Abigail George
She frustrates me like a blue fly I cannot swat, gut or trap.
Mirror, Mirror...
Oswaldo Jimenez
Annabelle walked into her tiny bathroom and stood before the full-length mirror with the same resignation of Joan of Arc waiting for the executioner to light a fire beneath her. |
My Cecily Infatuation
Martin Green
I was 25 when I came to San Francisco from New York City, got a job as researcher in an ad agency, started going to parties and became infatuated with Cecile Thornton.

The Repercussions of Tomas D
The Imperial Culture Museum
The Making of a Hero
We're reading: The Future of Geography by Tim Marshall
James Morford
Even for those raised on Hollywood films, the evidence of a hard, cruel man, such as Hernando Cortez, leading a tiny band that brought to heel the Aztec empire, staggers the imagination.

Fairies, Princesses & Heroines:
Chris Mills
There are times when you could be forgiven for thinking that publishers have very little imagination when it comes to the subject matter of books for girls in the 6-10 years bracket.