten since the morning. 

The Guru will see you now

Sam Hawksmoor

The patient sat upright on the chair; bare feet planted squarely on the floor as instructed.  He was dressed in a pale blue hospital gown and seemed nervous. 

This is how thr world ends
This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends by Nicole Perlroth.

Charlie Dickinson review
Bloomsbury Publishing, New York,
Pub: 2.19. 2021.
Cyberwar- a chilling vison of our very near future

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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