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The International Writers Magazine:Jenny Brown

Read Jenny Brown's Brighton Blog
Jenny Brown

Hello and welcome to my blog! I hope you’ll find plenty of
entertaining musings here about all things Brighton. I’m a freelance
writer/videographer with a fascination for people, travel, animals,
fashion, food, and more importantly, Brighton!

Although I was born in Vancouver Canada, I have traveled back and
forth between Brighton and Vancouver (with a 4 -year spell in New
Zealand) many times over the past 39 years. Half of my life is in
England (friends and family), and the other half live in Vancouver
(rest of my family plus my partner, Richard).

I’m returning to Brighton again for an open-ended working holiday. The plan is to spend some more time with my fabulous family and friends, and particularly my Granny, who just turned 90. Granny is a third-generation Brightonian and I always love to hear her stories of growing up in Brighton in the good old days. Plus she loves to feed people, and I love to eat her wonderful food, so it will be a great combination. Please enjoy these observations and tidbits, and if you’re a Brightonian yourself or you just love this wonderful city, I’d be thrilled to hear your stories too!

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