Israel - 2020 - Life in a time before the virus - Tabytha Towe
If ever there was a top 5 for places to travel, Israel was always high on that list. And man, am I grateful I made it at the beginning of this year before the Covid-19 lockdown

Sam North
I am not sure whether you go to Venice for the history or romance,
but we all have reasons to go there and
go there one must.

The First-Class Experience
Todd M Clayton Jr 7.17.20
Before this pandemic hit the world, I travelled the world First-Class and I wanted to share my experience with new travellers and other people.
The House is On Fire
James Campion 7.16.20
Douse the Flames, Save the Property, Worry About Politics Later - The current president is presiding over a three-alarm fire. The entire country – domestic, health, economic, moral, legal and foreign affairs are a complete and utter disaster.
William Barr's Criminal Syndicate
James Campion
The Systemic Anarchy of The Final Days of Trump - In the past year, Barr has flouted the very foundation of law because in the certain circles Barr and Trump are the law.

Things that I think about when I water the hydrangeas.
Is sudden retirement about to happen to you?
New York
Matt Allison
couple of months ago after years of knowing of this historical
novel, I had Naked Lunch in my backpack. Waiting for a
subway in Queens I opened this novel and read the first few pages...

Gabriela Davies
Life is too short to work a full year with no holiday, and
sick days just dont do the trick.
Julia Reynolds
Today I spent a sunny morning doing a bit of housework, picking
flowers from the garden to brighten up the house, then walking
down to Parangha Beach, Mykonos, Greece for a chilly
swim and a little time to myself for reflection.
Trip to Hel
Anita Sheard
I can honestly
and truly say that I have been to Hel, and back.