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The International Writer's Magazine: Our 12th Year - March 2011
- Welcome
Discovering Guiengola
Andrew Dunlop
The sun has just risen over the arid western plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Wispy cirrus clouds tinged with the orange hues of dawn make a half-hearted attempt to stifle the growing heat of the day.
The Honeymoon Hunter of Dalat
Phillip Donnelly
Dalat is thought of fondly by most Vietnamese, in no small part because this is where they usually spend their honeymoons
Wild Boys in South East Asia
Ted O’Connor
I’ve just spent the past five weeks in Vietnam, Thailand and Laos. I’ll provide you with the highlights of a twenty year old romping about a beautiful part of the world with four of his best mates.
Unwind & relax in WindFlower, Bandipur
Marianne de Nazareth
If you love birds, the jungle, fresh air and good food, pack a pair of binoculars, some shorts and tees and head out to Wind Flower Tusker Trails resort in Bandipur, in the South of India.
Live for Adventure
Tabytha Towe
In last said piece I proclaimed that I needed to go away again like a desperate itch that simply won't die and it's true. When I wake up and think about what I want to work for, the idea of travel is my motivation. |
Panic in Spain
James Skinner
Panic. This is how I see the present situation in Spain resulting from the latest ‘off the cuff’ decisions taken by the Zapatero government to ease the continuing economic pain that this country is suffering.
The Cake has been Taken Pack Your Sanity In Your Old Kit Bag And Puke, Puke, Puke
James Campion
If you had a dime for every time a government official has used national security to railroad some segment of society, you'd never have to work again. The pitiable history of humanity is ripe with this kind of stench.
A Libyan tragic-comedy
Marwan Asmar
As we watch the Libyan drama unfold, it has become a Kamikaze theatrical as blood is spilled
The Perils of Gadaffi Duck
Dean Borok
Gadaffi is living exactly the same as I would if I were loaded
Development East & West
Do they need it?
Antonio Graceffo
Burma ethnics never wanted to be Thai citizens.
The Lost Generation on YouTube
The Sex Lives of Glowworms
(Waitomo, New Zealand)
John M. Edwards had no intention of conquering claustrophobia by going caving—until he remembered Pat Boone eating a giant mushroom in a Jules Verne film
Mexican adventure in a glass
Michelle Maciejewska
Suddenly thrown forward violently, but restrained by my seat belt from being propelled into the seat in front, my first thought was incongruously “For Christ’s sake, I don’t believe it. Now I’m in a bus crash in Mexico!”
A Walk in the Bogside: You are now entering Free Derry
Sara Marilungo
A visit to Derry means also a visit to one of the hubs of the history of Northern Ireland.
Piotr Wesolowski
I shall return here tomorrow, I promise to myself. I shall take one last glimpse of the awe inspiring Al-Khazneh.
Live in a Worker’s Paradise
The Myth of Communism
Antonio Graceffo
There were 171 people killed attempting to escape over the Berlin Wall. None were killed trying to go the other way.
Scam Mails & Fraudsters
Adewale T Akande
The internet makes it easier for scammers, con artists and other online miscreants to carry out their nefarious crimes |
Higher Calling
Jeannine M. Pitas
I have a rosary to remind me of you. A rosary and a picture of a beautiful dark-haired, blue-robed lady surrounded by beams of light – the Virgin of Guadalupe. It’s a pity that I don’t remember you giving them to me.
The Nature of the Universe
Michael Hoffman
“By the way. I have a confession to make. I stole 1000 yen from your wallet the other day.”
Sam's Debt
Charlie Bowers
The little boy stood on his toes as he peered in, his mouth hanging wide open. The mounds of silver coins reflected in his eyes, and his nose was upturned, pressed against the glass.
Andy Peake
You finally answered – took your time, didn’t you? Can’t say I blame you. Look, I had to phone. I don’t have many options, see..?
The Confirmed Bachelor of the Bombay YMCA
Michael Chacko Daniels
Headmaster D’Silva planted gold-rimmed spectacles at the tip of his long nose on a sultry, pre-monsoon day in 1957. His light brown eyes swept our classroom.
Martin Green
They had a tacit agreement that the fewer the people who knew about their lunches the better
Hanging By A Thread
David Calleja
“School is prison for the mind”; these were the words inscribed in blue ink across Col’s English exercise book in 1988. He seemed destined to be dragged through high school labelled a nerd.
Barney Whittaker
Morrison put his hand to the dirty wall, felt the cold rushing air of the Swedish mid-winter and crouched silently in the doorway
Lacy Lalonde
She decided to make a cup of tea before she hung herself, as if it was any other day. She wanted to think it through, make sure she was making the right decision.
El Jinetero
Barbara Torresi
The sky was hurtful to watch, a flat distension of grey steel threatening to hang over his head like a divine chastisement throughout the northern winter |
A Year Without Autumn by Liz Kessler
Orion’s Childrens Books
Pub: 7th April 2011
Jan Carr review
Autumn is Jenni’s best friend. Her family have a timeshare in the same place as Jenni’s and they meet there every year, same week. The story takes places over three time share holiday weeks, but for Jenni, thanks to a time travelling lift, it takes just three increasingly horrid days.
Glo-America on Parade
James Campion on The Kings Speech & The Social Network
The Oscars is the only award show worth watching, an annual fury of unchecked wagering (some larger than others) on the outcomes of Best Costume, Most Likely to Gaffer or some such.
The Development of Cross Gender Spectatorship Theory: A Survey of Contemporary Theory and its Application
Etan Jonathan Ilfeld
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
exploring life or its approximation
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- Our Eleventh year on line
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is a non-profit , non-paying journal
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