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The International Writer's Magazine: Our 12th Year - June 2011 - Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
Fully fledged kick in the head
Colin Todhunter

Sleepless on the bed, jetlagged in a daze. Checked in to the hotel. Filled in this form, that form and got my key. My very own piece of metal. Personal passport to solitude.
Shooting Ubuntu
David Beaumont

Having paid the money for an afternoon and night in the townships with some trepidation,  I wonder whether I’ll be pleasantly surprised or just mortified?
Choosing Wine in France
Paul-Christian Markovski

I had a premonition that to buy wine in Lyon would be a different experience. And I was not let down.
News from Nowhere: Going Gonzo on the Gold Coast of Ghana
John M Edwards
John M. Edwards Battles Golf-Ball-Sized Bugs and Meets Seasoned Adventurers Skilled in the Art of Bad Trips
Full Circle along the Mother Road
Duncan Shaw

In the heat of an American summer, in the wake of the Great Recession, we set out on a road trip west with Sophie, Helena, Fiona, and Violet
A pilgrimage to Mecca
Marwan Asmar
High-minded, upright, gracious, dignified, stately, awesome pictures travelling between my body, mind and soul, it's inexplicable

The Courtship of Chris Christie
James Campion
Desperate Republicans Beg New Jersey Governor to Beat Obama

Christie has been governor for a little over a year and has done so in the very opposite manner of quietly.
Who will control Somali Pirates?
Marianne de Nazareth

Every once in a while for a week there will be stories on CNN, IBN, the BBC, or in our regular mainstream print media about a ship being attacked off the coast of Somalia and taken hostage.
Time's Up in Spain
James Skinner

There is mayhem within the Socialist Party (PSOE) whilst the opposition sits back and contemplates its navel.

Shan Refugees in Malaysia
(Parts 2 & 3)

Antonio Graceffo

For many Shan, suffering inside of Burma, escaping to Malaysia would be an unobtainable dream

Peaceful Withdrawal with Honor (Part 1)
Last Days in Saigon
Antonio Graceffo
Tet was the beginning of my own defeat in Vietnam
Newsletter from Marrakech City of Contrasts 
Patricia Lebaud

Summer was even too hot for the birds to lift their wings

Into the Wind – Engine Free Flying in Southern California
Lesley Boutilier

Amelia Earhart once said, “Adventure is worthwhile in its self.”  This belief encouraged me to try the engine-free flight options in southern California
If I Can Do It, You Can Do It
Josephine Green

I bought proper running shoes for the first time this year; the cheap variety. Even at that point the thought of running half a marathon in China was unreal
On Mayan Time
Janelle Brandon

Silence surrounded us as we were the only souls present that day. Energy vibrated with centuries of history buried deep within every crevice. 
Share strawberries in Berlin
Marianne de Nazareth

Discover Berlin in Springtime

The Next Big Backpacker Destinations
Tom Coote

Adventurous budget travellers will go to places that remain untouched by package deals
Discover Northampton
Joanna Snow

So much to interest on my journey round the hidden corners of this beautiful county
Postcard from Soweto, January 1999
David Calleja
Memories of a homestay in South Africa
Brutish Beasts
Dean Boro
Morality and the Chemical Defense in the USA
REVIEWS Film & Books
Poppy’s lesson
Chris Castle

Eddie saw her coming, red and white jumper like an old fashioned sweet. Big red hoops earrings, jeans, hair tied back in a pony tail. What she always wore for her lesson

The Hour
Daniel Beaudoin
The Hour approaches.
A few deep breaths may do the trick

Sacremento Summer

Parker had always thought that the summer heat in Sacramento made every bad thing that happened ten times worse, which was the way he now felt about his wife.
The Fountain 
O. Jimenez

“I'm secretly in love with a married man.”

The Thief
Jerry Guarino

“Hurry, that construction crew won’t be here all day.  Cholo, stop playing with that makeup and look for jewelry.”
J. Kaval

The sun was already up in the sky and the earth was feeling its warmth. I was on the way from my village Guniagrahara towards the city
Winchester Writers Conference 2011 - Enroll now and improve your chances of getting published -35 workshops, 60 lectures, 500 one-to-one appointments and 18 writing competitions. 2nd July
Life, Literature and the Europeans
Allen Gibson

It is a wet and dreary Sunday morning. Cool rain trickling down, birds chirping, green everywhere. The May long weekend – a bank holiday, as the English would say. And I find myself in a very unusual position, reading European literature
The Nemesis that also faced Sylvia Plath
Abigail George

This is how I remember Helen Maartens. The Magi with their camels and the Owl House; their tethers tug like flame at my heartstrings and I wonder about her wounds, her coy magical healing, did she ever prepare a delicious, warm cake for her friend, that social worker that Fugard spoke so highly of
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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