Nashville Skyline
Duncan Shaw
So, why was I going to Nashville? Why would I try for a year to make this happen: after two prior dates didn't work out, I made sure the third time was the charm, but why?
Volkswagen, Vagabond, Vistas
Lloyd Ryan Beere
What I may have originally thought a hoax turned out to be one of the greatest and most fulfilling things I have done alone
Morro de Sao Paulo
Annie Lalla in Brazil
There are no cars here. You walk everywhere by foot. All transport of goods is accomplished by wheelbarrows marked "Taxi"
on the side with unintentional humour.
The Ghost of Henry
D. Lehman
This is
the fruit of solitude, the true travel. An hour passes like a breath |

The Kim Jong-Un Show
James Campion
+Readers Comments
A North Korean leader meets with a U.S president and it is one of the most flaccid, useless, innocuous occurrences in the grandest tradition of photo-op, international politics.
The Lost Children of America
James Campion
It is June of 2018 in the United States of America. Right now 550 children have been stripped from their parents and are being detained in over-crowded border stations funded by your tax dollars.

Topsy-Turvy in Spain
James Skinner
Political chaos in Spain after PP corruption convictions. Sr. Barcenas gets 33 years for his crimes. PM Sanchez and the Socialists take power.

A Close Shave
Lionel Darmendrail
Surviving a heart attack in France 2018
While getting to our car in the alley, I felt a characteristic pain at the top of my chest ...
Story from an Old Guy
Martin Green
I’ll try to write something about how it feels to be a really old guy pushing 90. When you’re at that advanced age, you can expect something to happen at any time --- a fall, a stroke, a heart attack.
The United Trump of Trump
James Campion
We’re Citizens of Trump Enterprises - Historians will marvel that we made it through it all. But we will. Because we are Americans. We have survived worse. Not as stupid, mind you, but worse.